File failed to load:
Isis Developer Reference
Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef BundleSolutionInfo_h
2 #define BundleSolutionInfo_h
24 class QXmlStreamWriter;
196 QString
206 void save(QXmlStreamWriter &stream,
const Project *project,
FileName newProjectRoot)
231 virtual bool startElement(
const QString &namespaceURI,
const QString &localName,
232 const QString &qName,
const QXmlAttributes &atts);
233 virtual bool characters(
const QString &ch);
234 virtual bool endElement(
const QString &namespaceURI,
const QString &localName,
235 const QString &qName);
240 Q_DISABLE_COPY(XmlHandler);
244 QString m_xmlHandlerCharacters;
254 FileName *m_inputControlNetFileName;
256 QString m_outputControlName;
264 QString m_txtBundleOutputFilename;
265 QString m_csvSavedImagesFilename;
266 QString m_csvSavedPointsFilename;
267 QString m_csvSavedResidualsFilename;
272 QString attributeName, QString attributeValue);
278 #endif // BundleSolutionInfo_h
QString minSigmaCoord2PointId() const
Returns the minimum sigma point id for coordinate 2.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1045
int numberUnknownParameters() const
Returns the number of unknown parameters.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1215
int numberConstrainedPointParameters() const
Returns the number of constrained point parameters.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1185
int iterations() const
Returns the number of iterations taken by the BundleAdjust.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1302
QString maxSigmaCoord2PointId() const
Returns the maximum sigma point id for coordinate 2.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1055
QString savedPointsFilename()
Returns filename of output bundle points csv file.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:146
bool converged() const
Returns whether or not the bundle adjustment converged.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1265
int spkDegree() const
Accesses the degree of the polynomial fit to the original camera position (spkDegree).
Definition: BundleObservationSolveSettings.cpp:1143
This class is used to accumulate statistics on double arrays.
Definition: Statistics.h:94
@ Io
A type of error that occurred when performing an actual I/O operation.
Definition: IException.h:155
void AddData(const double *data, const unsigned int count)
Add an array of doubles to the accumulators and counters.
Definition: Statistics.cpp:141
bool outputImagesCSVHeader(std::ofstream &fpOut, BundleObservationQsp observations)
Outputs the header for the bundleout_images.csv file.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:403
bool outputPointsCSV()
Outputs point data to a csv file.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:1404
QList< QString > instrumentIds() const
Get a list of all instrument IDs that there are observations for.
Definition: BundleObservationVector.cpp:238
MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions maximumLikelihoodModelWFunc(int modelIndex) const
Returns the maximum likelihood model at the given index.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1375
QString savedResidualsFilename()
Returns filename of output bundle residuals csv file.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:156
Contains Pvl Groups and Pvl Objects.
Definition: PvlObject.h:61
int numberConstrainedImageParameters() const
Returns the number of constrained image parameters.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1195
int numberObservations() const
Returns the number of observations.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1165
void addAdjustedImages(ImageList *images)
Adds a list of images that were adjusted (their labels were updated).
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:166
double min()
Returns the maximum observation so far included in the dynamic calculation.
Definition: StatCumProbDistDynCalc.cpp:160
QList< double > aprioriPointingSigmas() const
Accesses the a priori pointing sigmas.
Definition: BundleObservationSolveSettings.cpp:945
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition: BoxcarCachingAlgorithm.h:13
Distance maxSigmaCoord3Distance() const
Returns the maximum sigma distance for coordinate 3.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1015
void updateFileName(Project *)
TODO: change description below to something more like english.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:195
QString name() const
Returns the name of the file excluding the path and the attributes in the file name.
Definition: FileName.cpp:162
QList< Statistics > rmsImageResiduals() const
Returns the list of RMS image residuals statistics.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:895
double sigmaCoord1StatisticsRms() const
Returns the RMS of the adjusted sigmas for coordinate 1.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1085
QString outputControlNetFileName() const
Returns the name of the output control network.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:284
File name manipulation and expansion.
