Loading [MathJax]/jax/output/NativeMML/config.js
Isis Developer Reference
Go to the documentation of this file.
26 class ControlPointEdit;
29 class MdiCubeViewport;
30 class SerialNumberList;
32 class UniversalGroundMap;
90 void paintAllViewports();
91 void calculateElevation();
93 void saveElevations();
94 void saveAsElevations();
96 void userBaseRadius();
97 void updateRadiusLineEdit();
101 void setTemplateFile();
102 void viewTemplateFile();
105 void createStartPoint();
106 void createEndPoint();
109 void createStereoTool(
QWidget *parent);
112 void setFiles(
Cube *leftCube,
Cube *rightCube);
115 QString serialNumber);
123 void warningDialog();
125 void writeSettings();
129 QLineEdit *m_radiusLineEdit;
132 QLabel *m_leftCubeLabel;
133 QLabel *m_rightCubeLabel;
134 QLabel *m_elevationLabel;
135 QLabel *m_elevationErrorLabel;
136 QLabel *m_baseRadiiLabel;
137 QLabel *m_leftDemRadiiLabel;
138 QLabel *m_rightDemRadiiLabel;
151 QPointer<ControlNet> m_controlNet;
static PvlGroup radiiGroup(QString target)
Creates a Pvl Group with keywords TargetName, EquitorialRadius, and PolarRadius.
Definition: Target.cpp:403
@ Degrees
Degrees are generally considered more human readable, 0-360 is one circle, however most math does not...
Definition: Angle.h:56
ControlPoint * Parent()
Definition: ControlMeasure.h:260
Cube display widget for certain Isis MDI applications.
Definition: MdiCubeViewport.h:39
ShapeModel * shape() const
Return the shape.
Definition: Target.cpp:655
virtual QString fileName() const
Returns the opened cube's filename.
Definition: Cube.cpp:1563
Universal Ground Map.
Definition: UniversalGroundMap.h:69
double Sample() const
Returns the current line value of the camera model or projection.
Definition: UniversalGroundMap.cpp:200
double UniversalLatitude() const
Returns the universal latitude of the camera model or projection.
Definition: UniversalGroundMap.cpp:247
const ControlMeasure * GetMeasure(QString serialNumber) const
Get a control measure based on its cube's serial number.
Definition: ControlPoint.cpp:416
double GetFocalPlaneMeasuredX() const
Definition: ControlMeasure.cpp:620
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition: BoxcarCachingAlgorithm.h:13
This class is designed to encapsulate the concept of a Latitude.
Definition: Latitude.h:51
Status SetCubeSerialNumber(QString newSerialNumber)
Set cube serial number.
Definition: ControlMeasure.cpp:187
This is a plot curve with information relating it to a particular cube or region of a cube.
Definition: CubePlotCurve.h:53
void setLeftMeasure(ControlMeasure *leftMeasure, Cube *leftCube, QString pointId)
Set the measure displayed in the left ChipViewport.
Definition: ControlPointEdit.cpp:663
void setAxisLabel(int axisId, QString title)
Sets the plots given axis title to the given string.
Definition: PlotWindow.cpp:208
double GetFocalPlaneMeasuredY() const
Definition: ControlMeasure.cpp:625
virtual bool SetImage(const double sample, const double line)
Sets the sample/line values of the image to get the lat/lon values.
Definition: Camera.cpp:154
@ PixelNumber
The data is a pixel #.
Definition: PlotCurve.h:79
QString name() const
Returns the name of the file excluding the path and the attributes in the file name.
Definition: FileName.cpp:162
bool SetGround(Latitude lat, Longitude lon)
Returns whether the lat/lon position was set successfully in the camera model or projection.
Definition: UniversalGroundMap.cpp:127
File name manipulation and expansion.
Definition: FileName.h:100
void TackCube(const double cubeSample, const double cubeLine)
This sets which cube position will be located at the chip tack position.
Definition: Chip.cpp:182
Pixel value mapper.
Definition: Stretch.h:58
void setPen(const QPen &pen)
Sets the plot pen to the passed-in pen.
Definition: PlotCurve.cpp:340
Status SetFocalPlaneMeasured(double x, double y)
Set the focal plane x/y for the measured line/sample.
Definition: ControlMeasure.cpp:299
static QString Compose(Pvl &label, bool def2filename=false)
Compose a SerialNumber from a PVL.
