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Isis Developer Reference
Go to the documentation of this file.
19 #include <QStringList>
22 #include "csm/RasterGM.h"
78 virtual bool SetImage(
const double sample,
const double line);
83 virtual bool SetUniversalGround(
const double latitude,
const double longitude,
double radius);
144 void init(
Cube &cube, QString pluginName, QString modelName, QString stateString);
146 csm::RasterGM *m_model;
149 void isisToCsmPixel(
double line,
double sample, csm::ImageCoord &csmPixel)
150 void csmToIsisPixel(csm::ImageCoord csmPixel,
double &line,
double &sample)
151 csm::EcefCoord isisToCsmGround(
const SurfacePoint &groundPt)
152 SurfacePoint csmToIsisGround(
const csm::EcefCoord &groundPt)
154 virtual std::vector<double> ImagePartials(
SurfacePoint groundPoint);
155 virtual std::vector<double> ImagePartials();
virtual void computeSolarLongitude(iTime et)
Computes the solar longitude for the given ephemeris time.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:1098
void radii(Distance r[3]) const
Returns the radii of the body in km.
Definition: Spice.cpp:930
@ Degrees
Degrees are generally considered more human readable, 0-360 is one circle, however most math does not...
Definition: Angle.h:56
virtual double targetCenterDistance() const
Calculates and returns the distance from the spacecraft to the target center at the currently set tim...
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:820
virtual QList< QPointF > PixelIfovOffsets()
Returns the pixel ifov offsets from center of pixel.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:1011
virtual SpicePosition * sunPosition() const
Get the SpicePosition object that contains the state information for the sun in J2000.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:1039
iTime time() const
Returns the ephemeris time in seconds which was used to obtain the spacecraft and sun positions.
Definition: Spice.cpp:884
iTime * m_et
Ephemeris time (read NAIF documentation for a detailed description)
Definition: Spice.h:382
virtual double emissionAngle(const std::vector< double > &sB)
Computes and returns emission angle, in degrees, given the observer position.
Definition: ShapeModel.cpp:185
std::vector< double > getSensorPartials(int index, SurfacePoint groundPoint)
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:918
Obtain SPICE position information for a body.
Definition: SpicePosition.h:173
virtual int SpkCenterId() const
SPK Center ID - 6 (Saturn)
Definition: CSMCamera.h:66
ShapeModel * shape() const
Return the shape.
Definition: Target.cpp:655
virtual QString fileName() const
Returns the opened cube's filename.
Definition: Cube.cpp:1563
virtual void clearSurfacePoint()
Clears or resets the current surface point.
Definition: ShapeModel.cpp:386
virtual double ObliqueDetectorResolution()
Compute the oblique detector resolution in meters per pixel for the current set point.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:424
double getParameterCovariance(int index1, int index2)
Get the covariance between two parameters.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:913
Displacement GetX() const
Definition: SurfacePoint.cpp:1436
Contains Pvl Groups and Pvl Objects.
Definition: PvlObject.h:61
virtual double IncidenceAngle() const
Compute the incidence angle at the currently set ground point.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:778
@ Meters
The distance is being specified in meters.
Definition: Displacement.h:40
double p_childLine
Line value for child.
Definition: Camera.h:502
This class is designed to encapsulate the concept of a Latitude.
Definition: Latitude.h:51
void setRadii(std::vector< Distance > radii)
Sets the radii of the body.
Definition: Target.cpp:615
Parse and return pieces of a time string.
Definition: iTime.h:65
void read(Blob &blob, const std::vector< PvlKeyword > keywords=std::vector< PvlKeyword >()) const
This method will read data from the specified Blob object.
Definition: Cube.cpp:807
virtual SpiceRotation * instrumentRotation() const
Get the SpiceRotation object the contains the orientation of the sensor relative to J2000.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:1084
virtual double Sample() const
Returns the current sample number.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2690
virtual double ObliqueSampleResolution()
Compute the oblique sample resolution in meters per pixel for the current set point.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:409
void setHasIntersection(bool b)
Sets the flag to indicate whether this ShapeModel has an intersection.
Definition: ShapeModel.cpp:554
void setSpice(Spice *spice)
Set the Spice pointer for the Target.
Definition: Target.cpp:647
virtual bool SetImage(const double sample, const double line)
Set the image sample and line for the Camera Model and then compute the corresponding image time,...
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:123
QString m_instrumentNameLong
Full instrument name.
Definition: Camera.h:496
void applyParameterCorrection(int index, double correction)
Adjust the value of a parameter.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:901
virtual double incidenceAngle(const std::vector< double > &uB)
Computes and returns incidence angle, in degrees, given the illuminator position.
