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Creates a lat/lon polygon and writes it to the image



This applications creates a geometric polygon ("footprint") of the input image, where each vertex is a latitude/longitude coordinate in the image. Depending on the granularity of the search (SINC/LINC, NUMVERTICES), this polygon can represent anything from a rough approximation to a fine-grained model of the latitude/longitude extents of the image.

These polygons are used in a variety of ISIS applications, primarily for performing fast intersection tests to determine if a given coordinate or line falls within the bounds of an image in latitude/longitude space.

Because many applications can see performance gains on the order of magnitudes from using polygons over repeatedly creating cameras, it is highly recommended that this application be run on all images in a control network prior to performing network population. The application "autoseed" requires the presence to these polygons, while "cnetadd" has a significant optimization in place using polygons.

The application "spiceinit" must be run prior to running this application.


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Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Input cube


Name Description
INCREASEPRECISIONAllow automatic adjustments to fix invalid polygons
INCTYPE Polygon quality
LINC The accuracy of the footprint in the line direction (larger is less accurate)
SINC The accuracy of the footprint in the sample direction (larger is less accurate)
NUMVERTICES Polygon steps
MAXEMISSION The maximum valid emission angle
MAXINCIDENCE The maximum valid incidence angle

Limb Test

Name Description
LIMBTESTDefines how limb images are to be handled

XY Test

Name Description
TESTXYTests the footprint's XY projection
MAP File containing mapping parameters

Files: FROM


The cube to initialize polygons.

Type cube
File Mode input
Filter *.cub



Enabeling this option will allow the automatic reduction of the SINC and LINC parameters whenever their current values result in an invalid polygon. In addition, a results group will be created with the keywords SINC/LINC which reveal what SINC/LINC values were actually used for the creation of the footprint. NOTE: This parameter can result in a drastic increase in running time as well as a change to user input values.

Type boolean
Default FALSE

Options: INCTYPE


When true, use NUMVERTICES to set an approximate number of steps for the footprint. Otherwise use POLYLINC and POLYSINC to create the polygon based on the dimentions of the cube.

Type string
Option List:
Option Brief Description
LINCSINC Use POLYLINC and POLYSINC for polygon quality Enable this option to use the number of samples and lines to skip around the perimeter of the image to compute the polygon footprint.


VERTICES Use NUMVERTICES for polygon quality Enable this option to use a total number of vertices around the perimeter of the image to compute the polygon footprint.


  • LINC
  • SINC

Options: LINC


This is approximately how many lines in the input image to skip for every point stored in the footprint.

Type integer
Default 100
Minimum 1 (inclusive)

Options: SINC


This is approximately how many samples in the input image to skip for every point stored in the footprint.

Type integer
Default 100
Minimum 1 (inclusive)



Specifies the approximate number of vertices (+/- 3) to take around the image to compute the polygon footprint. (In limb images, the number of steps can be much more or less than 3 off.) Note that currently, an increment of 4 or less will not work for pushframe instruments such as THEMIS-VIS.

Type integer
Default 40
Minimum 4 (inclusive)



When this value is provided, footprintinit will only consider points with an emission angle less than or equal to the provided value. There should never be an emission angle above 90. However, planet features can cause abnormalities.

Type double
Internal Default Ignore Emission
Minimum 0.0 (inclusive)
Maximum 180.0 (inclusive)



When this value is provided, footprintinit will only consider points with an incidence angle less than or equal to the provided value. There should never be an incidence angle above 90. However, planet features can cause abnormalities.

Type double
Internal Default Ignore Incidence
Minimum 0.0 (inclusive)
Maximum 180.0 (inclusive)



This parameter is used to specify how limb images are to be handled.

Type string
Option List:
Option Brief Description
ELLIPSOIDUse an Ellipsoid Shape Model If a limb image is detected, an ellipsoid shape model will be used reguardless of the shape model defined by spiceinit.
SPICEINITUse Spiceinit Shape Model If a limb image is detected then use the shape model defined by spiceinit. This is



Tests the ability to project the footprint from lat/lon to x/y coordinates. If the test fails, an error will be thrown, and the lat/lon footprint will not be written to the input cube.

