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Stitches together the typically eight individual scans of an Apollo Panoramic Image

Overview Parameters


This program uses the Selection and CentroidApolloPan classes to find the centers of the fiducial marks along the image segments. Conjugate fiducial marks between segments are used to calculate transformations to unite the segments. The transformation math model is limited to three parameters (2 transformations and 1 rotation) because it is unlikely the film is undergoing any measureable dimensional changes during the scanning. Thus, the intent of this program is to stitch together the image that would have been produced had there been a large enough scanner, and not to correct for any film degradation or other systematic error sources. Those corrections are left to the camera model.



Orrin Thomas2011-10-03 Created
Orrin Thomas2012-07-13 Application name changed from apollopansticher to apollopanstitcher
Raad A. Saleh2012-08-08 Program has been modified to accept long (more than 128 characters) file names without error. This fixes Mantis ticket # 1024.
Steven Lambright2012-12-26 Fixed a bug that caused this program to produce erroneous outputs a small percentage of the times it was run (less than 3% failure rate). The bad outputs looked valid - visually - but the stitching was incorrect (pixels would be in the wrong place). This was a general failure, not caused by a particular input or set of parameter values. Fixes #1053.
Lynn Weller2012-01-22 Application category name changed from Import and Export to Apollo. Fixes mantis ticket #951.
Christopher Combs2017-06-29 Moved initialization of trans[7] to before the loop that uses it. Fixes #4948.

Parameter Groups


Name Description
TO Output image

File Base Name

Name Description
FILE_BASE Apollo Panoramic Image Base Name


Name Description
MICRONS Pixels size in microns

Files: TO


Use this parameter to specify the name of the output cube.

Type cube
File Mode output
Pixel Type real
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File Base Name: FILE_BASE


Base Name of the eight subscans of an Apollo Panoramic image. For example, given the base name: "AS15_P_0330-", the first image would be expected to be "AS15_p_0330-0001.cub", the second "AS15_P_0330-0002.cub", etc.

Type string
File Mode input
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Resolution: MICRONS


The scanner resolution (dot size) in microns.

Type double
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