Isis 3 Programmer Reference
6/* SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 */
7#include "Projection.h"
9#include <QObject>
11#include <cfloat>
12#include <cmath>
13#include <iomanip>
14#include <sstream>
15#include <vector>
17#include <SpiceUsr.h>
19#include "Constants.h"
20#include "Displacement.h"
21#include "FileName.h"
22#include "IException.h"
23#include "IString.h"
24#include "Longitude.h"
25#include "NaifStatus.h"
26#include "Pvl.h"
27#include "PvlGroup.h"
28#include "PvlKeyword.h"
29#include "RingPlaneProjection.h"
30#include "SpecialPixel.h"
31#include "TProjection.h"
32#include "WorldMapper.h"
34using namespace std;
35namespace Isis {
91 Projection::Projection(Pvl &label) : m_mappingGrp("Mapping") {
92 try {
93 // Try to read the mapping group
94 m_mappingGrp = label.findGroup("Mapping", Pvl::Traverse);
96 // TODO** Try to generalize these to keep in parent Projection class and use for both azimuth and longitude
97 // Get the RingLongitudeDomain or LongitudeDomain
98 // if ((string) m_mappingGrp["LongitudeDomain"] == "360") {
99 // m_longitudeDomain = 360;
100 // }
101 // else if ((string) m_mappingGrp["LongitudeDomain"] == "180") {
102 // m_longitudeDomain = 180;
103 // }
104 // else {
105 // IString msg = "Projection failed. Invalid value for keyword "
106 // "[LongitudeDomain] must be [180 or 360]";
107 // throw IException(IException::Unknown, msg, _FILEINFO_);
108 // }
110 // Get the map rotation
111 m_rotation = 0.0;
112 if (m_mappingGrp.hasKeyword("Rotation")) {
113 m_rotation = m_mappingGrp["Rotation"];
114 }
116 // Initialize miscellaneous protected data elements
117 m_good = false;
119 m_pixelResolution = 1.0;
120 if (m_mappingGrp.hasKeyword("PixelResolution")) {
121 m_pixelResolution = m_mappingGrp["PixelResolution"];
122 }
124 m_minimumX = DBL_MAX;
125 m_maximumX = -DBL_MAX;
126 m_minimumY = DBL_MAX;
127 m_maximumY = -DBL_MAX;
129 m_mapper = NULL;
131 m_sky = false;
132 if (m_mappingGrp.hasKeyword("TargetName")) {
133 QString str = m_mappingGrp["TargetName"];
134 if (str.toUpper() == "SKY") m_sky = true;
135 }
137 // initialize the rest of the x,y,lat,lon member variables
138 m_x = Null;
139 m_y = Null;
140 }
141 catch(IException &e) {
142 QString msg = "Projection failed. Invalid label group [Mapping]";
143 throw IException(e, IException::Unknown, msg, _FILEINFO_);
144 }
145 }
149 delete m_mapper;
150 m_mapper = NULL;
151 }
163 if (Resolution() != proj.Resolution()) return false;
164 if (Name() != proj.Name()) return false;
165 return true;
166 }
179 return !(*this == proj);
180 }
189 m_projectionType = ptype;
190 }
199 return m_projectionType;
200 }
208 bool Projection::IsSky() const {
209 return m_sky;
210 }
223 return false;
224 }
233 // bool Projection::IsPositiveEast() const {
234 // return m_longitudeDirection == PositiveEast;
235 // }
244 // bool Projection::IsPositiveWest() const {
245 // return m_longitudeDirection == PositiveWest;
246 // }
256 // string Projection::LongitudeDirectionString() const {
257 // if (m_longitudeDirection == PositiveEast) return "PositiveEast";
258 // return "PositiveWest";
259 // }
268 // bool Projection::Has180Domain() const {
269 // return m_longitudeDomain == 180;
270// }
279 // bool Projection::Has360Domain() const {
280 // return m_longitudeDomain == 360;
281 // }
293 // double Projection::To180Domain(const double lon) {
294 // if (lon == Null) {
295 // throw IException(IException::Unknown,
296 // "Unable to convert to 180 degree domain. The given longitude value ["
297 // + IString(lon) + "] is invalid.",
298 // _FILEINFO_);
299 // }
300 // return Isis::Longitude(lon, Angle::Degrees).force180Domain().degrees();
301 // }
