Isis Developer Reference
Go to the documentation of this file.
1#ifndef PushFrameCameraDetectorMap_h
2#define PushFrameCameraDetectorMap_h
8/* SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 */
10#include "CameraDetectorMap.h"
12namespace Isis {
46 public:
48 const double etStart,
49 const double frameletRate,
50 int frameletHeight);
54 virtual bool SetParent(const double sample,
55 const double line);
56 virtual bool SetParent(const double sample,
57 const double line,
58 const double deltaT);
60 virtual bool SetDetector(const double sample,
61 const double line);
63 double FrameletRate() const;
64 void SetFrameletRate(const double frameletRate);
66 int FrameletOffset() const;
67 void SetFrameletOffset(int frameletOffset);
69 void SetFramelet(int framelet, const double deltaT=0);
70 int Framelet();
72 void SetBandFirstDetectorLine(int firstLine);
75 void SetStartTime(const double etStart);
76 double StartEphemerisTime() const;
79 virtual double exposureDuration(const double sample,
80 const double line,
81 const int band) const;
83 void SetFrameletOrderReversed(bool frameletOrderReversed, int nframelets);
84 void SetFrameletsGeometricallyFlipped(bool frameletsFlipped);
86 int TotalFramelets() const;
87 double frameletSample() const;
88 double frameletLine() const;
89 int frameletHeight() const;
92 private:
93 double p_etStart;
94 double p_exposureDuration;
95 double p_frameletRate;
96 int p_frameletHeight;
97 int p_bandStartDetector;
98 int p_frameletOffset;
99 int p_framelet;
100 int p_nframelets;
102 double p_frameletSample;
103 double p_frameletLine;
105 bool p_flippedFramelets;
106 bool p_timeAscendingFramelets;
108 };
Convert between parent image coordinates and detector coordinates.
Definition: CameraDetectorMap.h:47
Definition: Camera.h:236
Convert between parent image coordinates and detector coordinates.
Definition: PushFrameCameraDetectorMap.h:45
void SetFrameletRate(const double frameletRate)
Reset the frame rate.
Definition: PushFrameCameraDetectorMap.cpp:244
int TotalFramelets() const
Return the total number of framelets including padding.
Definition: PushFrameCameraDetectorMap.cpp:381
virtual double exposureDuration(const double sample, const double line, const int band) const
This virtual method is for returning the exposure duration of a given pixel.
Definition: PushFrameCameraDetectorMap.cpp:439
void SetFrameletsGeometricallyFlipped(bool frameletsFlipped)
Mirrors the each framelet in the file.
Definition: PushFrameCameraDetectorMap.cpp:359
virtual bool SetParent(const double sample, const double line)
Compute detector position from a parent image coordinate.
Definition: PushFrameCameraDetectorMap.cpp:117
void SetBandFirstDetectorLine(int firstLine)
Change the starting line in the detector based on band.
Definition: PushFrameCameraDetectorMap.cpp:308
virtual ~PushFrameCameraDetectorMap()
Definition: PushFrameCameraDetectorMap.cpp:43
double frameletLine() const
This returns the calculated framelet line.
Definition: PushFrameCameraDetectorMap.cpp:403
int GetBandFirstDetectorLine()
Return the starting line in the detector for the current band.
Definition: PushFrameCameraDetectorMap.cpp:319
void SetFrameletOffset(int frameletOffset)
Reset the frame offset.
Definition: PushFrameCameraDetectorMap.cpp:270
bool timeAscendingFramelets()
Returns if the framelets are reversed from top-to-bottom.
Definition: PushFrameCameraDetectorMap.cpp:425
void SetStartTime(const double etStart)
Reset the starting ephemeris time.
Definition: PushFrameCameraDetectorMap.cpp:215
int frameletHeight() const
This returns how many lines are considered a single framelet.
Definition: PushFrameCameraDetectorMap.cpp:414
int Framelet()
This method returns the current framelet.
Definition: PushFrameCameraDetectorMap.cpp:292
void SetFrameletOrderReversed(bool frameletOrderReversed, int nframelets)
Changes the direction of the framelets.
Definition: PushFrameCameraDetectorMap.cpp:340
int FrameletOffset() const
Return the frame offset.
Definition: PushFrameCameraDetectorMap.cpp:281
void SetExposureDuration(double exposureDuration)
Change the exposure duration in seconds.
Definition: PushFrameCameraDetectorMap.cpp:229
virtual bool SetDetector(const double sample, const double line)
Compute parent position from a detector coordinate.
Definition: PushFrameCameraDetectorMap.cpp:59
double frameletSample() const
This returns the calculated framelet sample.
Definition: PushFrameCameraDetectorMap.cpp:392
double StartEphemerisTime() const
This returns the starting ET of this band.
Definition: PushFrameCameraDetectorMap.cpp:370
void SetFramelet(int framelet, const double deltaT=0)
This method changes the current framelet.
Definition: PushFrameCameraDetectorMap.cpp:182
double FrameletRate() const
Return the time in seconds between framelets.
Definition: PushFrameCameraDetectorMap.cpp:256
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition: Apollo.h:16