Isis 3 Programmer Reference
1#ifndef Qisis_AdvancedTrackTool_h
2#define Qisis_AdvancedTrackTool_h
10/* SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 */
12// The only includes allowed in this file are the direct parents of this class!
13#include "Tool.h"
14#include <QList>
15#include <QString>
17class QAction;
19namespace Isis {
21 class TableMainWindow;
22 class MdiCubeViewport;
91 class AdvancedTrackTool : public Tool {
94 public:
96 void addTo(QMenu *menu);
97 void addToPermanent(QToolBar *perm);
98 bool eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e);
100 public slots:
101 virtual void mouseMove(QPoint p);
102 virtual void mouseLeave();
103 void record(QPoint p);
105 protected:
112 QString menuName() const {
113 return "&Options";
114 };
116 private slots:
117 void updateRow(QPoint p);
118 void updateRow(MdiCubeViewport *cvp, QPoint p, int row);
119 void record();
120 void updateID();
121 void TrackMosaicOrigin(MdiCubeViewport *cvp, int piLine, int piSample,
122 int &piOrigin, QString &psSrcFileName,
123 QString &psSrcSerialNum);
124 void helpDialog();
126 private:
127 void readSettings();
128 void writeSettings();
129 QString settingsFilePath() const;
130 int getIndex(QString keyword);
132 // Used to store information about each check box to later add to the table
133 // New entries can be added anywhere in the QList.
134 // Format: QList<QString>({<Header>, <onByDefault>, <menuText>, <toolTip>}) <<
135 // If a toolTip is not needed, use "".
136 QList<QList<QString> > checkBoxItems = QList< QList<QString> >() <<
137 QList<QString>({"Id", "false", "Id", ""}) <<
138 QList<QString>({"Sample:Line", "true", "Sample:Line", ""}) <<
139 QList<QString>({"Band", "false", "Band", ""}) <<
140 QList<QString>({"Pixel", "true", "Pixel", ""}) <<
141 QList<QString>({"Planetocentric Latitude", "true", "Planetocentric Lat", ""}) <<
142 QList<QString>({"Planetographic Latitude", "false", "Planetographic Lat", ""}) <<
143 QList<QString>({"360 Positive East Longitude", "true", "360 East Longitude", ""}) <<
144 QList<QString>({"360 Positive West Longitude", "false", "360 West Longitude", ""}) <<
145 QList<QString>({"180 Positive East Longitude", "true", "180 East Longitude", ""}) <<
146 QList<QString>({"180 Positive West Longitude", "false", "180 West Longitude", ""}) <<
147 QList<QString>({"Projected X:Projected Y", "false", "Projected X:Projected Y",
148 "X and Y values for a projected image"}) <<
149 QList<QString>({"Local Radius", "false", "Radius", ""}) <<
150 QList<QString>({"Point X:Point Y:Point Z", "false", "XYZ",
151 "The X, Y, and Z of surface intersection in body-fixed coordinates"}) <<
152 QList<QString>({"Right Ascension:Declination", "false", "Ra:Dec",
153 "Right Ascension and Declination"}) <<
154 QList<QString>({"Resolution", "false", "Resolution", ""}) <<
155 QList<QString>({"Oblique Pixel Resolution", "false", "Oblique Pixel Res", ""}) <<
156 QList<QString>({"Phase", "false", "Phase", ""}) <<
157 QList<QString>({"Incidence", "false", "Incidence", ""}) <<
158 QList<QString>({"Emission", "false", "Emission", ""}) <<
159 QList<QString>({"LocalIncidence", "false", "LocalIncidence", ""}) <<
160 QList<QString>({"LocalEmission", "false", "LocalEmission", ""}) <<
161 QList<QString>({"North Azimuth", "false", "North Azimuth", ""}) <<
162 QList<QString>({"Sun Azimuth", "false", "Sun Azimuth", ""}) <<
163 QList<QString>({"Solar Longitude", "false", "Solar Longitude", ""}) <<
164 QList<QString>({"Spacecraft X:Spacecraft Y:Spacecraft Z", "false", "Spacecraft Position",
165 "The X, Y, and Z of the spacecraft position"}) <<
166 QList<QString>({"Spacecraft Azimuth", "false", "Spacecraft Azimuth", ""}) <<
167 QList<QString>({"Slant Distance", "false", "Slant Distance", ""}) <<
168 QList<QString>({"Focal Plane X:Focal Plane Y", "false", "Focal Plane X:Y", ""}) <<
169 QList<QString>({"Undistorted Focal X:Undistorted Focal Y:Undistorted Focal Z",
170 "false", "Undistorted Focal Plane X:Y:Z", ""}) <<
171 QList<QString>({"Ephemeris Time", "false", "Ephemeris iTime", ""}) <<
172 QList<QString>({"Local Solar Time", "false", "Local Solar iTime", ""}) <<
173 QList<QString>({"UTC", "false", "UTC", "Internal time in UTC format"}) <<
174 QList<QString>({"Path", "false", "Path", ""}) <<
175 QList<QString>({"FileName", "false", "FileName", ""}) <<
176 QList<QString>({"Serial Number", "false", "Serial Number", ""}) <<
177 QList<QString>({"Track Mosaic Index", "false", "Track Mosaic Index", ""}) <<
178 QList<QString>({"Track Mosaic FileName", "false", "Track Mosaic FileName", ""}) <<
179 QList<QString>({"Track Mosaic Serial Number", "false", "Track Mosaic Serial Number", ""}) <<
180 QList<QString>({"Notes", "false", "Notes", ""});
184 int p_id;
187 };
Tool to display info for a point on a cube.
TableMainWindow * p_tableWin
The table window.
bool eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e)
An event filter that calls methods on certain events.
void readSettings()
Read this tool's preserved state.
int getIndex(QString keyword)
This method finds the index of the header in checkBoxItems by looping through checkBoxItems,...
void addToPermanent(QToolBar *perm)
This method adds the action to bring up the track tool to the permanent tool bar.
void addTo(QMenu *menu)
This method adds the action to bring up the track tool to the menu.
QAction * p_action
Action to bring up the track tool.
void helpDialog()
This method creates a dialog box that shows help tips.
void writeSettings()
Write out this tool's preserved state between runs.
void updateID()
This method updates the record ID.
bool m_showHelpOnStart
True to show dialog When tool is started.
QString menuName() const
This method returns the menu name associated with this tool.
void updateRow(QPoint p)
This method updates the row with data from the point given.
QString settingsFilePath() const
Generate the correct path for the config file.
virtual void mouseMove(QPoint p)
This method is called when the mouse has moved across the viewport and updates the row accordingly.
void record()
This method records data to the current row.
int p_numRows
The number of rows in the table.
virtual void mouseLeave()
This method is called when the mouse leaves the viewport and clears any rows accordingly.
AdvancedTrackTool(QWidget *parent)
Constructs an AdvancedTrackTool object.
void TrackMosaicOrigin(MdiCubeViewport *cvp, int piLine, int piSample, int &piOrigin, QString &psSrcFileName, QString &psSrcSerialNum)
TrackMosaicOrigin - Given the pointer to Cube and line and sample index, finds the origin of the mosa...
Cube display widget for certain Isis MDI applications.
a subclass of the qisis mainwindow, tablemainwindow handles all of the table tasks.
Base class for the Qisis tools.
Definition Tool.h:67
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition Apollo.h:16