Definition: ShapeModel.cpp:232
double AlphaLine(double betaLine)
Returns an alpha line given a beta line.
Definition: AlphaCube.h:109
virtual double SolarDistance() const
Computes the distance to the sun from the currently set ground point.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:1111
virtual double EmissionAngle() const
Compute the emission angle at the currently set ground point.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:768
QString name() const
Gets the shape name.
Definition: ShapeModel.cpp:543
virtual void subSpacecraftPoint(double &lat, double &lon)
Get the latitude and longitude of the sub-spacecraft point at the currently set time.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:510
virtual double SlantDistance() const
Compute the slant distance from the sensor to the ground point at the currently set time.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:798
Container for cube-like labels.
Definition: Pvl.h:119
Displacement GetZ() const
Definition: SurfacePoint.cpp:1450
virtual std::vector< double > GroundPartials()
Compute the partial derivatives of the sample, line with respect to the x, y, z coordinates of the gr...
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:622
double AlphaSample(double betaSample)
Returns an alpha sample given a beta sample.
Definition: AlphaCube.h:121
Latitude GetLatitude() const
Return the body-fixed latitude for the surface point.
Definition: SurfacePoint.cpp:1665
virtual double PhaseAngle() const
Compute the phase angle at the currently set ground point.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:749
SurfacePoint GetSurfacePoint() const
Returns the surface point (most efficient accessor).
Definition: Sensor.cpp:255
virtual bool intersectSurface(std::vector< double > observerPos, std::vector< double > lookDirection)=0
virtual SpiceRotation * bodyRotation() const
Get the SpiceRotation object the contains the orientation of the target body relative to J2000.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:1069
boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< double > Matrix
Definition for an Isis::LinearAlgebra::Matrix of doubles.
Definition: LinearAlgebra.h:100
virtual double LineResolution()
Compute the line resolution in meters per pixel for the current set point.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:337
Distance measurement, usually in meters.
Definition: Distance.h:34
double getParameterValue(int index)
Get the value of a parameter.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:947
virtual double ObliqueLineResolution()
Compute the oblique line resolution in meters per pixel for the current set point.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:394
double BetaLine(double alphaLine)
Returns a beta line given an alpha line.
Definition: AlphaCube.h:133
This class is designed to encapsulate the concept of a Longitude.
Definition: Longitude.h:40
virtual Target * target() const
Returns a pointer to the target object.
Definition: Spice.cpp:1368
virtual double parentLine() const
Returns the currently set parent line for the camera model.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:437
virtual void setTime(const iTime &time)
Set the time and update the sensor position and orientation.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:982
@ Kilometers
The distance is being specified in kilometers.
Definition: Distance.h:45
Displacement is a signed length, usually in meters.
Definition: Displacement.h:31
void setTarget(Pvl label)
Set the Target object for the camera model.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:657
@ Meters
The distance is being specified in meters.
Definition: Distance.h:43
virtual double DetectorResolution()
Compute the detector resolution in meters per pixel for the current set point.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:371
#define _FILEINFO_
Macro for the filename and line number.
Definition: IException.h:24
virtual int CkReferenceId() const
CK Reference ID - J2000.
Definition: CSMCamera.h:58
This enum defines the types of cameras supported in this class.
Definition: Camera.h:357
virtual bool SetGround(Latitude latitude, Longitude longitude)
Set the latitude and longitude for the Camera Model and then compute the corresponding image time,...
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:228
bool Valid() const
Definition: SurfacePoint.cpp:947
Destroys the CSMCamera object.
Definition: CSMCamera.h:33
virtual void subSolarPoint(double &lat, double &lon)
Returns the sub-solar latitude/longitude in universal coordinates (0-360 positive east,...
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:998
virtual int SpkReferenceId() const
SPK Reference ID - J2000.
Definition: CSMCamera.h:74
char * getBuffer()
Get the internal data buff of the Blob.
Definition: Blob.cpp:546
PvlObject & Label()
Accessor method that returns a PvlObject containing the Blob label.
Definition: Blob.cpp:151
double p_childSample
Sample value for child.
Definition: Camera.h:501
virtual CameraType GetCameraType() const
The CSM camera needs a bogus type for now.
Definition: CSMCamera.h:40
bool isValid() const
Test if this distance has been initialized or not.
Definition: Distance.cpp:192
virtual bool SetUniversalGround(const double latitude, const double longitude)
Set the latitude and longitude for the Camera Model and then compute the corresponding image time,...
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:193
virtual int CkFrameId() const
CK frame ID - - Instrument Code from spacit run on CK.
