1 #ifndef InterestOperator_h 2 #define InterestOperator_h 34 #include "geos/geom/Point.h" 35 #include "geos/geom/Coordinate.h" 36 #include "geos/geom/MultiPolygon.h" 37 #include "geos/util/GEOSException.h" 146 void Operate(
ControlNet &pNewNet, QString psSerialNumFile, QString psOverlapListFile =
217 double p_cubeSample, p_cubeLine;
218 double p_minimumInterest;
223 int p_deltaSamp, p_deltaLine, p_lines, p_samples;
241 InterestResults *mtInterestResults;
InterestOperator(Pvl &pPvl)
Create InterestOperator object.
Definition: InterestOperator.cpp:28
const geos::geom::MultiPolygon * FindOverlapByImageFootPrint(Isis::ControlPoint &pCnetPoint)
Find imageoverlaps by finding the intersection of image footprints.
Definition: InterestOperator.cpp:888
void Parse(Pvl &pPvl)
Parse the Interest specific keywords.
Definition: InterestOperator.cpp:83
QString operatorName() const
Return name of the matching operator.
Definition: InterestOperator.h:138
Universal Ground Map.
Definition: UniversalGroundMap.h:85
geos::geom::MultiPolygon * p_clipPolygon
Clipping polygon set by SetClipPolygon (line,samp)
Definition: InterestOperator.h:212
bool InterestByMeasure(int piMeasure, Isis::ControlMeasure &pCnetMeasure, Isis::Cube &pCube)
Calculate interest for a measure by index.
Definition: InterestOperator.cpp:720
A small chip of data used for pattern matching.
Definition: Chip.h:102
Interest Operator class.
Definition: InterestOperator.h:123
int InterestByPoint(ControlPoint &pCnetPoint)
Calculate interest for a Control Point.
Definition: InterestOperator.cpp:649
void SetPatternValidPercent(const double percent)
void SetPatternSampling(const double percent)
Isis::PvlGroup mOperatorGrp
Operator group that created this projection.
Definition: InterestOperator.h:214
void addGroup(Isis::PvlObject &obj)
Definition: InterestOperator.cpp:932
double InterestAmount() const
Return the Interest Amount.
Definition: InterestOperator.h:149
This class is used to find the overlaps between all the images in a list of serial numbers...
Definition: ImageOverlapSet.h:102
virtual ~InterestOperator()
Destroy InterestOperator object.
Definition: InterestOperator.cpp:53
const geos::geom::MultiPolygon * FindOverlap(Isis::ControlPoint &pCnetPoint)
Find if a point is in the overlap.
Definition: InterestOperator.cpp:838
a control network
Definition: ControlNet.h:271
void FindCnetRef(ControlNet &pNewNet)
Find best ref for an entire control net by calculating the interest and moving point to a better inte...
Definition: InterestOperator.cpp:363
Contains multiple PvlContainers.
Definition: PvlGroup.h:57
Isis::PvlGroup Operator()
Return the Operator name.
Definition: InterestOperator.cpp:967
virtual int Padding()
Sets an offset to pass in larger chips if operator requires it This is used to offset the subchip siz...
Definition: InterestOperator.cpp:956
A single control point.
Definition: ControlPoint.h:369
void InitInterestResults(int piIndex)
Init Interest Results structure.
Definition: InterestOperator.cpp:120
void SetSearchSampling(const double percent)
Container for cube-like labels.
Definition: Pvl.h:135
void SetTolerance(double tolerance)
void InitInterestOptions()
Initialise Interest Options to defaults.
Definition: InterestOperator.cpp:39
virtual double Interest(Chip &subCube)=0
Calculate the interest.
double WorstInterest() const
Return the Worst(least value) Interest.
Definition: InterestOperator.h:154
void SetPatternReduction(std::vector< int > samples, std::vector< int > lines)
double CubeLine() const
Return the search chip cube line that best matched.
Definition: InterestOperator.h:164
void SetClipPolygon(const geos::geom::MultiPolygon &clipPolygon)
Set the Clip Polygon for points to be contained in the overlaps.
Definition: InterestOperator.cpp:944
double p_worstInterest
Definition: InterestOperator.h:209
Namespace for ISIS/Bullet specific routines.
Definition: Apollo.h:31
a control measurement
Definition: ControlMeasure.h:189
double CubeSample() const
Return the search chip cube sample that best matched.
Definition: InterestOperator.h:159
void ProcessLocked_Point_Reference(ControlPoint &pCPoint, PvlObject &pPvlObj, int &piMeasuresModified)
Process (Validate and Log) Point with Lock or with Referemce Measure Locked.
Definition: InterestOperator.cpp:270
bool Operate(Cube &pCube, UniversalGroundMap &pUnivGrndMap, int piSample, int piLine)
Operate used by the app interestcube- to calculate interest by sample,line.
Definition: InterestOperator.cpp:155
double mdResolution
Store current Measure's Resolution.
Definition: ControlNetValidMeasure.h:281
Contains Pvl Groups and Pvl Objects.
Definition: PvlObject.h:74
double p_interestAmount
Definition: InterestOperator.h:209
ControlNetValidMeasure class.
Definition: ControlNetValidMeasure.h:82
virtual bool CompareInterests(double int1, double int2)
Compare for int1 greater than / equal to int2.
Definition: InterestOperator.cpp:926
IO Handler for Isis Cubes.
Definition: Cube.h:170