311 // double Projection::To360Domain(const double lon) {
312 // if (lon == Null) {
313 // throw IException(IException::Unknown,
314 // "Unable to convert to 360 degree domain. The given longitude value ["
315 // + IString(lon) + "] is invalid.",
316 // _FILEINFO_);
317 // }
318 // double result = lon;
320 // if ( (lon < 0.0 || lon > 360.0) &&
321 // !qFuzzyCompare(lon, 0.0) && !qFuzzyCompare(lon, 360.0)) {
322 // result = Isis::Longitude(lon, Angle::Degrees).force360Domain().degrees();
323 // }
325 // return result;
326 // }
334 // string Projection::LongitudeDomainString() const {
335 // if (m_longitudeDomain == 360) return "360";
336 // return "180";
337 // }
350 return m_groundRangeGood;
351 }
359 double Projection::Rotation() const {
360 return m_rotation;
361 }
374 bool Projection::IsGood() const {
375 return m_good;
376 }
387 double Projection::XCoord() const {
388 return m_x;
389 }
400 double Projection::YCoord() const {
401 return m_y;
402 }
417 bool Projection::SetUniversalGround(const double coord1, const double coord2) {
418 if (coord1 == Null || coord2 == Null) {
419 m_good = false;
420 return m_good;
421 }
422 if (projectionType() == Triaxial) {
423 TProjection *tproj = (TProjection *) this;
424 return tproj->SetUniversalGround(coord1, coord2);
425 }
426 else {
428 return rproj->SetUniversalGround(coord1, coord2);
429 }
430 }
446 bool Projection::SetUnboundUniversalGround(const double coord1, const double coord2) {
447 if (coord1 == Null || coord2 == Null) {
448 m_good = false;
449 return m_good;
450 }
451 if (projectionType() == Triaxial) {
452 TProjection *tproj = (TProjection *) this;
453 return tproj->SetUnboundUniversalGround(coord1, coord2);
454 }
455 else {
457 return rproj->SetUniversalGround(coord1, coord2);
458 }
459 }
475 m_mapper = mapper;
476 }
497 bool Projection::SetWorld(const double worldX, const double worldY) {
498 double projectionX;
499 double projectionY;
501 if (m_mapper != NULL) {
502 projectionX = m_mapper->ProjectionX(worldX);
503 projectionY = m_mapper->ProjectionY(worldY);
504 }
505 else {
506 projectionX = worldX;
507 projectionY = worldY;
508 }
510 return SetCoordinate(projectionX, projectionY);
511 }
524 double Projection::WorldX() const {
525 if (m_mapper != NULL) {
526 return m_mapper->WorldX(m_x);
527 }
528 else {
529 return m_x;
530 }
531 }
544 double Projection::WorldY() const {
545 if (m_mapper != NULL) {
546 return m_mapper->WorldY(m_y);
547 }
548 else {
549 return m_y;
550 }
551 }
566 double Projection::ToWorldX(const double projectionX) const {
567 if (projectionX == Null) {
569 "Unable to convert to world x. The given x-value ["
570 + IString(projectionX) + "] is invalid.",
571 _FILEINFO_);
572 }
573 if (m_mapper != NULL) {
574 return m_mapper->WorldX(projectionX);
575 }
576 else {
577 return projectionX;
578 }
579 }
594 double Projection::ToWorldY(const double projectionY) const {
595 if (projectionY == Null) {
597 "Unable to convert to world y. The given y-value ["
598 + IString(projectionY) + "] is invalid.",
599 _FILEINFO_);
600 }
601 if (m_mapper != NULL) {
602 return m_mapper->WorldY(projectionY);
603 }
604 else {
605 return projectionY;
606 }
607 }
622 double Projection::ToProjectionX(const double worldX) const {
623 if (worldX == Null) {
625 "Unable to convert to projection x. The given x-value ["
626 + IString(worldX) + "] is invalid.",
627 _FILEINFO_);
628 }
629 if (m_mapper != NULL) {
630 return m_mapper->ProjectionX(worldX);
631 }
632 else {
633 return worldX;
634 }
635 }
650 double Projection::ToProjectionY(const double worldY) const {
651 if (worldY == Null) {
653 "Unable to convert to projection y. The given y-value ["
654 + IString(worldY) + "] is invalid.",
655 _FILEINFO_);