Definition: CSMCamera.h:50
static Matrix pseudoinverse(const Matrix &matrix)
Returns the pseudoinverse of a matrix.
Definition: LinearAlgebra.cpp:339
virtual double parentSample() const
Returns the currently set parent sample for the camera model.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:449
AlphaCube * p_alphaCube
A pointer to the AlphaCube.
Definition: Camera.h:503
IO Handler for Isis Cubes.
Definition: Cube.h:167
Isis exception class.
Definition: IException.h:91
Target * m_target
Target of the observation.
Definition: Spice.h:381
QString m_spacecraftNameLong
Full spacecraft name.
Definition: Camera.h:498
virtual double Declination()
Computes the Declination of the currently set image coordinate.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:1139
Longitude GetLongitude() const
Return the body-fixed longitude for the surface point.
Definition: SurfacePoint.cpp:1685
double BetaSample(double alphaSample)
Returns a beta sample given an alpha sample.
Definition: AlphaCube.h:145
@ Csm
Community Sensor Model Camera.
Definition: Camera.h:364
QString getModelState() const
Get the CSM Model state string to re-create the CSM Model.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:969
int Size() const
Accessor method that returns the number of bytes in the blob data.
Definition: Blob.cpp:142
double kilometers() const
Get the displacement in kilometers.
Definition: Displacement.cpp:94
bool p_pointComputed
Flag showing if Sample/Line has been computed.
Definition: Camera.h:505
std::vector< int > getParameterIndices(csm::param::Set paramSet) const
Get the indices of the parameters that belong to a set.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:836
CSMCamera(Cube &cube)
Constructor for an ISIS Camera model that uses a Community Sensor Model (CSM) for the principal trans...
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:56
@ Programmer
This error is for when a programmer made an API call that was illegal.
Definition: IException.h:146
QString getParameterUnits(int index)
Get the units of the parameter at a particular index.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:959
Namespace for the standard library.
bool m_newLookB
flag to indicate we need to recompute ra/dec
Definition: Sensor.h:240
Define shapes and provide utilities for Isis targets.
Definition: ShapeModel.h:62
QString m_instrumentNameShort
Shortened instrument name.
Definition: Camera.h:497
virtual double phaseAngle(const std::vector< double > &sB, const std::vector< double > &uB)
Computes and returns phase angle, in degrees, given the positions of the observer and illuminator.
Definition: ShapeModel.cpp:324
Pvl * label() const
Returns a pointer to the IsisLabel object associated with the cube.
Definition: Cube.cpp:1701
std::vector< double > sensorPositionBodyFixed() const
Get the position of the sensor in the body fixed coordinate system at the currently set time.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:475
QString getParameterName(int index)
Get the name of the parameter.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:935
void setUtc(QString utcString)
Definition: iTime.cpp:432
double degrees() const
Get the angle in units of Degrees.
Definition: Angle.h:232
virtual void instrumentBodyFixedPosition(double p[3]) const
Get the position of the sensor in the body fixed coordinate system at the currently set time.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:461
bool hasIntersection()
Returns intersection status.
Definition: ShapeModel.cpp:368
PvlKeyword & findKeyword(const QString &kname, FindOptions opts)
Finds a keyword in the current PvlObject, or deeper inside other PvlObjects and Pvlgroups within this...
Definition: PvlObject.cpp:177
Definition: CSMCamera.h:25
virtual SpicePosition * instrumentPosition() const
Get the SpicePosition object the contains the state information for the sensor in J2000.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:1054
virtual double Line() const
Returns the current line number.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2710
SpiceDouble m_lookB[3]
Look direction in body fixed.
Definition: Sensor.h:239
QString m_spacecraftNameShort
Shortened spacecraft name.
Definition: Camera.h:499
This class is used to create and store valid Isis targets.
Definition: Target.h:63
@ Kilometers
The distance is being specified in kilometers.
Definition: Displacement.h:42
virtual double SampleResolution()
Compute the sample resolution in meters per pixel for the current set point.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:354
virtual double RightAscension()
Computes the Right Ascension of the currently set image coordinate.
Definition: CSMCamera.cpp:1125
This class defines a body-fixed surface point.
Definition: SurfacePoint.h:132
Displacement GetY() const
Definition: SurfacePoint.cpp:1443
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition: Apollo.h:16
Distance LocalRadius() const
Returns the local radius at the intersection point.
Definition: Sensor.cpp:267
@ User
A type of error that could only have occurred due to a mistake on the user's part (e....
Definition: IException.h:126
Obtain SPICE rotation information for a body.
Definition: SpiceRotation.h:209