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Creates a bar scale for an image



The barscale program creates a horizontal bar scale for a given image.

The bar scale is a bar graphic divided into portions and labeled with a unit measurement associated with corresponding ground length. It indicates, for example, the scale of an image or map. Many users find bar scales helpful to place on maps and images for publication so that observers can make a quick assessment of distance relationships.

How Barscale Works

This program uses the USGS standard as a guide for producing the bar scale. The USGS standard can be viewed at http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1999/of99-430/of99-430_sec35.pdf. The program takes a projected or unprojected image file as input. If the image is unprojected, it must be initialized with SPICE information. This can be achieved by running the spiceinit program on the unprojected file. The pixel resolution (PIXRES) is obtained either from the CENTER or from a user defined location in the image file (USERLOC). The user determines the desired length of the bar scale and the unit of measurement, either METER or KILOMETER, to employ. The length of the bar scale is controlled using the LEFTLIMIT, LEFTSEGS, RIGHTLIMIT, and RIGHTSEGS parameters. The right side of a bar scale is used to provide larger divisions of measurement and the left side provides smaller divisions of measurement but is not required. The examples below are provided to demonstrate how these parameters are used.

Example 1: To create a bar scale with no left limit and a right limit of 20 kilometers with 4 divisions: LEFTLIMIT=0 LEFTSEGS=0 RIGHTLIMIT=20 RIGHTSEGS=4 UNIT=KILOMETER

Example 2: To create a bar scale with a left limit of 10 kilometers with 5 divisions and a right limit of 20 kilometers with 2 divisions: LEFTLIMIT=10 LEFTSEGS=5 RIGHTLIMIT=20 RIGHTSEGS=2 UNIT=KILOMETER

Important Facts to Remember

How to Place the Bar Scale in the Image File:

There are two options for placing the bar scale in the image file.

1) Set the PADIMAGE option to false if the bar scale should be placed on the image at a specified line and sample. The CORNERLINE and CORNERSAMPLE parameters need to be set to the upper left corner at the bar scale's insertion point.

2) Set the PADIMAGE option to true if the bar scale should be appended to the bottom of the image file. The bar scale will be justified LEFT, CENTER, or RIGHT within the padding depending on the user's choice.

Please note that this program is designed to generate bar scales for localized images. This program should not be used to generate a bar scale for a global image because of the drastic resolution changes that occur across the expanse of a global image.


Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Input cube file
TO Output cube file

Bar Scale Options

Name Description
PIXRESSpecifies the location to calculate pixel resolution
LINELine in image to calculate resolution
SAMPLESample in image to calculate resolution
UNITSSpecifies the units of measurement to use for scale
LEFTLIMITSize of left side of scale in UNITS specified
LEFTSEGSNumber of segments in left side of scale
RIGHTLIMITSize of right side of scale in UNITS specified
RIGHTSEGSNumber of segments in right side of scale
CORNERLINELine location of upper left corner of scale in image
CORNERSAMPLESample location of upper left corner of scale in image
BARHEIGHTHeight of bar scale in pixels
BACKGROUNDSpecifies the background color to use for the scale
TEXTHEIGHTBar scale text height in pixels
TEXTLOCSpecifies the location of text in relation to the bar scale
PADIMAGEAdd padding at bottom of image to hold bar scale
PLACEMENTSpecifies how to place the bar scale in the padding of the image

Files: FROM


This is the input image cube that the bar scale will be created for.

Type cube
File Mode input
Filter *.cub

Files: TO


This is the output file name. The cube file will contain the bar scale.

Type cube
File Mode output

Bar Scale Options: PIXRES


Specifies the location in the image where the pixel resolution will be calculated: the center of the image or a user-defined line and sample in the image.

Type string
Default CENTER
Option List:
Option Brief Description
CENTERGet the pixel resolution from the center of the image The pixel resolution will be obtained from the center line and sample of the image.


  • LINE
USERGet the pixel resolution from a user defined line and sample The pixel resolution will be obtained from a user defined line and sample in the image file.