656 }
657 if (m_mapper != NULL) {
658 return m_mapper->ProjectionY(worldY);
659 }
660 else {
661 return worldY;
662 }
663 }
675 double Projection::Resolution() const {
676 if (m_mapper != NULL) {
677 return m_mapper->Resolution();
678 }
679 else {
680 return 1.0;
681 }
682 }
693 double Projection::ToHours(double angle) {
694 return angle / 15.0;
695 }
706 QString Projection::ToDMS(double angle) {
707 int iangle = (int)angle;
708 double mins = abs(angle - iangle) * 60.0;
709 int imins = (int)mins;
710 double secs = (mins - imins) * 60.0;
711 int isecs = (int)secs;
712 double frac = (secs - isecs) * 1000.0;
713 if (frac >= 1000.0) {
714 frac -= 1000.0;
715 isecs++;
716 }
717 if (isecs >= 60) {
718 isecs -= 60;
719 imins++;
720 }
721 if (imins >= 60) {
722 imins -= 60;
723 iangle++;
724 }
725 stringstream s;
726 s << iangle << " " << setw(2) << setfill('0')
727 << imins << "m " << setw(2) << setfill('0') << isecs << "." <<
728 setprecision(3) << frac << "s";
729 return s.str().c_str();
730 }
741 QString Projection::ToHMS(double angle) {
742 double tangle = angle;
743 while (tangle < 0.0) tangle += 360.0;
744 while (tangle > 360.0) tangle -= 360.0;
745 double hrs = ToHours(tangle);
746 int ihrs = (int)(hrs);
747 double mins = (hrs - ihrs) * 60.0;
748 int imins = (int)(mins);
749 double secs = (mins - imins) * 60.0;
750 int isecs = (int)(secs);
751 double msecs = (secs - isecs) * 1000.0;
752 int imsecs = (int)(msecs + 0.5);
753 if (imsecs >= 1000) {
754 imsecs -= 1000;
755 isecs++;
756 }
757 if (isecs >= 60) {
758 isecs -= 60;
759 imins++;
760 }
761 if (imins >= 60) {
762 imins -= 60;
763 ihrs++;
764 }
765 stringstream s;
766 s << setw(2) << setfill('0') << ihrs << "h " << setw(2) << setfill('0') <<
767 imins << "m " << setw(2) << setfill('0') << isecs << "." << imsecs << "s";
768 return s.str().c_str();
769 }
780 void Projection::SetComputedXY(double x, double y) {
781 if (x == Null || y == Null) {
782 m_good = false;
783 return;
784 }
785 if (m_rotation == 0.0) {
786 m_x = x;
787 m_y = y;
788 }
789 else {
790 double rot = m_rotation * PI / 180.0;
791 m_x = x * cos(rot) + y * sin(rot);
792 m_y = y * cos(rot) - x * sin(rot);
793 }
794 }
804 void Projection::SetXY(double x, double y) {
805 if (x == Null || y == Null) {
806 m_good = false;
807 }
808 m_x = x;
809 m_y = y;
810 return;
811 }
818 double Projection::GetX() const {
819 if (m_rotation == 0.0) return m_x;
820 double rot = m_rotation * PI / 180.0;
821 return m_x * cos(rot) - m_y * sin(rot);
822 }
829 double Projection::GetY() const {
830 if (m_rotation == 0.0) return m_y;
831 double rot = m_rotation * PI / 180.0;
832 return m_y * cos(rot) + m_x * sin(rot);
833 }
841 return m_pixelResolution;
842 }
845 // /**
846 // * This method is used to find the XY range for oblique aspect projections
847 // * (non-polar projections) by "walking" around each of the min/max lat/lon.
848 // *
849 // * @param minX Minimum x projection coordinate which covers the latitude
850 // * longitude range specified in the labels.
851 // * @param maxX Maximum x projection coordinate which covers the latitude
852 // * longitude range specified in the labels.
853 // * @param minY Minimum y projection coordinate which covers the latitude
854 // * longitude range specified in the labels.
855 // * @param maxY Maximum y projection coordinate which covers the latitude
856 // * longitude range specified in the labels.
857 // *
858 // * @return @b bool Indicates whether the method was successful.
859 // * @see XYRange()
860 // * @author Stephen Lambright
861 // * @internal
862 // * @history 2011-07-02 Jeannie Backer - Moved this code from
863 // * ObliqueCylindrical class to its own method here.
