Isis 3 Programmer Reference
Go to the documentation of this file.
23 #include "OverlapNormalization.h"
25 #include <iomanip>
27 #include "BasisFunction.h"
28 #include "IException.h"
29 #include "LeastSquares.h"
30 #include "Statistics.h"
32 using namespace std;
34 namespace Isis {
45  OverlapNormalization::OverlapNormalization(std::vector<Statistics *> statsList) {
46  m_gainFunction = NULL;
47  m_gainLsq = NULL;
48  m_offsetFunction = NULL;
49  m_offsetLsq = NULL;
51  m_statsList = statsList;
52  m_gainFunction = new BasisFunction("BasisFunction",
53  statsList.size(), statsList.size());
54  m_gainLsq = new LeastSquares(*m_gainFunction);
55  m_offsetFunction = new BasisFunction("BasisFunction",
56  statsList.size(), statsList.size());
57  m_offsetLsq = new LeastSquares(*m_offsetFunction);
59  m_gains.resize(statsList.size());
60  m_offsets.resize(statsList.size());
61  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < statsList.size(); i++) {
62  m_gains[i] = 1.0;
63  m_offsets[i] = 0.0;
64  }
65  m_solved = false;
66  }
72  OverlapNormalization::~OverlapNormalization() {
73  if (m_gainFunction != NULL) delete m_gainFunction;
74  if (m_offsetFunction != NULL) delete m_offsetFunction;
75  if (m_gainLsq != NULL) delete m_gainLsq;
76  if (m_offsetLsq != NULL) delete m_offsetLsq;
77  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_statsList.size(); i++) delete m_statsList[i];
78  };
106  OverlapNormalization::AddStatus OverlapNormalization::AddOverlap(
107  const Statistics &area1, const unsigned index1,
108  const Statistics &area2, const unsigned index2,
109  double weight) {
110  if (index1 >= m_statsList.size()) {
111  string msg = "The index 1 is outside the bounds of the list.";
112  throw IException(IException::Programmer, msg, _FILEINFO_);
113  }
114  if (index2 >= m_statsList.size()) {
115  string msg = "The index 2 is outside the bounds of the list.";
116  throw IException(IException::Programmer, msg, _FILEINFO_);
117  }
119  // If there is no overlapping area, then the overlap is invalid
120  if (area1.ValidPixels() == 0 || area2.ValidPixels() == 0) {
121  return NoOverlap;
122  }
124  // The weight must be a positive real number
125  if (weight <= 0.0) {
126  string msg = "All weights must be positive real numbers.";
127  throw IException(IException::Programmer, msg, _FILEINFO_);
128  }
131  o.area1 = area1;
132  o.area2 = area2;
133  o.index1 = index1;
134  o.index2 = index2;
136  double avg1 = area1.Average();
137  double avg2 = area2.Average();
139  // Averages must not be 0 to avoid messing up least squares
140  if (avg1 == 0 || avg2 == 0) return NoContrast;
142  m_overlapList.push_back(o);
143  m_deltas.push_back(avg2 - avg1);
144  m_weights.push_back(weight);
145  m_solved = false;
146  return Success;
147  }
163  void OverlapNormalization::Solve(SolutionType type,
164  LeastSquares::SolveMethod method) {
165  // Make sure that there is at least one overlap
166  if (m_overlapList.size() == 0) {
167  string msg = "None of the input images overlap";
168  throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);
169  }
171  // Make sure the number of valid overlaps + hold images is greater than the
172  // number of input images (otherwise the least squares equation will be
173  // unsolvable due to having more unknowns than knowns)
174  if (m_overlapList.size() + m_idHoldList.size() < m_statsList.size()) {
175  string msg = "Unable to normalize overlaps. The number of overlaps and "
176  "holds must be greater than the number of input images";
177  throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);
178  }
180  if ( method == LeastSquares::SPARSE ) {
181  m_offsetLsq = NULL;
182  m_gainLsq = NULL;
183  delete m_offsetLsq;
184  delete m_gainLsq;
185  int sparseMatrixRows = m_overlapList.size() + m_idHoldList.size();
186  int sparseMatrixCols = m_offsetFunction->Coefficients();
187  m_offsetLsq = new LeastSquares(*m_offsetFunction, true, sparseMatrixRows, sparseMatrixCols, true);
188  sparseMatrixCols = m_gainFunction->Coefficients();
189  m_gainLsq = new LeastSquares(*m_gainFunction, true, sparseMatrixRows, sparseMatrixCols, true);
190  const std::vector<double> alphaWeight(sparseMatrixCols, 1/1000.0);
191  m_offsetLsq->SetParameterWeights( alphaWeight );
192  m_gainLsq->SetParameterWeights( alphaWeight );
193  }
195  // Calculate offsets
196  if (type != Gains && type != GainsWithoutNormalization) {
197  // Add knowns to least squares for each overlap
198  for (int overlap = 0; overlap < (int)m_overlapList.size(); overlap++) {
199  Overlap curOverlap = m_overlapList[overlap];
200  int id1 = curOverlap.index1;
201  int id2 = curOverlap.index2;
203  vector<double> input;
204  input.resize(m_statsList.size());
205  for (int i = 0; i < (int)input.size(); i++) input[i] = 0.0;
206  input[id1] = 1.0;
207  input[id2] = -1.0;
209  m_offsetLsq->AddKnown(input, m_deltas[overlap], m_weights[overlap]);
210  }
212  // Add a known to the least squares for each hold image
213  for (int h = 0; h < (int)m_idHoldList.size(); h++) {
214  int hold = m_idHoldList[h];
216  vector<double> input;
