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Imports LIDAR data from LRO LOLA instrument.

Overview Parameters


Imports LIDAR data from LRO LOLA instrument.



Makayla Shepherd and Tyler Wilson2017-01-29 Original version
Debbie Cook2018-03-19 Added items that will be needed to bundle adjust: new point keyword simultaneousImages that is an array of serial numbers of the measures on images taken simultaneously with the Lidar data, a threshold to screen measures that are off the image, and both point (lat/lon/radius) and range constraints. Also added point type and set it to Constrained.
Debbie Cook2018-04-16 Fixed the case where a Lidar point has no simultaneous measures on any images in the input list. In this case do not write out the point because it has no constraints. In the future, the functionality may change to include points without simultaneous measures in the bundle adjustment. References #5343.
Ken Edmundson2018-06-20 Changed call to Camera::SetGround to use the SurfacePoint with the input lidar point coordinates. Ensures use of lidar point radius instead of the local radius.
Ken Edmundson2018-06-25 Changed internal default for lidar coordinate a priori uncertainties to "none", allowing FREE lidar points.
Debbie A Cook2019-02-23 Added new file OUTPUTTYPE=TEST, to be used strictly for testing. This option does a SLOW sort on the output data. The resulting output file is sorted by pointID, which allows testing software to compare output with truth data. References #5343.
Debbie A Cook2019-03-11 Added new input parameter FROMLIST to allow entering multiple input Lidar CSV files. All input points are written out into a single Lidar data file. References #5343.

Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Input LOLA Lidar RDR data in CSV format
FROMLIST Input LOLA Lidar CSV file list from which to generate the Lidar control point file
CUBES List with cubes to add as measures to the lidar points.
TO Output lidar point data

Processing Parameters

Name Description
POINTID The pattern to be used to create point ids.
THRESHOLD The threshold allowed for points to be off the image in pixels..

Point Uncertainties

Name Description
POINT_RANGE_SIGMA Range uncertainty for all points (meters)
POINT_LATITUDE_SIGMA Latitude uncertainty for all points (meters)
POINT_LONGITUDE_SIGMA Longitude uncertainty for all points (meters)
POINT_RADIUS_SIGMA Radius uncertainty for all points (meters)

Files: FROM


This file is downloaded from Washington University at "https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/moon/indextools.aspx?displaypage=lolardr" It contains altimetry readings organized along the spacecraft orbit track.

Type filename
File Mode input
Filter *.csv
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This file contains a list of CSV files of LOLA Lidar RDR that will be used to generate an Isis Lidar control point file. Each file in FROMLIST is expected to be a CSV with LOLA Lidar RDR data. See FROM for more information on the data.

Type filename
File Mode input
Internal Default None
  • FROM
Filter *.lis
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Files: CUBES


Type filename
File Mode input
Filter *.lis
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Files: TO


Type filename
File Mode output
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The output type, either binary or json.

Type string
Default BINARY
Option List:
Option Brief Description
BINARY Binary output file (.dat)
JSON JSON output file (.json)
TEST DO NOT USE (only for tests) ordered JSON output file (.json)
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Processing Parameters: POINTID


This string will be used to create unique IDs for each control point created by this program. The string must contain a single series of question marks ("?"). For example: "VallesMarineris????"

The question marks will be replaced with a number beginning with zero and incremented by one each time a new control point is created. The example above would cause the first control point to have an ID of "VallesMarineris0000", the second ID would be "VallesMarineris0001" and so on. The maximum number of new control points for this example would be 10000 with the final ID being "VallesMarineris9999".

Note: Make sure there are enough "?"s for all the control points that might be created during this run. If all the possible point IDs are exhausted the program will exit with an error, and will not produce an output control network file.

Examples of POINTID:

Type string
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Processing Parameters: THRESHOLD


This value is used to screen measures during back projection. If a Lidar point maps into an image with coordinates outside of the valid pixel range extended by the threshold value, it will be rejected as a measure for that point.

Type double
Default 0.0
Minimum 0 (inclusive)
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Point Uncertainties: POINT_RANGE_SIGMA


This value will be used as the range uncertainty for all points. Units are meters.

Type double
Internal Default none
Minimum 0 (inclusive)
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Point Uncertainties: POINT_LATITUDE_SIGMA


This value will be used as the latitude uncertainty for all points. Units are meters.

Type double
Internal Default none
Minimum 0 (inclusive)
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Point Uncertainties: POINT_LONGITUDE_SIGMA


This optional value will be used as the longitude uncertainty for all points. Units are meters.

Type double
Internal Default none
Minimum 0 (inclusive)
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Point Uncertainties: POINT_RADIUS_SIGMA


This value will be used as the radius uncertainty for all points. Units are meters.

Type double
Internal Default none
Minimum 0 (inclusive)
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