Definition: FileName.h:100
double elapsedTimeErrorProp() const
Returns the elapsed time for error propagation.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1255
@ Unknown
A type of error that cannot be classified as any of the other error types.
Definition: IException.h:118
virtual void pushContentHandler(XmlStackedHandler *newHandler)
Push a contentHandler and maybe continue parsing...
Definition: XmlStackedHandlerReader.cpp:55
QString name() const
Returns the name of the bundle.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:387
bool outputImagesCSV()
Outputs the bundleout_images.csv file which contains Jigsaw data about the images within each observa...
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:1085
QString minSigmaCoord1PointId() const
Returns the minimum sigma point id for coordinate 1.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1025
QString surfacePointCoordName(SurfacePoint::CoordinateType type, SurfacePoint::CoordIndex coordInx) const
Determine the control point coordinate name.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:1883
virtual bool startElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName, const QString &qName, const QXmlAttributes &atts)
Definition: XmlStackedHandler.cpp:44
@ Two
Definition: SurfacePoint.h:151
static QString CurrentLocalTime()
Returns the current local time This time is taken directly from the system clock, so if the system cl...
Definition: iTime.cpp:513
static QString cnetRoot(QString projectRoot)
Appends the root directory name 'cnets' to the project.
Definition: Project.cpp:2019
Distance maxSigmaCoord1Distance() const
Returns the maximum sigma distance for coordinate 1.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:975
void setName(QString name)
Sets the name of the bundle.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:376
int ckDegree() const
Accesses the degree of polynomial fit to original camera angles (ckDegree).
Definition: BundleObservationSolveSettings.cpp:903
Distance minSigmaCoord3Distance() const
Returns the minimum sigma distance for coordinate 3.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1005
@ Three
Definition: SurfacePoint.h:152
QString savedBundleOutputFilename()
Returns bundleout text filename.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:126
This represents an ISIS control net in a project-based GUI interface.
Definition: Control.h:66
double sigma0() const
Returns the Sigma0 of the bundle adjustment.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1235
QString savedImagesFilename()
Returns filename of output bundle images csv file.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:136
double max()
Returns the maximum observation so far included in the dynamic calculation.
Definition: StatCumProbDistDynCalc.cpp:143
QVector< BundleControlPointQsp > & bundleControlPoints()
Returns a reference to the BundleControlPoint vector.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1275
QList< Statistics > rmsImageLineResiduals() const
Returns the list of RMS image line residuals statistics.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:885
QString toString(bool boolToConvert)
Global function to convert a boolean to a string.
Definition: IString.cpp:211
Manage a stack of content handlers for reading XML files.
Definition: XmlStackedHandlerReader.h:30
static QString coordinateTypeToString(CoordinateType type)
Converts the given SurfacePoint::CoordinateType enumeration to a string.
Definition: SurfacePoint.cpp:1389
bool outputHeader(std::ofstream &fpOut)
Output header for bundle results file.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:479
void save(QXmlStreamWriter &stream, const Project *project, FileName newProjectRoot) const
Method to write this Control object's member data to an XML stream.
Definition: Control.cpp:373
void setOutputControl(Control *outputControl)
Returns the name of the output control network.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:298
double elapsedTime() const
Returns the elapsed time for the bundle adjustment.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1245
The main project for ipce.
Definition: Project.h:289
QList< BundleObservationQsp > observationsByInstId(QString instrumentId) const
Get all of the observations with a specific instrument ID.
Definition: BundleObservationVector.cpp:247
Internalizes a list of images and allows for operations on the entire list.
Definition: ImageList.h:55
void setStringAttribute(int locationId, QString locationName, QString attributeName, QString attributeValue)
QString weightedResidualCutoff()
Method to return a string represtentation of the weighted residual cutoff (if it exists) for the Maxi...
Definition: MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions.cpp:399
QString inputControlNetFileName() const
Returns the name of the input control network.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:274
@ Fixed
A Fixed point is a Control Point whose lat/lon is well established and should not be changed.