864 // */
865 // bool Projection::xyRangeOblique(double &minX, double &maxX,
866 // double &minY, double &maxY) {
867 // if (minX == Null || maxX == Null || minY == Null || maxY == Null) {
868 // return false;
869 // }
870 // //For oblique, we'll have to walk all 4 sides to find out min/max x/y values
871 // if (!HasGroundRange()) return false; // Don't have min/max lat/lon,
872 // //can't continue
874 // m_specialLatCases.clear();
875 // m_specialLonCases.clear();
877 // // First, search longitude for min X/Y
878 // double minFoundX1, minFoundX2;
879 // double minFoundY1, minFoundY2;
881 // // Search for minX between minlat and maxlat along minlon
882 // doSearch(MinimumLatitude(), MaximumLatitude(),
883 // minFoundX1, MinimumLongitude(), true, true, true);
884 // // Search for minX between minlat and maxlat along maxlon
885 // doSearch(MinimumLatitude(), MaximumLatitude(),
886 // minFoundX2, MaximumLongitude(), true, true, true);
887 // // Search for minY between minlat and maxlat along minlon
888 // doSearch(MinimumLatitude(), MaximumLatitude(),
889 // minFoundY1, MinimumLongitude(), false, true, true);
890 // // Search for minY between minlat and maxlat along maxlon
891 // doSearch(MinimumLatitude(), MaximumLatitude(),
892 // minFoundY2, MaximumLongitude(), false, true, true);
894 // // Second, search latitude for min X/Y
895 // double minFoundX3, minFoundX4;
896 // double minFoundY3, minFoundY4;
898 // // Search for minX between minlon and maxlon along minlat
899 // doSearch(MinimumLongitude(), MaximumLongitude(),
900 // minFoundX3, MinimumLatitude(), true, false, true);
901 // // Search for minX between minlon and maxlon along maxlat
902 // doSearch(MinimumLongitude(), MaximumLongitude(),
903 // minFoundX4, MaximumLatitude(), true, false, true);
904 // // Search for minY between minlon and maxlon along minlat
905 // doSearch(MinimumLongitude(), MaximumLongitude(),
906 // minFoundY3, MinimumLatitude(), false, false, true);
907 // // Search for minY between minlon and maxlon along maxlat
908 // doSearch(MinimumLongitude(), MaximumLongitude(),
909 // minFoundY4, MaximumLatitude(), false, false, true);
911 // // We've searched all possible minimums, go ahead and store the lowest
912 // double minFoundX5 = min(minFoundX1, minFoundX2);
913 // double minFoundX6 = min(minFoundX3, minFoundX4);
914 // m_minimumX = min(minFoundX5, minFoundX6);
916 // double minFoundY5 = min(minFoundY1, minFoundY2);
917 // double minFoundY6 = min(minFoundY3, minFoundY4);
918 // m_minimumY = min(minFoundY5, minFoundY6);
920 // // Search longitude for max X/Y
921 // double maxFoundX1, maxFoundX2;
922 // double maxFoundY1, maxFoundY2;
924 // // Search for maxX between minlat and maxlat along minlon
925 // doSearch(MinimumLatitude(), MaximumLatitude(),
926 // maxFoundX1, MinimumLongitude(), true, true, false);
927 // // Search for maxX between minlat and maxlat along maxlon
928 // doSearch(MinimumLatitude(), MaximumLatitude(),
929 // maxFoundX2, MaximumLongitude(), true, true, false);
930 // // Search for maxY between minlat and maxlat along minlon
931 // doSearch(MinimumLatitude(), MaximumLatitude(),
932 // maxFoundY1, MinimumLongitude(), false, true, false);
933 // // Search for maxY between minlat and maxlat along maxlon
934 // doSearch(MinimumLatitude(), MaximumLatitude(),
935 // maxFoundY2, MaximumLongitude(), false, true, false);
937 // // Search latitude for max X/Y
938 // double maxFoundX3, maxFoundX4;
939 // double maxFoundY3, maxFoundY4;
941 // // Search for maxX between minlon and maxlon along minlat
942 // doSearch(MinimumLongitude(), MaximumLongitude(),
943 // maxFoundX3, MinimumLatitude(), true, false, false);
944 // // Search for maxX between minlon and maxlon along maxlat
945 // doSearch(MinimumLongitude(), MaximumLongitude(),
946 // maxFoundX4, MaximumLatitude(), true, false, false);
947 // // Search for maxY between minlon and maxlon along minlat
948 // doSearch(MinimumLongitude(), MaximumLongitude(),
949 // maxFoundY3, MinimumLatitude(), false, false, false);
950 // // Search for maxY between minlon and maxlon along maxlat
951 // doSearch(MinimumLongitude(), MaximumLongitude(),
952 // maxFoundY4, MaximumLatitude(), false, false, false);
954 // // We've searched all possible maximums, go ahead and store the highest
955 // double maxFoundX5 = max(maxFoundX1, maxFoundX2);
956 // double maxFoundX6 = max(maxFoundX3, maxFoundX4);
957 // m_maximumX = max(maxFoundX5, maxFoundX6);
959 // double maxFoundY5 = max(maxFoundY1, maxFoundY2);
