Isis 2 Documentation
ISIS INSTALLATION GUIDE Last Updated July 14, 2006
NOTE: For the strong of heart and/or to get the short version documentation of the ISIS installation script, type:
Or, click on the following link:
If you decide to use Quick Start instead of the following instructions, hold onto your hats, and don't call us for help when you run into trouble. Good Luck.
For the rest of you sane people, this document describes how to obtain the various components of the ISIS software system, how to install the components of the system, how to do the setup necessary to run the system, and where to obtain more documentation on the system.
The following sections describe the components needed in order for ISIS to operate properly on your computer system. Please read each section carefully to reduce problems during the installation procedure and when utilizing ISIS.
The USGS Astrogeology Team supports ISIS under the requirements given below. WARNING: Failure to meet these requirements may render ISIS unusable.
We have run extensive tests of ISIS binaries built on PC (Intel/AMD chipsets) under SuSE 9.0. The binaries have been successfully tested on the following Linux distributions:
RedHat 9 RedHat Enterprise Linux WS Release 3 RedHat Enterprise Linux WS Release 4 SuSE 8.2 SuSE 9.0 SuSE 9.3 SuSE 10.0 SuSE 10.1
* * Note that other Linux distributions may work but have not been tested.
After evaluating the four Linux distributions above, we have selected SuSE 9.0 for the Linux reference system for ISIS 2.1 and 3.0. SuSE 9.0 has the following system components:
Kernel.............2.4.21-99 gcc-g77-g++........3.3.1-24 glibc..............2.3.2-88 ncurses............5.3-110 perl...............5.8.1-46 IDL................6.0 (optional)
ISIS was built under Solaris 9 on UltraSparc Sun-Fire-V210 hardware using the GNU FORTRAN, C, and C++ compilers with the following components:
SunOS 5.9..........Generic_112233-08 gcc-g77-g++........3.3 libc...............11.2 ncurses............5.3 perl...............5.6.1 Motif..............2.1.2 IDL................6.0 (optional)
ISIS 2.1 was build using Mac OS X version10.3.3 on PowerPC G4 hardware. It has been known to run on G5 hardware also. It was built using the following components:
Kernel............. Darwin 7.3.0 (or above) gcc-g++.............3.3 20030304 (Build 1640) g77.................3.5.0 20040429 (experimental) perl................5.8.1 Apple X11...........1.0 Xfree86.............4.3.0 OpenMotif...........2.2.4 IDL................6.0 (optional)
Fortran and C compilers are only required when you plan to develop software under the ISIS environment.
It is possible the binaries provided with the ISIS distribution will run on higher versions of these operating systems (or other operating systems such as SuSE 7.3) however, it is not guaranteed or fully supported.
Fortran and C compilers are only required when you plan to develop software under the ISIS environment.
Perl executables need to be located in /usr/bin. If you have Perl installed in a different directory you need to set up a link between your location and /usr/bin/perl. To accomplish this, you need to determine the absolute path name of your Perl executables. Then type the following at the command line:
This will estabish a softlink between our perl scripts and your Perl exectables. If you don't have root priviledges you will have to see your Sys-Admin person to execute this command.
If you are not intending to use the Perl scripts within ISIS (presently used
mainly for MGS/MOC image processing) you will be given the option to install
ISIS without creating the link described in the last paragraph. Simply type
"yes" when prompted "Do you want to continue without PERL?
ISISR including executable bin 248 MB TAE 7 MB Standard data 523 MB PGPLOT source and executables 12 MB
Optional components require the following disk storage:
ISIS source code 51 MB NAIF toolkit (Version N0060) 176 MB Cassini data 3199 MB Clementine data 117 MB Galileo SSI and NIMS data 639 MB IMP Pathfinder data 15 MB Lunar Orbiter 3 MB Mariner 10 data 263 MB Mariner 9 data 42 MB Mars Global Surveyor data 5581 MB Mars Exploration Rover data 5042 MB (Currently unavailable) Mars Express 1259 MB Mars Odyssey (THEMIS) data 3148 MB NEAR data 64 MB Viking data 253 MB Voyager data 212 MB
The source code and NAIF toolkit are needed if you plan to develop software under the ISIS system.
The data elements (SPICE kernels and calibration files) are needed if you plan to work with a particular mission.
ATTENTION ISIS DEVELOPERS: If you already have an older version of ISIS on your system, it is highly recommended (but not absolutely necessary) you perform a backup and install the new version in an empty directory. If you choose to overwrite an existing ISIS system, the new installation will overwrite any development modifications you may have made to your existing system.
"rsync" works by comparing the ISIS files on your system to the ISIS files we have on our system. If the utility finds that your system is out of date it will download only those files that have been modified to your system. This will allow you to stay current with every change we make to ISIS.
To run "rsync" you must have it installed on your system. If you do not already have this utility installed, you can find it at:
Once it is installed you are ready to download ISIS. At the command line type:
rsync -az .
This will transfer the ISIS install script (isis_install) and the install script readme file.
Next you up need to create the isis_cfg file. This file contains the path names to the various ISIS directories. As you progress through the install script you will define the path for each directory you download. These path will then be assigned to the particular ISIS environment variables. To initiate the script type:
./isis_install sync makestartup
Your return should look something like this:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sync Option Selected `isis_cfg` file does not exist. Use current ISIS environment variables to build `isis_cfg` (yes/no/exit)? [no] - > n *** Minimum required ISIS settings have not been entered. *** Current ISIS config settings base kit (required) 1) ISIS executables ........ IS NOT SET 2) TAE executables ........ IS NOT SET 3) ISIS common data tree ... IS NOT SET 4) PGPLOT src & exe ........ IS NOT SET dev kit 5) ISIS source tree ........ IS NOT SET 6) NAIF src & exe .......... IS NOT SET data kits 7) Cassini ................. IS NOT SET 8) Clementine .............. IS NOT SET 9) Galileo ................. IS NOT SET 10) IMP - Pathfinder ........ IS NOT SET 11) Lunar Orbiter ........... IS NOT SET 12) Mars Odyssey............. IS NOT SET 13) Mariner 9 ............... IS NOT SET 14) Mariner 10 .............. IS NOT SET 15) Mars Exploration Rover .. IS NOT SET 16) Mars Express ............ IS NOT SET 17) Mars Global Surveyor .... IS NOT SET 18) NEAR Shoemaker .......... IS NOT SET 19) VIKING 1 & 2 ............ IS NOT SET 20) Voyager ................. IS NOT SET Modify Current ISIS configuration (exit/no/{yes=all} 1 2 3 ...)? [no] -> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
To run the required minimum ISIS installation (the executable directory - isisr/, the basic data directory - data/, and the TAE directory - /tae) you will need to type "1 2 3". If you plan to work with specific mission data, such as Clementine, MGS, Pathfinder, etc, you will need to install the proper mission specific distribution kits. To install data identify, which ones you want by the associated number and type in the numbers all in one line (space delimited) or type "yes" to install the entire ISIS package.
Once you have defined all the path names you need for your ISIS installation, the script will automatically create the path directories and then download the ISIS files associated with those path names.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You must have "write" permissions to the directories you have defined the script will exit with an error.
Finally, the script will generate two files, isis_cshrc and isis_profile, in the current working directory. When the script is done, the commands contained in these files should be placed in the users .cshrc or .profile file or in a system-wide startup file. Make sure to place them after any IDL initializations.
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