Definition: ControlPoint.h:371
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:95
const BundleObservationVector & observations() const
Returns a reference to the observations used by the BundleAdjust.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1312
QString expanded() const
Returns a QString of the full file name including the file path, excluding the attributes.
Definition: FileName.cpp:196
@ Rectangular
Body-fixed rectangular x/y/z coordinates.
Definition: SurfacePoint.h:141
double Rms() const
Computes and returns the rms.
Definition: Statistics.cpp:365
static QString modelToString(Model model)
Static method to return a string represtentation for a given MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions::Model enum.
Definition: MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions.cpp:355
QString maxSigmaCoord1PointId() const
Returns the maximum sigma point id for coordinate 1.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1035
#define _FILEINFO_
Macro for the filename and line number.
Definition: IException.h:24
Defines the coordinate typ, units, and coordinate index for some of the output methods.
Definition: SurfacePoint.h:139
BundleResults bundleResults()
Returns the bundle results.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:349
QDir dir() const
Returns the path of the file's parent directory as a QDir object.
Definition: FileName.cpp:465
QList< double > aprioriPositionSigmas() const
Accesses the a priori position sigmas.
Definition: BundleObservationSolveSettings.cpp:1185
void setOutputStatistics(BundleResults statisticsResults)
Sets the stat results.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:176
QString maxSigmaCoord3PointId() const
Returns the maximum sigma point id for coordinate 3.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1075
@ Constrained
A Constrained point is a Control Point whose lat/lon/radius is somewhat established and should not be...
Definition: ControlPoint.h:376
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Isis::BundleSolutionInfo *)
Container class for BundleAdjustment results.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.h:159
ControlNetQsp outputControlNet() const
Returns a shared pointer to the output control network.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1287
QSharedPointer< BundleSettings > BundleSettingsQsp
Definition for a BundleSettingsQsp, a shared pointer to a BundleSettings object.
Definition: BundleSettings.h:404
@ One
Definition: SurfacePoint.h:150
QString runTime() const
Returns the run time.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:264
QList< ImageList * > adjustedImages() const
Returns the list of images that were adjusted after a bundle.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:222
double sigmaCoord3StatisticsRms() const
Returns the RMS of the adjusted sigmas for coordinate 3.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1105
Distance maxSigmaCoord2Distance() const
Returns the maximum sigma distance for coordinate 2.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:995
void setRunTime(QString runTime)
Sets the run time, and the name if a name is not already set.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:242
bool solvePositionOverHermite() const
Whether or not the polynomial for solving will be fit over an existing Hermite spline.
Definition: BundleObservationSolveSettings.cpp:1175
QString newProjectRoot() const
Get the top-level folder of the new project.
Definition: Project.cpp:1675
QString id() const
Get a unique, identifying string associated with this BundleSolutionInfo object.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:232
int spkSolveDegree() const
Accesses the degree of thecamera position polynomial being fit to in the bundle adjustment (spkSolveD...
Definition: BundleObservationSolveSettings.cpp:1154
Container class for BundleAdjustment settings.
Definition: BundleSettings.h:125
virtual bool endElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName, const QString &qName)
Definition: XmlStackedHandler.cpp:55
int numberCameraAngleCoefficientsSolved() const
Accesses the number of camera angle coefficients in the solution.
Definition: BundleObservationSolveSettings.cpp:924
Isis exception class.
Definition: IException.h:91
Distance minSigmaCoord1Distance() const
Returns the minimum sigma distance for coordinate 1.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:965
double sigmaCoord2StatisticsRms() const
Returns the RMS of the adjusted sigmas for coordinate 2.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1095
QString toString() const
Returns a QString of the full file name including the file path, excluding the attributes with any Is...
Definition: FileName.cpp:515
QList< ImageList * > imageList()
Returns the images used in the bundle.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:366
void setCorrMatImgsAndParams(QMap< QString, QStringList > imgsAndParams)
Set the images and their associated parameters of the correlation matrix.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1433
QString projectRoot() const
Get the top-level folder of the project.
