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Export an Isis mosaicked ideal cube from a HiRISE image to a PDS product containing related spice data.



      This application takes an Isis cube from the HiRISE instrument that
      has been jitter corrected and mosaicked and exports it to a PDS product
      with detached label and spice tables.

      The following output files will be created using the file name passed in by the user.
  1. PDS image file with the extension .img
  2. PDS label file with the extension .lbl
  3. PDS binary ck table file with the suffix _INSTRUMENT_POINTING_TABLE.dat
  4. PDS binary spk table file with the suffix _INSTRUMENT_POSITION_TABLE.dat
  5. PDS binary body rotation table file with the suffix _BODY_ROTATION_TABLE.dat
  6. PDS binary sun position table file with the suffix _SUN_POSITION_TABLE.dat
The output PDS image will be unsigned word 16 bit type, MSB, BSQ format and the resolution will be in meters. Note that the IMAGE_JITTER_CORRECTED keyword is copied from the input cube. If the input cube has been run through an older version of hijitter, this value will be set to UNK, since it is not known whether the image values have been jitter corrected.


Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Isis ideal camera cube to be exported to PDS format
TO Output PDS file name.

Special Keywords

Name Description
VERSION Value for the output PDS keyword PRODUCT_VERSION_ID
RATIONALE_DESC Value for the output PDS keyword RATIONALE_DESC


Name Description
TYPE Select the type of stretch
MIN Lower bound of the stretch
MAX Upper bound of the stretch
MINPER Minimum DN valid percentage
MAXPER Mazimum DN valid percentage

Output Controls

Name Description
BITS Number of bits for the output DN

Files: FROM


The Ideal cube from a HiRISE image containing the related spice data to be exported to PDS.

Type cube
File Mode input
Filter *.cub *.lbl

Files: TO


The file name of the output PDS image. This value will also be used for the name of the detached label and table files.

Type filename
File Mode output
Filter *.img

Special Keywords: VERSION


This parameter allows the user to specify the value of the standard PDS keyword PRODUCT_VERSION_ID within the output PDS label. This keyword will be located in the Root of the PDS PVL label. This value defaults to 1.0.

Type string
Default 1.0

Special Keywords: RATIONALE_DESC


This parameter allows the user to specify the value of the standard PDS keyword RATIONALE_DESC within the output PDS label. This keyword will be located in the ROOT of the PDS PVL label. Note that if a keyword value is not entered, the value will be read from the input cube labels. If it does not exist there, the program will throw an ] error.

Type string
Internal Default Preserve Original Rationale Description

Stretch: TYPE


This parameter is used to select one of two ways to stretch output pixels. The are AUTOMATIC or MANUAL.

Type string
Option List:
Option Brief Description
AUTOMATICAutomatically calculate stretchAutomatically calculate stretch


  • MIN
  • MAX
MANUALUser defined stretchUser defined stretch



Stretch: MIN


Lower bound for the manually specified stretch.

Type double

Stretch: MAX


Upper bound for the manually specified stretch.

Type double

Stretch: MINPER


The cumulative percentage value to be mapped to the minimum valid pixel for the specified number of bits. For example: With BITS=10 and MINPER=1.0, the DN which corresponds to the cummulative percent of 1.0 will be mapped to 3, where 0 represents NULL, 1 represents LRS and 2 represents LIS.

Type double
Default 0.0
Minimum 0.0 (inclusive)
Maximum 100.0 (inclusive)
Less Than or Equal

Stretch: MAXPER


The cumulative percentage value to be mapped to the maximum valid pixel for the specified number of bits. For example: With BITS=10 and MINPER=99.0, the DN which corresponds to the cummulative percent of 99.0 will be mapped to 1021, 1021=(2**bits)-1-2. Where 1023 represents HIS and 1022 represents HRS.

Type double
Default 100.0
Minimum 0.0 (inclusive)
Maximum 100.0 (inclusive)
Greater Than or Equal

Output Controls: BITS


The number of bits to compress the input data to. The valid data as well as the five special pixel values (NULL, LIS, LRS, HIS, HRS) will be compressed into this number of bits. The output data type will be automaticity choosen using this value. A value of 8 will create unsigned byte output files. Values from 9 to 16 will create unsigned word output files. Unused bits in the unsigned word output file will be set to zero.

Type integer
Default 10
Minimum 8 (inclusive)
Maximum 16 (inclusive)


Jeannie Backer2012-11-21 Original Version of hideal2pds. Fixes #678.
Makayla Shepherd2015-10-06 Added stretch parameters. Fixes #1761.
Tyler Wilson2019-02-08 Added an option to control the output bits. min = 8, max =16, default = 10. Fixes #5527.
Timothy Giroux2020-09-08 Output label now has the correct SAMPLE_BIT_MASK value according to bits input. Fixes #3978.

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File Modified: 02/24/2025 16:09:03