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Stitch together multiple HiRISE CCD images



This program combines images from multiple HiRISE CCDs into a single output image file. The output file can be considered to be a special type of mosaic in which the different CCD images are placed next to each other in positions that correspond to detector numbers. The input files must each contain both channels of a single detector, which are the files produced by the "histitch" program. CCD images with lower CCD numbers are placed into the output file to the left of CCD images with higher CCD numbers. By default the CCD images are placed into the output file from left to right, i.e., in order of increasing CCD number. This order can be changed with the MosaicOrder keyword in the "shiftdef" file.

Images are inserted at locations corresponding to the relative offsets of the detectors. In most cases, pixel replication is used when processing an input image so that it matches the scale of the image with the lowest summing mode. However, if any of the input images were observed with a summing mode of 3, then pixel replication is used for all images to match the scale that would have been obtained with a summing mode of 1. No resampling of input pixel values is done.

In many cases, adjacent images do not line up vertically due to observing conditions and other factors. The SHIFTDEF parameter allows the user to apply arbitrary offsets in lines to any or all the input images so they align properly.

It has been determined that summing modes add an additional delay to imaging due to pre-cycling of the detector electronics. Typically, images have an additional 180 * (summing mode - 1) lines delay in the actual imaging of the target. These lines are unbinned, not subject to the summing mode applied during imaging. This is not an issue if all images being stitched by this application are the same summing mode. If images with different summing modes are acquired in the same observation, then this offset is automatically applied to the images with differing summing modes. This will result in adding lines of offset to some images and increasing the number of lines in the resulting output image.

The input files may contain multiple bands but all input files must contain the same number of bands. This is useful for creating color products where the input files are compatable with the constraints of this application.


Parameter Groups

Input Files

Name Description
FROMLIST List of cubes to stitch together
SHIFTDEF Pvl file containing mosaic order for ccd's and the absolute shifts for CCD lines and samples.

Output Files

Name Description
TO Output stitched cube
PLACEMENT Output file providing the placement of CCDs in the TO cube


Name Description
INTERPType of interpolation

Input Files: FROMLIST


The name of a file containing a list of HiRISE image files to be stitched together. Each file should be listed on a separate line.

Type filename
File Mode input
Filter *

Input Files: SHIFTDEF


This file contains objects for each CCD and for each combo of binning/tdi that requires a modification to its placement in the mapping of the HiRISE focal plane. The name of each object is the CCD name for which the shift in line or sample is needed. For example, the leftmost CCD, CCD 0 is named "RED0", the next "RED1" and so on. The binning/tdi groups are named by combining the binning and tdi mode. For example, summing=1 and tdi=64 the group would be "1/64". Hiccdstitch searches for names of objects that match the stitched input cube files ccd then for the proper combo of summing and tdi. If the group for summing/tdi isn't found, values from the ccd object will be used. These offsets will be applied to the default sample and line location of where the CCD is mapped to in the focal plane.

Offsets for both line and sample can be supplied. None, one or both can be provided for any CCD. Negative values shift the image left if a sample offset is given or up if a line offset is given. Positive values in sample and line shift the image right and down, respectively.

These shifts are absolute shifts and only apply to the specified CCD and are not propagated to subsequent CCDs left to right in the focal plane layout. (HiRISE CCD arrangement is always left to right as far as hiccdstitch is concerned, unless overiridden by the MosaicOrder keyword.) For example, if stitching all 10 RED CCDs in an image you find that RED5 must be shifted left 20 pixels but all other CCDs line up file to the right, meaning RED6 through RED9, then you are required to privide groups for RED6, RED7, RED8 and RED9 with the same SampleOffset provided for RED5. This is the only way proper sample alignment is retained.

Below is an example of the format of the input file for the SHIFTDEF file:

            Object = Hiccdstitch

            # Defaults for Red0 images
              Object = RED0
                SampleOffset     = -10
                LineOffset       = 5

                # Summing=1, Tdi=64 values.  Any of the three keywords (MosaicOrder, SampleOffset, LineOffset) 
                #  can exist in the summing/tdi groups that will override the defaults in the RED0 object.
                Group = 1/64
                  SampleOffset = 0
                  LineOffset = 0

                # Summing=1, Tdi=128
                Group = 1/128
                  SampleOffset = 20

                # If a summing/tdi group does not exist, the ccd defaults are used

              Object = RED3
                SampleOffset     = 13
                LineOffset       = -5

              Object = RED5
                LineOffset       = 22

              Object = RED9
                # MosaicOrder of -1, indicates the ccd is placed in mosaic first.
                 MosaicOrder = -1

               Object = IR11
                SampleOffset     = -4
                LineOffset       = 2

              Object = BG12
                SampleOffset     = 12

The only keywords that hiccdstitch reads from this file are SampleOffset , LineOffset and MosaicOrder. All other keywords are ignored. All CCD objects must be contained within the Hiccdstitch object.

Note that this file is an optional parameter. If it is not provided, then all CCD files provided are mapped to focal plane positions as specified in the HiRISE Instrument Operations Handbook. Note that the size of a HiRISE pixel is 0.012 millimeters and the measurements in the handbook are also in millimeters.

Type filename
File Mode input
Default Path $mro/calibration
Default $mro/calibration/HiccdstitchOffsets.def
Filter *.def

Output Files: TO


The output cube into which the input cubes will be placed.

Type cube
File Mode output
Filter *.cub

Output Files: PLACEMENT


If provided, the actual line and sample locations of each CCD as they map to the TO cube are recorded here. This format is the the same as the format provided in the STITCHDEF file.

Type filename
File Mode output
Internal Default None
Filter *.def

Interpolation: INTERP


This is the type of interpolation to be performed on the input when ccds of different summing modes are combined.

Type string
Option List:
Option Brief Description
NEARESTNEIGHBORNearest Neighbor Each output pixel will be set to the pixel nearest the calculated input pixel.
BILINEARBi-Linear interpolation Each output pixel will be set to the value calculated by a bi-linear interpolation of the calculated input pixel.
CUBICCONVOLUTIONCubic Convolutioin interpolation Each output pixel will be set to the value calculated by a cubic convolution interpolation of the calculated input pixel.


Jim Torson2005-06-24 Original version
Kris Becker2006-03-02 Eliminated the requirement that all CCDs be adjacent. As a side effect, 24 pixels on the left edge of the adjacent CCDs are no longer clipped but are layed on top of the last 24 pixels on the right side of preceding CCDs.
Kris Becker2006-03-31 Added the SHIFTDEF parameter that allows for offsets to be provided for any CCD. Also added the PLACEMENT parameter that writes the line and sample coordinate of each CCD in the output TO file.
Kris Becker2006-09-27 Added recently discovered time delay as a function of summing modes. This adds lines of offset to images with higher summing modes. These lines are unbinned but are subject to the smallest occuring summing mode in that the offsets are reduced by the number of offsets divided by the minimum summing mode.
Kris Becker2006-11-27 Modified to allow a single CCD image file as input to hiccdstitch. Previously, two or more CCDs image files were required. With this change only one need be provided (to expedite pipeline processing).
Tracie Sucharski2007-03-13 Modified to allow user to determine the order the ccd's are laid down through the use of the MosaicOrder keyword in the shiftdef file. Also added option to replicate pixels by nearestNeighbor, Bilinear or cubicConvolution. Also deleted ChannelNumber and CpmmNumber keywords so that output image cannot be projected.
Kris Becker2007-07-31 Modified to allow for stitching of multiband cubes. This will allow users to create color products as long all files have the same number of bands.
Steven Lambright2008-05-13 Removed references to CubeInfo