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Isis Developer Reference
Spice, Instruments, and Cameras

The Objects in this module are used to read and manipulate Spice data. More...


 This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.


class  Isis::ApolloMetricCamera
 Apollo Metric Camera Model. More...
class  Isis::Camera
class  Isis::CameraStatistics
 Calculates a series of statistics pertaining to a Camera. More...
class  Isis::FramingCamera
 Generic class for Framing Cameras. More...
class  Isis::IdealCamera
 Ideal Camera Model. More...
class  Isis::LineScanCamera
 Generic class for Line Scan Cameras. More...
class  Isis::PixelFOV
 This class defines a field of view. More...
class  Isis::PushFrameCamera
 Generic class for Push Frame Cameras. More...
class  Isis::RadarCamera
 Generic class for Radar Cameras. More...
class  Isis::RollingShutterCamera
 Generic class for Rolling Shutter Cameras. More...
class  Isis::Sensor
 Class for computing sensor ground coordinates. More...
class  Isis::LightTimeCorrectionState
 Provides interface to user configurable Light Time correction feature. More...
class  Isis::SpacecraftPosition
 Provides swap observer/target and improved light time correction. More...
class  Isis::Spice
 Obtain SPICE information for a spacecraft. More...
class  Isis::SpicePosition
 Obtain SPICE position information for a body. More...
class  Isis::SpiceRotation
 Obtain SPICE rotation information for a body. More...
class  Isis::IssNACamera
 Cassini ISS Narrow Angle Camera Model. More...
class  Isis::IssWACamera
 Cassini ISS Wide Angle Camera Model. More...
class  Isis::VimsCamera
 Cassini Vims camera model. More...
class  Isis::VimsGroundMap
 Convert between undistorted focal plane and ground coordinates. More...
class  Isis::VimsSkyMap
 Convert between undistorted focal plane and ground coordinates. More...
class  Isis::Chandrayaan1M3Camera
 Chandrayaan1 M3 Camera Model. More...
class  Isis::HiresCamera
 This is the camera model for the Clementine High-Resolution Camera. More...
class  Isis::LwirCamera
 This is the camera model for the Clementine Long-Wavelength Infrared Camera. More...
class  Isis::NirCamera
 This is the camera model for the Clementine Near Infrared Camera. More...
class  Isis::UvvisCamera
 This is the camera model for the Clementine Ultraviolet/Visible Camera. More...
class  Isis::ClipperNacRollingShutterCamera
 Clipper EIS Camera model. More...
class  Isis::DawnFcCamera
 This is the camera model for the Dawn Framing Camera. More...
class  Isis::DawnVirCamera
 Camera model for both Danw VIR VIS and IR instruments. More...
class  Isis::SsiCamera
 This is the camera model for the Galileo Solid State Imaging Camera. More...
class  Isis::HayabusaAmicaCamera
 This is the camera model for the Hayabusa AMICA camera. More...
class  Isis::HayabusaNirsCamera
 This is the camera model for the Hayabusa NIRS camera. More...
class  Isis::NirsDetectorMap
 The detector map class for the Hayabusa NIRS camera. More...
class  Isis::Hyb2OncCamera
 This is the camera model for the Hayabusa2 ONC camera. More...
class  Isis::JunoCamera
 Juno's JNC (JunoCam) camera model. More...
class  Isis::KaguyaMiCamera
 Kaguya MI Camera Model. More...
class  Isis::KaguyaMiCameraDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  Isis::LoCameraFiducialMap
 Computes map from image coordinates to focal plane based on fiducials. More...
class  Isis::LoHighCamera
 Defines the Lunar Orbiter High Resolution camera class. More...
class  Isis::LoHighDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  Isis::LoMediumCamera
 Defines the Lunar Orbiter Medium Resolution camera class. More...
class  Isis::LoMediumDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  Isis::LroNarrowAngleCamera
 LRO Narrow Angle Camera Model. More...
class  Isis::LroNarrowAngleDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  Isis::LroWideAngleCamera
 LRO Wide Angle Camera Model. More...
class  Isis::LroWideAngleCameraDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  Isis::LroWideAngleCameraFocalPlaneMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  Isis::MiniRF
 LRO Mini-RF SAR and Chandrayaan 1 Mini-RF SAR. More...
class  Isis::Mariner10Camera
 Mariner10 Camera Model. More...
class  Isis::MdisCamera
 MESSENGER MDIS NAC and WAC Camera Model. More...
class  Isis::TaylorCameraDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  Isis::HrscCamera
 HRSC Camera Model. More...
class  Isis::MexHrscSrcCamera
 This is the camera model for the Mex HRSC SRC Framing Camera. More...
class  Isis::MocLabels
 Read values from MOC labels. More...
class  Isis::MocNarrowAngleCamera
 MOC Narrow Angle Camera Model. More...
class  Isis::MocNarrowAngleSumming
 Mars Global Surveyor MOC narrow angle summing class. More...
class  Isis::MocWideAngleCamera
 MOC Wide Angle Camera Model. More...
class  Isis::MocWideAngleDetectorMap
 Convert between parent image coordinates and detector coordinates. More...
class  Isis::MocWideAngleDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  Isis::CrismCamera
 MRO CRISM camera model. More...
class  Isis::CTXCamera
 MRO CTX Camera Model. More...
class  Isis::HiriseCamera
 Hirise Camera Model. More...
class  Isis::MarciCamera
 Marci Camera Model. More...
class  Isis::MarciDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  Isis::MsiCamera
 NEAR Shoemaker MSI Camera Model. More...
class  Isis::NewHorizonsLeisaCamera
 This is the camera model for LEISA, New Hoirzon's infrared Spectrometer. More...
class  Isis::NewHorizonsLorriCamera
 This is the camera model for the LORRI Framing Camera. More...
class  Isis::NewHorizonsMvicFrameCamera
 This is the camera model for the New Horizons MVIC Frame mode Camera. More...
class  Isis::NewHorizonsMvicFrameCameraDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates for New Horizons/MVIC frame sensor. More...
class  Isis::NewHorizonsMvicTdiCamera
 New Horizons Mvic Camera, Tdi mode. More...
class  Isis::NewHorizonsMvicTdiCameraDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates for New Horizons/MVIC. More...
class  Isis::ThemisIrCamera
 THEMIS IR Camera. More...
class  Isis::ThemisIrDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  Isis::ThemisVisCamera
 THEMIS VIS Camera Model. More...
class  Isis::ThemisVisDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  Isis::OsirisRexOcamsCamera
 This class models the behavior and attributes of the OSIRIS-REx Cameras: Mapping Camera, PolyMath Camera, and Sample Camera. More...
class  Isis::RosettaOsirisCamera
 This is the camera model for the Osiris NAC Framing Camera. More...
class  Isis::RosettaOsirisCameraDistortionMap
 Distortion map for converting between undistorted focal plane and distorted focal plane coordinates for the Rosetta OSIRIS NAC and WAC. More...
class  Isis::RosettaVirtisCamera
 Camera model for both Rosetta VIRTIS-M instruments. More...
class  Isis::TgoCassisCamera
 TGO Cassis camera model. More...
class  Isis::TgoCassisDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  Isis::VikingCamera
 Viking Camera Model. More...
class  Isis::VoyagerCamera
 Voyager Camera Model. More...

Detailed Description

The Objects in this module are used to read and manipulate Spice data.

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File Modified: 03/21/2022 06:54:57