960 // double maxFoundY6 = max(maxFoundY3, maxFoundY4);
961 // m_maximumY = max(maxFoundY5, maxFoundY6);
963 // // Look along discontinuities for more extremes
964 // vector<double> specialLatCases = m_specialLatCases;
965 // for (unsigned int specialLatCase = 0;
966 // specialLatCase < specialLatCases.size();
967 // specialLatCase ++) {
968 // double minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
970 // // Search for minX between minlon and maxlon along latitude discontinuities
971 // doSearch(MinimumLongitude(), MaximumLongitude(),
972 // minX, specialLatCases[specialLatCase], true, false, true);
973 // // Search for minY between minlon and maxlon along latitude discontinuities
974 // doSearch(MinimumLongitude(), MaximumLongitude(),
975 // minY, specialLatCases[specialLatCase], false, false, true);
976 // // Search for maxX between minlon and maxlon along latitude discontinuities
977 // doSearch(MinimumLongitude(), MaximumLongitude(),
978 // maxX, specialLatCases[specialLatCase], true, false, false);
979 // // Search for maxX between minlon and maxlon along latitude discontinuities
980 // doSearch(MinimumLongitude(), MaximumLongitude(),
981 // maxY, specialLatCases[specialLatCase], false, false, false);
983 // m_minimumX = min(minX, m_minimumX);
984 // m_maximumX = max(maxX, m_maximumX);
985 // m_minimumY = min(minY, m_minimumY);
986 // m_maximumY = max(maxY, m_maximumY);
987 // }
989 // vector<double> specialLonCases = m_specialLonCases;
990 // for (unsigned int specialLonCase = 0;
991 // specialLonCase < specialLonCases.size();
992 // specialLonCase ++) {
993 // double minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
995 // // Search for minX between minlat and maxlat along longitude discontinuities
996 // doSearch(MinimumLatitude(), MaximumLatitude(),
997 // minX, specialLonCases[specialLonCase], true, true, true);
998 // // Search for minY between minlat and maxlat along longitude discontinuities
999 // doSearch(MinimumLatitude(), MaximumLatitude(),
1000 // minY, specialLonCases[specialLonCase], false, true, true);
1001 // // Search for maxX between minlat and maxlat along longitude discontinuities
1002 // doSearch(MinimumLatitude(), MaximumLatitude(),
1003 // maxX, specialLonCases[specialLonCase], true, true, false);
1004 // // Search for maxY between minlat and maxlat along longitude discontinuities
1005 // doSearch(MinimumLatitude(), MaximumLatitude(),
1006 // maxY, specialLonCases[specialLonCase], false, true, false);
1008 // m_minimumX = min(minX, m_minimumX);
1009 // m_maximumX = max(maxX, m_maximumX);
1010 // m_minimumY = min(minY, m_minimumY);
1011 // m_maximumY = max(maxY, m_maximumY);
1012 // }
1014 // m_specialLatCases.clear();
1015 // m_specialLonCases.clear();
1017 // // Make sure everything is ordered
1018 // if (m_minimumX >= m_maximumX) return false;
1019 // if (m_minimumY >= m_maximumY) return false;
1021 // // Return X/Y min/maxs
1022 // minX = m_minimumX;
1023 // maxX = m_maximumX;
1024 // minY = m_minimumY;
1025 // maxY = m_maximumY;
1027 // return true;
1028 // }
1067 // void Projection::doSearch(double minBorder, double maxBorder,
1068 // double &extremeVal, const double constBorder,
1069 // bool searchX, bool searchLongitude, bool findMin) {
1070 // if (minBorder == Null || maxBorder == Null || constBorder == Null) {
1071 // return;
1072 // }
1073 // const double TOLERANCE = m_pixelResolution/2;
1074 // const int NUM_ATTEMPTS = (unsigned int)DBL_DIG; // It's unsafe to go past
1075 // // this precision
1077 // double minBorderX, minBorderY, maxBorderX, maxBorderY;
1078 // int attempts = 0;
1080 // do {
1081 // findExtreme(minBorder, maxBorder, minBorderX, minBorderY, maxBorderX,
1082 // maxBorderY, constBorder, searchX, searchLongitude, findMin);
1083 // if (minBorderX == Null && maxBorderX == Null
1084 // && minBorderY == Null && maxBorderY == Null ) {
1085 // attempts = NUM_ATTEMPTS;
1086 // continue;
1087 // }
1088 // attempts ++;
1089 // }
1090 // while ((fabs(minBorderX - maxBorderX) > TOLERANCE
1091 // || fabs(minBorderY - maxBorderY) > TOLERANCE)
1092 // && (attempts < NUM_ATTEMPTS));
1093 // // check both x and y distance in case symmetry of map
1094 // // For example, if minBorderX = maxBorderX but minBorderY = -maxBorderY,
1095 // // these points may not be close enough.
1097 // if (attempts >= NUM_ATTEMPTS) {
1098 // // We zoomed in on a discontinuity because our range never shrank, this
1099 // // will need to be rechecked later.