  • LINE

Bar Scale Options: LINE


This is the line number in the input image where the pixel resolution will be calculated at.

Type double

Bar Scale Options: SAMPLE


This is the sample number in the input image where the pixel resolution will be calculated at.

Type double

Bar Scale Options: UNITS


Specifies the units of measurement to use for the bar scale. Must be METER or KILOMETER.

Type string
Option List:
Option Brief Description
KILOMETERBar scale unit of measurement The bar scale will be created using KILOMETER as its unit of measurement.
METERBar scale unit of measurement The bar scale will be created using METER as its unit of measurement.

Bar Scale Options: LEFTLIMIT


If this value is greater than zero, then there will be a left hand side to the scale and the LEFTLIMIT will be the limit in UNITS of that side of the scale.

Type integer
Default 0
Minimum 0 (inclusive)

Bar Scale Options: LEFTSEGS


This is the number of segments that the left side of the scale will be divided into.

Type integer
Internal Default None
Minimum 1 (inclusive)

Bar Scale Options: RIGHTLIMIT


This value must be greater than zero. It is the limit in UNITS of the right side of the scale.

Type integer
Default 1
Minimum 0 (exclusive)

Bar Scale Options: RIGHTSEGS


This is the number of segments that the right side of the scale will be divided into.

Type integer
Default 1
Minimum 1 (inclusive)

Bar Scale Options: CORNERLINE


This is the line in the input image file where the upper left corner of the bar scale will be placed.

Type integer
Internal Default None

Bar Scale Options: CORNERSAMPLE


This is the sample in the input image file where the upper left corner of the bar scale will be placed.

Type integer
Internal Default None

Bar Scale Options: BARHEIGHT


This is the number of pixels that will be used in the vertical dimension of the bar scale. This value has to be at least 5 to create a bar scale.

Type integer
Default 50
Minimum 5 (inclusive)

Bar Scale Options: BACKGROUND


Specifies the background color to user for the scale bar. If the background is black, then the lines and text will be white. If the background is white, then the lines and text will be black.

Type string
Default WHITE
Option List:
Option Brief Description
BLACKBar scale background will be black The bar scale will be created using a background color of black. All lines and text used to make the bar scale will be white.
WHITEBar scale background will be white The bar scale will be created using a background color of white. All lines and text used to make the bar scale will be black.

Bar Scale Options: TEXTHEIGHT


This is the height in pixels of the text that will be written above/below the bar scale.

Type integer
Default 50
Minimum 10 (inclusive)

Bar Scale Options: TEXTLOC


Specifies the location of the text in relation to the bar scale. The text can be printed either above or below the bar scale.

Type string
Default ABOVE
Option List:
Option Brief Description
ABOVEPrint text above the bar scale Print the text above the bar scale.
BELOWPrint text below the bar scale Print the text below the bar scale.

Bar Scale Options: PADIMAGE


Determines if the bar scale will be written directly on the image file at the line,sample specified, or if the bar scale will be written and appended to the bottom of the image file. The user will still need to specify the upper left sample of the bar scale.

Type boolean
Default FALSE

Bar Scale Options: PLACEMENT


This determines how the bar scale will be placed in the padding that is added to the image. The three options are LEFT justified, CENTER, or RIGHT justified.

Type string
Default LEFT
Option List:
Option Brief Description
LEFTLeft justify the bar scale in the padding Left justify the bar scale in the padding at the bottom of the image. The bar scale will be placed so that the leftmost part of the bar scale (including text) is 10 pixels in from the left side of the image.
CENTERCenter the bar scale in the padding The bar scale will be placed in the padding at the bottom of the image so that the center of the scale is at the center sample of the image
RIGHTRight justify the bar scale in the padding Right justify the bar scale in the padding at the bottom of the image. The bar scale will be placed so that the rightmost part of the bar scale (including text) is 10 pixels in from the right side of the image.


Janet Barrett2013-01-22 Original version.
Janet Richie2013-02-22 Documentation review.
Janet Barrett2013-03-07 Updated code to meet standards. References #575.