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Isis Developer Reference
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50 typedef struct Affine2D {
73 typedef struct FidObs {
92 void calc_residual_stats();
110 int machine2Image(
double machineX,
double machineY,
double *imageX,
double *imageY);
114 int image2Machine(
double imageX,
double imageY,
double *machineX,
double *machineY);
#define FIDS
Definition: ApolloPanIO.cpp:19
Destroys the ApolloPanObject.
Definition: ApolloPanIO.cpp:35
void initialize()
Initilizes member variables in preparation for solving for the interior orientation affines.
Definition: ApolloPanIO.cpp:42
int machine2Image(double *machineX, double *machineY)
This method does an in place (overwriting input) conversion of a cube coordinate (sample,...
Definition: ApolloPanIO.cpp:546
double maxResiduals()
Accessor for the mean (average) of the residual vector lenghts Call after computeInteriorOrienation()...
Definition: ApolloPanIO.cpp:777
double stdevResiduals()
Accessor for the standard deviation of the residual vector lenghts Call after computeInteriorOrienati...
Definition: ApolloPanIO.cpp:754
Constructs an ApolloPanIO object.
Definition: ApolloPanIO.cpp:28
int isymp(int row, int col)
Definition: Ransac.h:20
int image2Machine(double *imageX, double *imageY)
This method does an in place (overwriting input) conversion of an image coordinate into cube (machine...
Definition: ApolloPanIO.cpp:629
#define FIDL
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition: ApolloPanIO.cpp:18
int choleski_solve(double *a, double *b, int nsize, int flag)
Definition: Ransac.h:131
int clearFiducialObservation(int fiducialNumber)
This method removes a measurement of the center of an apollo panoramic image fiducial mark from consi...
Definition: ApolloPanIO.cpp:140
Namespace for the standard library.
Calculates a series of affine transformations from the measured coordinates of the up to 90 fiducial ...
Definition: ApolloPanIO.h:43
int fiducialObservation(int fiducialNumber, double machine_x, double machine_y)
This method adds a measurement of the center of an apollo panoramic image fiducial mark for considera...
Definition: ApolloPanIO.cpp:96
int computeInteriorOrienation()
This method leverages all the fiducial obersatvions to caculate a series of affine transformations fo...
Definition: ApolloPanIO.cpp:160
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition: Apollo.h:16
double meanResiduals()
Accessor for the mean (average) of the residual vector lenghts Call after computeInteriorOrienation()...
Definition: ApolloPanIO.cpp:766