Definition: SerialNumber.cpp:38
Longitude GetLongitude() const
Returns a positive east, 0-360 domain longitude object at the surface intersection point in the body ...
Definition: Sensor.cpp:245
QString name() const
Gets the shape name.
Definition: ShapeModel.cpp:543
AutoReg::RegisterStatus Register()
Walk the pattern chip through the search chip to find the best registration.
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:587
Container for cube-like labels.
Definition: Pvl.h:119
SurfacePoint GetAprioriSurfacePoint() const
Definition: ControlPoint.cpp:1566
Chip * SearchChip()
Return pointer to search chip.
Definition: AutoReg.h:207
Latitude GetLatitude() const
Return the body-fixed latitude for the surface point.
Definition: SurfacePoint.cpp:1665
QString GetId() const
Return the Id of the control point.
Definition: ControlPoint.cpp:1306
SurfacePoint GetSurfacePoint() const
Returns the surface point (most efficient accessor).
Definition: Sensor.cpp:255
Status SetDateTime()
Date Time - Creation Time.
Definition: ControlMeasure.cpp:247
virtual void add(CubePlotCurve *pc)
This method adds the curves to the plot.
Definition: PlotWindow.cpp:436
void setRightMeasure(ControlMeasure *rightMeasure, Cube *rightCube, QString pointId)
Set the measure displayed in the right ChipViewport.
Definition: ControlPointEdit.cpp:724
void setSource(CubeViewport *cvp, QList< QPoint > screenPoints, int band=-1)
Tell this plot curve from where its data originated.
Definition: CubePlotCurve.cpp:323
Serial Number list generator.
Definition: SerialNumberList.h:64
Definition: ProfileDialog.h:13
bool IsIgnored() const
Definition: ControlMeasure.cpp:630
QString serialNumber(const QString &filename)
Return a serial number given a filename.
Definition: SerialNumberList.cpp:426
void IgnoreElevationModel(bool ignore)
This allows you to ignore the cube elevation model and use the ellipse.
Definition: Sensor.cpp:60
void Load(Cube &cube, const double rotation=0.0, const double scale=1.0, const int band=1)
Load cube data into the Chip.
Definition: Chip.cpp:203
Distance measurement, usually in meters.
Definition: Distance.h:34
Auto Registration class.
Definition: AutoReg.h:167
This class is designed to encapsulate the concept of a Longitude.
Definition: Longitude.h:40
static bool elevation(Camera &cam1, Camera &cam2, double &radius, double &latitude, double &longitude, double &sepang, double &error)
Definition: Stereo.cpp:24
virtual Target * target() const
Returns a pointer to the target object.
Definition: Spice.cpp:1368
A single control point.
Definition: ControlPoint.h:354
void cubeToViewport(double sample, double line, int &x, int &y) const
Turns a cube into a viewport.
Definition: CubeViewport.cpp:852
void setData(QwtSeriesData< QPointF > *data)
This method sets the data for the curve, then sets the value for the markers associated with the curv...
Definition: PlotCurve.cpp:109
@ Meters
The distance is being specified in meters.
Definition: Distance.h:43
Contains multiple PvlContainers.
Definition: PvlGroup.h:41
int lineCount() const
Definition: Cube.cpp:1734
#define _FILEINFO_
Macro for the filename and line number.
Definition: IException.h:24
Status SetAprioriSurfacePoint(SurfacePoint aprioriSP)
This updates the apriori surface point.
Definition: ControlPoint.cpp:779
Status SetType(PointType newType)
Updates the control point's type.
Definition: ControlPoint.cpp:709
QString toString() const
Returns a string representation of this exception.
Definition: IException.cpp:537
bool setTemplateFile(QString)
Allows user to choose a new template file by opening a window from which to select a filename.
Definition: ControlPointEdit.cpp:1506
@ Manual
Hand Measured (e.g., qnet)
Definition: ControlMeasure.h:210
QString templateFileName()
Definition: ControlPointEdit.h:162
double CubeSample() const
Return the search chip cube sample that best matched.
Definition: AutoReg.h:340
Status SetChooserName()
Set chooser name to a user who last changed the coordinate.
Definition: ControlMeasure.cpp:196
Chip * PatternChip()
Return pointer to pattern chip.
Definition: AutoReg.h:202
void add(const QString &filename, bool def2filename=false)
Adds a new filename / serial number pair to the SerialNumberList.
Definition: SerialNumberList.cpp:121
bool isValid() const
Test if this distance has been initialized or not.