217  input.resize(m_statsList.size());
218  for (int i = 0; i < (int)input.size(); i++) input[i] = 0.0;
219  input[hold] = 1.0;
220  m_offsetLsq->AddKnown(input, 0.0, 1e30);
221  }
223  // Solve the least squares and get the offset coefficients to apply to the
224  // images
225  m_offsets.resize(m_statsList.size());
226  m_offsetLsq->Solve(method);
227  for (int i = 0; i < m_offsetFunction->Coefficients(); i++) {
228  m_offsets[i] = m_offsetFunction->Coefficient(i);
229  }
230  }
232  // Calculate Gains
233  if (type != Offsets) {
234  // Add knowns to least squares for each overlap
235  for (int overlap = 0; overlap < (int)m_overlapList.size(); overlap++) {
236  Overlap curOverlap = m_overlapList[overlap];
237  int id1 = curOverlap.index1;
238  int id2 = curOverlap.index2;
240  vector<double> input;
241  input.resize(m_statsList.size());
242  for (int i = 0; i < (int)input.size(); i++) input[i] = 0.0;
243  input[id1] = 1.0;
244  input[id2] = -1.0;
246  double tanp;
248  if (type != GainsWithoutNormalization) {
249  if (curOverlap.area1.StandardDeviation() == 0.0) {
250  tanp = 0.0; // Set gain to 1.0
251  }
252  else {
253  tanp = curOverlap.area2.StandardDeviation()
254  / curOverlap.area1.StandardDeviation();
255  }
256  }
257  else {
258  if (curOverlap.area1.Average() == 0.0) {
259  tanp = 0.0;
260  }
261  else {
262  tanp = curOverlap.area2.Average() / curOverlap.area1.Average();
263  }
264  }
266  if (tanp > 0.0) {
267  m_gainLsq->AddKnown(input, log(tanp), m_weights[overlap]);
268  }
269  else {
270  m_gainLsq->AddKnown(input, 0.0, 1e10); // Set gain to 1.0
271  }
272  }
274  // Add a known to the least squares for each hold image
275  for (int h = 0; h < (int)m_idHoldList.size(); h++) {
276  int hold = m_idHoldList[h];
278  vector<double> input;
279  input.resize(m_statsList.size());
280  for (int i = 0; i < (int)input.size(); i++) input[i] = 0.0;
281  input[hold] = 1.0;
282  m_gainLsq->AddKnown(input, 0.0, 1e10);
283  }
285  // Solve the least squares and get the gain coefficients to apply to the
286  // images
287  m_gains.resize(m_statsList.size());
288  m_gainLsq->Solve(method);
289  for (int i = 0; i < m_gainFunction->Coefficients(); i++) {
290  m_gains[i] = exp(m_gainFunction->Coefficient(i));
291  }
292  }
294  m_solved = true;
295  }
309  double OverlapNormalization::Average(const unsigned index) const {
310  if (index >= m_statsList.size()) {
311  string msg = "The index was out of bounds for the list of statistics.";
312  throw IException(IException::Programmer, msg, _FILEINFO_);
313  }
315  return m_statsList[index]->Average();
316  }
330  double OverlapNormalization::Gain(const unsigned index) const {
331  if (index >= m_statsList.size()) {
332  string msg = "The index was out of bounds for the list of statistics.";
333  throw IException(IException::Programmer, msg, _FILEINFO_);
334  }
336  return m_gains[index];
337  }
351  double OverlapNormalization::Offset(const unsigned index) const {
352  if (index >= m_statsList.size()) {
353  string msg = "The index was out of bounds for the list of statistics.";
354  throw IException(IException::Programmer, msg, _FILEINFO_);
355  }
357  return m_offsets[index];
358  }
374  double OverlapNormalization::Evaluate(double dn, unsigned index) const {
375  if (!m_solved) {
376  string msg = "The least squares equation has not been successfully ";
377  msg += "solved yet.";
378  throw IException(IException::Programmer, msg, _FILEINFO_);
379  }
381  if (Isis::IsSpecial(dn)) return dn;
382  return (dn - Average(index)) * Gain(index) + Average(index) + Offset(index);
383  }
384 }
int index2
Index corresponding to m_statsList for the second overlapping data set.
double StandardDeviation() const
Computes and returns the standard deviation.
Definition: Statistics.cpp:325
Store statistics pertaining to the overlapping areas and indices (corresponding to the statistics lis...
Namespace for the standard library.
Statistics area2
Overlapping area for the second data set.
Enumeration for whether user/programmer wants to calculate new gains, offsets, or both when solving...
BigInt ValidPixels() const
Returns the total number of valid pixels processed.
Definition: Statistics.cpp:446
This class is used to accumulate statistics on double arrays.
Definition: Statistics.h:107
int index1
Index corresponding to m_statsList for the first overlapping data set.
#define _FILEINFO_
Macro for the filename and line number.
Definition: IException.h:40
bool IsSpecial(const double d)
Returns if the input pixel is special.
Definition: SpecialPixel.h:212
Generic least square fitting class.
Definition: LeastSquares.h:115
The result of the attempt to add overlap data to the list of valid overlaps, where Success is a succe...
Generic linear equation class.
Definition: BasisFunction.h:64
Statistics area1
Overlapping area for the first data set.
Isis exception class.
Definition: IException.h:107
Namespace for ISIS/Bullet specific routines.
Definition: Apollo.h:31
double Average() const
Computes and returns the average.
Definition: Statistics.cpp:313
Functor for reduce using average functionality.
Definition: Reduce.h:102