1100 // // *min and max border should be nearly identical, so it doesn't matter
1101 // // which is used here
1102 // if (searchLongitude) {
1103 // m_specialLatCases.push_back(minBorder);
1104 // }
1105 // else {
1106 // m_specialLonCases.push_back(minBorder);
1107 // }
1108 // }
1110 // // These values will always be accurate, even over a discontinuity
1111 // if (findMin) {
1112 // if (searchX) extremeVal = min(minBorderX, maxBorderX);
1113 // else extremeVal = min(minBorderY, maxBorderY);
1114 // }
1115 // else {
1116 // if (searchX) extremeVal = max(minBorderX, maxBorderX);
1117 // else extremeVal = max(minBorderY, maxBorderY);
1118 // }
1119 // return;
1120 // }
1181 // void Projection::findExtreme(double &minBorder, double &maxBorder,
1182 // double &minBorderX, double &minBorderY,
1183 // double &maxBorderX, double &maxBorderY,
1184 // const double constBorder, bool searchX,
1185 // bool searchLongitude, bool findMin) {
1186 // if (minBorder == Null || maxBorder == Null || constBorder == Null) {
1187 // minBorderX = Null;
1188 // minBorderY = minBorderX;
1189 // minBorderX = minBorderX;
1190 // minBorderY = minBorderX;
1191 // return;
1192 // }
1193 // if (!searchLongitude && (fabs(fabs(constBorder) - 90.0) < DBL_EPSILON)) {
1194 // // it is impossible to search "along" a pole
1195 // setSearchGround(minBorder, constBorder, searchLongitude);
1196 // minBorderX = XCoord();
1197 // minBorderY = YCoord();
1198 // maxBorderX = minBorderX;
1199 // maxBorderY = minBorderY;
1200 // return;
1201 // }
1202 // // Always do 10 steps
1203 // const double STEP_SIZE = (maxBorder - minBorder) / 10.0;
1204 // const double LOOP_END = maxBorder + (STEP_SIZE / 2.0); // This ensures we do
1205 // // all of the steps
1206 // // properly
1207 // double currBorderVal = minBorder;
1208 // setSearchGround(minBorder, constBorder, searchLongitude);
1210 // // this makes sure that the initial currBorderVal is valid before entering
1211 // // the loop below
1212 // if (!m_good){
1213 // // minBorder = currBorderVal+STEP_SIZE < LOOP_END until setGround is good?
1214 // // then, if still not good return?
1215 // while (!m_good && currBorderVal <= LOOP_END) {
1216 // currBorderVal+=STEP_SIZE;
1217 // if (searchLongitude && (currBorderVal - 90.0 > DBL_EPSILON)) {
1218 // currBorderVal = 90.0;
1219 // }
1220 // setSearchGround(currBorderVal, constBorder, searchLongitude);
1221 // }
1222 // if (!m_good) {
1223 // minBorderX = Null;
1224 // minBorderY = minBorderX;
1225 // minBorderX = minBorderX;
1226 // minBorderY = minBorderX;
1227 // return;
1228 // }
1229 // }
1231 // // save the values of three consecutive steps from the minBorder towards
1232 // // the maxBorder along the constBorder. initialize these three border
1233 // // values (the non-constant lat or lon)
1234 // double border1 = currBorderVal;
1235 // double border2 = currBorderVal;
1236 // double border3 = currBorderVal;
1238 // // save the coordinate (x or y) values that correspond to the first
1239 // // two borders that are being saved.
1240 // // initialize these two coordinate values (x or y)
1241 // double value1 = (searchX) ? XCoord() : YCoord();
1242 // double value2 = value1;
1244 // // initialize the extreme coordinate value
1245 // // -- this is the largest coordinate value found so far
1246 // double extremeVal2 = value2;
1248 // // initialize the extreme border values
1249 // // -- these are the borders on either side of the extreme coordinate value
1250 // double extremeBorder1 = minBorder;
1251 // double extremeBorder3 = minBorder;
1253 // while (currBorderVal <= LOOP_END) {
1255 // // this conditional was added to prevent trying to SetGround with an
1256 // // invalid latitude greater than 90 degrees. There is no need check for
1257 // // latitude less than -90 since we start at the minBorder (already
1258 // // assumed to be valid) and step forward toward (and possibly past)
1259 // // maxBorder
1260 // if (searchLongitude && (currBorderVal - 90.0 > DBL_EPSILON)) {
1261 // currBorderVal = 90.0;
1262 // }
1264 // // update the current border value along constBorder
1265 // currBorderVal += STEP_SIZE;
1266 // setSearchGround(currBorderVal, constBorder, searchLongitude);
1267 // if (!m_good){
1268 // continue;
1269 // }
1271 // // update the border and coordinate values
1272 // border3 = border2;
1273 // border2 = border1;
1274 // border1 = currBorderVal;
1275 // value2 = value1;
1276 // value1 = (searchX) ? XCoord() : YCoord();
1278 // if ((findMin && value2 < extremeVal2)
1279 // || (!findMin && value2 > extremeVal2)) {
1280 // // Compare the coordinate value associated with the center border with
1281 // // the current extreme. If the updated coordinate value is more extreme
1282 // // (smaller or larger, depending on findMin), then we update the
1283 // // extremeVal and it's borders.