Definition: Distance.cpp:192
int sampleCount() const
Definition: Cube.cpp:1807
double GetDiameter() const
Return the diameter of the crater in pixels (0 implies no crater)
Definition: ControlMeasure.cpp:580
double GetSample() const
Definition: ControlMeasure.cpp:723
Status SetDiameter(double diameter)
Set the crater diameter at the coordinate.
Definition: ControlMeasure.cpp:272
a control network
Definition: ControlNet.h:257
IO Handler for Isis Cubes.
Definition: Cube.h:167
Isis exception class.
Definition: IException.h:91
Widget to display Isis cubes for qt apps.
Definition: CubeViewport.h:122
Latitude GetLatitude() const
Returns a planetocentric latitude object at the surface intersection point in body fixed.
Definition: Sensor.cpp:221
Longitude GetLongitude() const
Return the body-fixed longitude for the surface point.
Definition: SurfacePoint.cpp:1685
@ Elevation
The data is an elevation (in meters).
Definition: PlotCurve.h:71
void setColor(const QColor &color)
Set the color of this curve and it's markers.
Definition: PlotCurve.cpp:97
const double Null
Value for an Isis Null pixel.
Definition: SpecialPixel.h:95
Camera * camera()
Return a camera associated with the cube.
Definition: Cube.cpp:1451
Distance GetLocalRadius() const
Return the radius of the surface point.
Definition: SurfacePoint.cpp:1732
Namespace for the standard library.
static AutoReg * Create(Pvl &pvl)
Create an AutoReg object using a PVL specification.
Definition: AutoRegFactory.cpp:45
@ Free
A Free point is a Control Point that identifies common measurements between two or more cubes.
Definition: ControlPoint.h:384
double meters() const
Get the distance in meters.
Definition: Distance.cpp:85
double GetLine() const
Definition: ControlMeasure.cpp:690
double degrees() const
Get the angle in units of Degrees.
Definition: Angle.h:232
bool IsIgnored() const
Definition: ControlPoint.cpp:1311
PointType GetType() const
Definition: ControlPoint.cpp:1401
bool SetUniversalGround(double lat, double lon)
Returns whether the lat/lon position was set successfully in the camera model or projection.
Definition: UniversalGroundMap.cpp:102
bool SetImage(double sample, double line)
Returns whether the sample/line postion was set successfully in the camera model or projection.
Definition: UniversalGroundMap.cpp:233
double CubeLine() const
Return the search chip cube line that best matched.
Definition: AutoReg.h:345
Point Editor Widget.
Definition: ControlPointEdit.h:155
void viewportToCube(int x, int y, double &sample, double &line) const
Turns a viewport into a cube.
Definition: CubeViewport.cpp:815
Status SetType(MeasureType type)
Set how the coordinate was obtained.
Definition: ControlMeasure.cpp:420
PvlEditDialog creates a QDialog window in which a QTextEdit box displays the contents of a pvl file.
Definition: PvlEditDialog.h:45
Adds specific functionality to C++ strings.
Definition: IString.h:165
bool HasSerialNumber(QString serialNumber) const
Return true if given serial number exists in point.
Definition: ControlPoint.cpp:1746
static QString UserName()
Returns the user name.
Definition: Application.cpp:816
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition: Calculator.h:18
Definition: PlotWindow.h:88
Cube * cube() const
Definition: CubeViewport.h:338
double Line() const
Returns the current line value of the camera model or projection.
Definition: UniversalGroundMap.cpp:214
bool hasSerialNumber(QString sn)
Determines whether or not the requested serial number exists in the list.
Definition: SerialNumberList.cpp:373
void Add(ControlMeasure *measure)
Add a measurement to the control point, taking ownership of the measure in the process.
Definition: ControlPoint.cpp:223
bool Success() const
Return whether the match algorithm succeeded or not.
Definition: AutoReg.h:318
This class defines a body-fixed surface point.
Definition: SurfacePoint.h:132
double UniversalLongitude() const
Returns the universal longitude of the camera model or projection.
Definition: UniversalGroundMap.cpp:270
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition: Apollo.h:16
Distance LocalRadius() const
Returns the local radius at the intersection point.
Definition: Sensor.cpp:267
Status SetCoordinate(double sample, double line)
Set the coordinate of the measurement.
Definition: ControlMeasure.cpp:219
@ User
A type of error that could only have occurred due to a mistake on the user's part (e....
Definition: IException.h:126
a control measurement
Definition: ControlMeasure.h:175