Type boolean
Default FALSE
  • MAP

XY Test: MAP


A file containing the desired XY mapping parameters. This file can be a simple label file, hand produced or created via the "maptemplate" program. It can also be an existing cube label which contains a Mapping group. In the later case the input cube will be transformed into the same map projection, resolution, etc.

Type filename
File Mode input
Default Path $ISISROOT/appdata/templates/maps
Default $ISISROOT/appdata/templates/maps/sinusoidal.map
Filter *.map *.cub


Tracie Sucharski2005-07-19 Original version
Jacob Danton2006-02-10 Changed input from a list of cube files to a single cube and added appTest.
Brendan George2006-06-30 Fixed application test
Brendan George2006-09-19 Added call to propagate and modify the history blob
Tracie Sucharski2007-05-09 Added error check to insure spiceinit has been run.
Brendan George2007-05-21 Moved from Geometry category to Control Network category
Steven Lambright2007-07-26 Moved Control Network category to Control Networks Category (Control Network category is invalid) and updated program description.
Steven Koechle2007-10-19 Changed name from polyinit to footprint init
Steven Koechle2008-08-19 Updated to work with Geos3.0.0
Steven Koechle2008-12-15 Deletes old footprint (generated off cubes serial number) if its found. New name for blob is just Footprint.
Steven Koechle2009-04-17 PIXINC parameter was removed, ImagePolygon now uses a new method of finding footprints
Steven Lambright2009-05-29 PIXINC re-implemented. This functionality is crucial. Existing polygons will no longer be deleted if this program fails.
Christopher Austin2009-06-16 Changed default PIXINC to 100, added test cases.
Christopher Austin2009-06-18 Added the cross test.
Christopher Austin2009-07-01 Added EMISSION and INCIDENCE
Christopher Austin2009-07-09 Changed param EMISSION to MAXEMISSION, and INCIDENCE to MAXINCIDENCE.
Christopher Austin2009-07-21 Added LIMBTEST parameter, and fixed multiple tests, including multiple PIXINC coverage.
Christopher Austin2009-07-28 Replaced PIXINC with SAMPINC and LINEINC.
Christopher Austin2009-08-05 Changed the maximum value of MAXEMISSION and MAXINCIDENCE to 180. Added TESTXY and an app test for it.
Christopher Austin2009-08-20 Changed SAMPINC and LINEINC to SINC and LINC for consistancy with camstats.
Christopher Austin2010-02-17 Added the INCREASEPRECISION parameter.
Christopher Austin2010-03-08 Added a results group when using INCREASEPRECISION which privides the final SINC and LINC used for the footprint.
Christopher Austin2010-05-18 Prevented an infinite loop caused by Naif error handling.
Christopher Austin2010-07-13 Fixed error reporting.
Christopher Austin2011-04-12 Added the INCTYPE parameter (so it is consistant with caminfo).
Christopher Austin2011-05-12 Added smarts to the VERTICES option.
Travis Addair, Bob Sucharski, Trent Hare2011-10-07 Overhauled documentation.
Tracie Sucharski2012-05-03 Added comment to documenation indicating spiceinit must be run prior to this application.
Steven Lambright2012-05-14 The automatically calculated linc/sinc will now always be >= 1. References #686.
Debbie A. Cook2012-12-10 Changed to use TProjection instead of Projection. References #775
Janet Barrett2014-08-04 Modified so that the program can be run on a mosaic file. Fixes #2158.
Jeannie Backer2014-08-22 Updated pushframe truth data due to modification of THEMIS VIS distortion model. References #1659.
Jeannie Backer2016-04-22 Modified code to get TargetRadii using the cube label and mapping group rather than just the TargetName. References #3892
christopher Combs2017-06-01 Removed terminal output from poleMultiBoundary apptest. Fixes #4548.