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Isis Developer Reference
static PvlGroup radiiGroup(QString target)
Creates a Pvl Group with keywords TargetName, EquitorialRadius, and PolarRadius.
Definition: Target.cpp:403
@ Degrees
Degrees are generally considered more human readable, 0-360 is one circle, however most math does not...
Definition: Angle.h:56
virtual QString toString(bool includeUnits=true) const
Get the angle in human-readable form.
Definition: Angle.cpp:243
This class is designed to encapsulate the concept of a Latitude.
Definition: Latitude.h:51
Latitude add(Angle angleToAdd, PvlGroup mapping)
Adds an angle to this latitude.
Definition: Latitude.cpp:503
double planetographic(Angle::Units units=Angle::Radians) const
Get the latitude in the planetographic coordinate system.
Definition: Latitude.cpp:315
@ Unknown
A type of error that cannot be classified as any of the other error types.
Definition: IException.h:118
bool hasKeyword(const QString &name) const
Check to see if a keyword exists.
Definition: PvlContainer.cpp:159
This cleans up the Latitude class.
Definition: Latitude.cpp:260
QString toString(bool boolToConvert)
Global function to convert a boolean to a string.
Definition: IString.cpp:211
bool IsSpecial(const double d)
Returns if the input pixel is special.
Definition: SpecialPixel.h:197
@ Planetographic
This is a secondary coordinate system for latitudes.
Definition: Latitude.h:103
Distance measurement, usually in meters.
Definition: Distance.h:34
Some user-configurable error checking parameters.
Definition: Latitude.h:71
void setErrorChecking(ErrorChecking errors)
Set the error checking status.
Definition: Latitude.cpp:420
void setPlanetographic(double latitude, Angle::Units units=Angle::Radians)
Set the latitude given a value in the Planetographic coordinate system.
Definition: Latitude.cpp:360
void setPlanetocentric(double latitude, Angle::Units units=Angle::Radians)
Set the latitude given a value in the Planetocentric coordinate system.
Definition: Latitude.cpp:293
@ Meters
The distance is being specified in meters.
Definition: Distance.h:43
virtual void setAngle(const double &angle, const Angle::Units &units)
Same as planetocentric.
Definition: Latitude.cpp:583
Contains multiple PvlContainers.
Definition: PvlGroup.h:41
#define _FILEINFO_
Macro for the filename and line number.
Definition: IException.h:24
@ Planetocentric
This is the universal (and default) latitude coordinate system.
Definition: Latitude.h:91
Latitude & operator=(const Latitude &latitudeToCopy)
This assigns another latitude to this one - making this latitude an exact duplicate of the other.
Definition: Latitude.cpp:467
@ ThrowAllErrors
Throw an exception if any problems are found.
Definition: Latitude.h:73
The set of usable angle measurement units.
Definition: Angle.h:49
Isis exception class.
Definition: IException.h:91
Defines an angle and provides unit conversions.
Definition: Angle.h:45
Create a blank Latitude object without Planetographic support.
Definition: Latitude.cpp:25
@ AllowPastPole
Don't throw an exception if a latitude beyond -90/90 is found.
Definition: Latitude.h:75
double toDouble(const QString &string)
Global function to convert from a string to a double.
Definition: IString.cpp:149
@ Programmer
This error is for when a programmer made an API call that was illegal.
Definition: IException.h:146
bool isValid() const
This indicates whether we have a legitimate angle stored or are in an unset, or invalid,...
Definition: Angle.cpp:95
Constructs a blank angle object which needs a value to be set in order to do any calculations.
Definition: Angle.cpp:23
double planetocentric(Angle::Units units=Angle::Radians) const
Get the latitude in the planetocentric (universal) coordinate system.
Definition: Latitude.cpp:282
double degrees() const
Get the angle in units of Degrees.
Definition: Angle.h:232
virtual void setAngle(const double &angle, const Units &unit)
Set angle value in desired units.
Definition: Angle.cpp:323
bool inRange(Latitude min, Latitude max) const
Checks if this latitude value is within the given range.
Definition: Latitude.cpp:439
ErrorChecking errorChecking() const
Get the error checking status.
Definition: Latitude.cpp:407
These are the latitude coordinate systems.
Definition: Latitude.h:85
virtual double angle(const Units &unit) const
Return angle value in desired units.
Definition: Angle.cpp:289
@ Radians
Radians are generally used in mathematical equations, 0-2*PI is one circle, however these are more di...
Definition: Angle.h:63
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition: Apollo.h:16
@ User
A type of error that could only have occurred due to a mistake on the user's part (e....
Definition: IException.h:126
double radians() const
Convert an angle to a double.
Definition: Angle.h:226