1284 // extremeVal2 = value2;
1286 // extremeBorder3 = border3;
1287 // extremeBorder1 = border1;
1288 // }
1289 // }
1291 // // update min/max border values to the values on either side of the most
1292 // // extreme coordinate found in this call to this method
1294 // minBorder = extremeBorder3; // Border 3 is lagging and thus smaller
1296 // // since the loop steps past the original maxBorder, we want to retain
1297 // // the original maxBorder value so we don't go outside of the original
1298 // // min/max range given
1299 // if (extremeBorder1 <= maxBorder ) {
1300 // maxBorder = extremeBorder1; // Border 1 is leading and thus larger
1301 // }
1303 // // update minBorder coordinate values
1304 // setSearchGround(minBorder, constBorder, searchLongitude);
1305 // // if (!m_good){
1306 // // this should not happen since minBorder has already been verified in
1307 // // the while loop above
1308 // // }
1310 // minBorderX = XCoord();
1311 // minBorderY = YCoord();
1313 // // update maxBorder coordinate values
1314 // setSearchGround(maxBorder, constBorder, searchLongitude);
1315 // // if (!m_good){
1316 // // this should not happen since maxBorder has already been verified in
1317 // // the while loop above
1318 // // }
1320 // maxBorderX = XCoord();
1321 // maxBorderY = YCoord();
1322 // return;
1323 // }
1347 // void Projection::setSearchGround(const double variableBorder,
1348 // const double constBorder,
1349 // bool variableIsLat) {
1350 // if (variableBorder == Null || constBorder == Null) {
1351 // return;
1352 // }
1353 // double lat, lon;
1354 // if (variableIsLat) {
1355 // lat = variableBorder;
1356 // lon = constBorder;
1357 // }
1358 // else {
1359 // lat = constBorder;
1360 // lon = variableBorder;
1361 // }
1362 // SetGround(lat, lon);
1363 // return;
1364 // }
1374 const Displacement &y) {
1375 PvlKeyword xKeyword("UpperLeftCornerX", toString(x.meters()), "meters");
1376 PvlKeyword yKeyword("UpperLeftCornerY", toString(y.meters()), "meters");
1377 m_mappingGrp.addKeyword(xKeyword,Pvl::Replace);
1378 m_mappingGrp.addKeyword(yKeyword,Pvl::Replace);
1379 }
1380} //end namespace isis
Displacement is a signed length, usually in meters.
double meters() const
Get the displacement in meters.
Isis exception class.
Definition IException.h:91
@ Unknown
A type of error that cannot be classified as any of the other error types.
Definition IException.h:118
Adds specific functionality to C++ strings.
Definition IString.h:165
Base class for Map Projections.
Definition Projection.h:155
double m_y
This contains the rotated Y coordinate for a specific projection at the position indicated by m_latit...
Definition Projection.h:339
static double ToHours(double angle)
Converts the given angle (in degrees) to hours by using the ratio 15 degrees per hour.
double ToWorldY(const double projectionY) const
This method converts a projection y value to a world y value.
virtual bool SetUniversalGround(const double coord1, const double coord2)
This method is used to set the lat/lon or radius/azimuth (i.e.
void SetWorldMapper(WorldMapper *mapper)
If desired the programmer can use this method to set a world mapper to be used in the SetWorld,...
double m_rotation
Rotation of map (usually zero)
Definition Projection.h:333
This enum defines the subclasses of Projection supported in Isis.
Definition Projection.h:166
@ Triaxial
These projections are used to map triaxial and irregular-shaped bodies.
Definition Projection.h:166
WorldMapper * m_mapper
This points to a mapper passed into the SetWorldMapper method.
Definition Projection.h:292
double Resolution() const
This method returns the resolution for mapping world coordinates into projection coordinates.
virtual bool operator==(const Projection &proj)
This method determines whether two map projection objects are equal by comparing the resolution,...
double XCoord() const
This returns the projection X provided SetGround, SetCoordinate, SetUniversalGround,...
double m_maximumX
See minimumX description.
Definition Projection.h:326
virtual bool SetWorld(const double x, const double y)
This method is used to set a world coordinate.
virtual ~Projection()
Destroys the Projection object.
bool IsSky() const
Returns true if projection is sky and false if it is land.
virtual bool HasGroundRange() const
This indicates if the longitude direction type is positive west (as opposed to postive east).
double ToWorldX(const double projectionX) const
This method converts a projection x value to a world x value.
double m_pixelResolution
Pixel resolution value from the PVL mapping group, in meters/pixel.
Definition Projection.h:344
void SetUpperLeftCorner(const Displacement &x, const Displacement &y)
This method searches for extreme (min/max/discontinuity) coordinate values along the constBorder line...
bool m_groundRangeGood
Indicates if the ground range (min/max lat/lons) were read from the labels.