Definition: Project.cpp:1666
double tweakingConstant() const
Returns the current tweaking constant.
Definition: MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions.cpp:170
double value(double cumProb)
Provides the value of the variable that has the given cumulative probility (according the current est...
Definition: StatCumProbDistDynCalc.cpp:182
const double Null
Value for an Isis Null pixel.
Definition: SpecialPixel.h:95
double maximumLikelihoodModelQuantile(int modelIndex) const
Returns the quantile of the maximum likelihood model at the given index.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1387
QString minSigmaCoord3PointId() const
Returns the minimum sigma point id for coordinate 3.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1065
bool outputText()
Outputs a text file with the results of the BundleAdjust.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:1201
@ Programmer
This error is for when a programmer made an API call that was illegal.
Definition: IException.h:146
void setOutputControlName(QString name)
Sets m_outputControlName.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:308
int numberConstrainedTargetParameters() const
Return the number of constrained target parameters.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1205
void save(QXmlStreamWriter &stream, const Project *project, FileName newProjectRoot) const
Saves the BundleSolutionInfo to the project.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:1616
@ Free
A Free point is a Control Point that identifies common measurements between two or more cubes.
Definition: ControlPoint.h:384
int ckSolveDegree() const
Accesses the degree of the camera angles polynomial being fit to in the bundle adjustment (ckSolveDeg...
Definition: BundleObservationSolveSettings.cpp:914
double meters() const
Get the distance in meters.
Definition: Distance.cpp:85
XML Handler that parses XMLs in a stack-oriented way.
Definition: XmlStackedHandler.h:118
QString bundleSolutionInfoRoot() const
Accessor for the root directory of the results data.
Definition: Project.cpp:2243
This class is used to modify and manage solve settings for 1 to many BundleObservations.
Definition: BundleObservationSolveSettings.h:82
int numberRejectedObservations() const
Returns the number of observation that were rejected.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1155
@ Latitudinal
Planetocentric latitudinal (lat/lon/rad) coordinates.
Definition: SurfacePoint.h:140
Adds specific functionality to C++ strings.
Definition: IString.h:165
A container class for statistical results from a BundleAdjust solution.
Definition: BundleResults.h:82
Control * control() const
Returns bundle output Control object.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:327
Distance minSigmaCoord2Distance() const
Returns the minimum sigma distance for coordinate 2.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:985
Definition: SurfacePoint.h:149
bool solveTwist() const
Accesses the flag for solving for twist.
Definition: BundleObservationSolveSettings.cpp:893
void save(QXmlStreamWriter &stream, const Project *project) const
Saves the BundleResults object to an XML file.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1457
QString outputControlName() const
Returns m_outputControlName.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:318
bool solvePolyOverPointing() const
Whether or not the solve polynomial will be fit over the existing pointing polynomial.
Definition: BundleObservationSolveSettings.cpp:935
QString getStringAttribute(int locationId, QString locationName, QString attributeName)
static QString bundleSolutionInfoRoot(QString projectRoot)
Appends the root directory name 'bundle' to the project results directory.
Definition: Project.cpp:2233
QList< Statistics > rmsImageSampleResiduals() const
Returns the list of RMS image sample residuals statistics.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:875
StatCumProbDistDynCalc residualsCumulativeProbabilityDistribution() const
Returns the cumulative probability distribution of the residuals used for reporting.
Definition: BundleResults.cpp:1353
BundleSettingsQsp bundleSettings()
Returns bundle settings.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:337
QString path() const
Returns the path of the file name.
Definition: FileName.cpp:103
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition: Apollo.h:16
int numberCameraPositionCoefficientsSolved() const
Accesses the number of camera position coefficients in the solution.
Definition: BundleObservationSolveSettings.cpp:1164
bool outputResiduals()
Outputs image coordinate residuals to a csv file.
Definition: BundleSolutionInfo.cpp:1517
QString fileName() const
Access the name of the control network file associated with this Control.
Definition: Control.cpp:272