Definition Projection.h:313
double PixelResolution() const
Returns the pixel resolution value from the PVL mapping group in meters/pixel.
virtual bool SetUnboundUniversalGround(const double coord1, const double coord2)
This method is used to set the lat/lon or radius/azimuth (i.e.
virtual double WorldY() const
This returns the world Y coordinate provided SetGround, SetCoordinate, SetUniversalGround,...
double YCoord() const
This returns the projection Y provided SetGround, SetCoordinate, SetUniversalGround,...
virtual double WorldX() const
This returns the world X coordinate provided SetGround, SetCoordinate, SetUniversalGround,...
double ToProjectionY(const double worldY) const
This method converts a world y value to a projection y value.
virtual QString Name() const =0
This method returns the name of the map projection.
double GetX() const
Calculates the unrotated form of current x value.
bool operator!=(const Projection &proj)
This method determines whether two map projection objects are not equal.
bool m_good
Indicates if the contents of m_x, m_y, m_latitude, and m_longitude are valid.
Definition Projection.h:300
double m_minimumX
The data elements m_minimumX, m_minimumY, m_maximumX, and m_maximumY are convience data elements when...
Definition Projection.h:317
Projection(Pvl &label)
Constructs an empty Projection object.
PvlGroup m_mappingGrp
Mapping group that created this projection.
Definition Projection.h:329
static QString ToHMS(double angle)
Converts the given angle (in degrees) to hours, minutes, seconds.
double m_minimumY
See minimumX description.
Definition Projection.h:327
bool m_sky
Indicates whether projection is sky or land.
Definition Projection.h:310
double Rotation() const
Returns the value of the Rotation keyword from the mapping group.
double ToProjectionX(const double worldX) const
This method converts a world x value to a projection x value.
double GetY() const
Calculates the unrotated form of the current y value.
virtual bool IsEquatorialCylindrical()
This method returns true if the projection is equatorial cylindrical.
void SetXY(double x, double y)
This protected method is a helper for derived classes.
bool IsGood() const
This indicates if the last invocation of SetGround, SetCoordinate, SetUniversalGround,...
double m_x
This contains the rotated X coordinate for a specific projection at theposition indicated by m_latitu...
Definition Projection.h:335
ProjectionType projectionType() const
Returns an enum value for the projection type.
void setProjectionType(const ProjectionType ptype)
Sets the projection subclass type.
double m_maximumY
See minimumX description.
Definition Projection.h:328
void SetComputedXY(double x, double y)
This protected method is a helper for derived classes.
static QString ToDMS(double angle)
Converts the given angle (in degrees) to degrees, minutes, seconds.
bool hasKeyword(const QString &name) const
Check to see if a keyword exists.
void addKeyword(const PvlKeyword &keyword, const InsertMode mode=Append)
Add a keyword to the container.
Container for cube-like labels.
Definition Pvl.h:119
A single keyword-value pair.
Definition PvlKeyword.h:87
@ Traverse
Search child objects.
Definition PvlObject.h:158
PvlGroupIterator findGroup(const QString &name, PvlGroupIterator beg, PvlGroupIterator end)
Find a group with the specified name, within these indexes.
Definition PvlObject.h:129
Base class for Map Projections of plane shapes.
bool SetUniversalGround(const double ringRadius, const double ringLongitude)
This method is used to set the ring radius/longitude which must be PositiveEast/Domain360 (ring longi...
Base class for Map TProjections.
bool SetUnboundUniversalGround(const double coord1, const double coord2)
This method is used to set the latitude/longitude.
virtual bool SetUniversalGround(const double lat, const double lon)
This method is used to set the latitude/longitude which must be Planetocentric (latitude) and Positiv...
Create a mapping between a projection and other coordinate system.
Definition WorldMapper.h:38
virtual double WorldY(const double projectionY) const =0
This pure virtual method will return a world Y coordinate given a projection Y coordinate in meters.
virtual double ProjectionX(const double worldX) const =0
This pure virtual method will return a projection X coordinate in meters given a world X coordinate.
virtual double WorldX(const double projectionX) const =0
This pure virtual method will return a world X coordinate given a projection Y coordinate in meters.
virtual double Resolution() const
This virtual method will the resolution of the world system relative to one unit in the projection sy...
virtual double ProjectionY(const double worldY) const =0
This pure virtual method will return a projection Y coordinate in meters given a world Y coordinate.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition Apollo.h:16
QString toString(bool boolToConvert)
Global function to convert a boolean to a string.
Definition IString.cpp:211
const double Null
Value for an Isis Null pixel.
const double PI
The mathematical constant PI.
Definition Constants.h:40
Namespace for the standard library.