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Exports a cube to raw format



This program will export an ISIS cube to a grayscale raw formatted file. The raw image may be output into an 8-bit, 16-bit unsigned, 16-bit signed or 32-bit raw image. This raw image can be in BSQ, BIL, or BIP format, and can include or exclude Null, LRS, LIS, HIS, and/or HRS specific DN values. If no special pixel parameters are selected, then Low Saturation values and Null values are set to black and High Saturation values are set to white. To ensure acceptable contrast in the output file, the user may select from three stretch options are given 1) no stretch 2) linear, and 3) manual. A custom maximum and minimum DN value can be specified for all output bittypes. For example, if a range of 0 to 1023 is selected in a 16-bit unsigned raw image, the DNs are stretched to an effective 10-bit format.


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Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Input cube to export
TO Output raw file

Output Settings

Name Description
BITTYPEBit type of output file
OMIN The minimum output DN value including special pixels.
OMAX The maximum output DN value including special pixels.
NULLDedicates the minimum DN value for null pixels.
LRSDedicates a DN value for LRS pixels.
LISDedicates a DN value for LIS pixels.
HISDedicates a DN value for HIS pixels.
HRSDedicates a DN value for HRS pixels.

Stretch Options

Name Description
STRETCHType of stretch
MINIMUMMinimum pixel value
MAXIMUMMaximum pixel value
MINPERCENTMinimum Percent
MAXPERCENTMaximum Percent

Output Data Storage Order

Name Description
ENDIANEndianness of the output bytes
STORAGEORDERStorage order of output file.

Files: FROM


Use this parameter to select the filename and the band number to export. For example, file.cub+5 will select band 5

Type cube
File Mode input
Filter *.cub

Files: TO


Use this parameter to specify the name of the output raw file. If you do not specify an extension, .raw it will be used.

Type filename
File Mode output

Output Settings: BITTYPE


Bit type of output: 8 bit (0=black, 255=white) 16 bit unsigned (0=black, 65535=white) 16 bit signed (-32767=black, 32768=white) 32 bit (1.17549435e-38=black, 3.40282347e+38=white)

Type string
Default 32BIT
Option List:
Option Brief Description
8BIT8 bit data Pixels are in 8-bit data range (0 to 255).


U16BIT 16 bit unsigned data Pixels are in the 16-bit data range (0 to 65535)
S16BIT 16 bit signed data Pixels are in 16 bit signed data range (-32768 to 32767)
32BIT 32 bit data Pixels are in the 32 bit floating point data range (-3.40282347e+38 to 3.40282347e+38)


  • NULL
  • LRS
  • LIS
  • HIS
  • HRS

Output Settings: OMIN


If a value is provided, the value will be the minimum DN used (including special pixels). If left blank and the BITTYPE is not 32BIT, the minimum DN value will default to the smallest value possible for the provided BITTYPE. If the BITTYPE is 32BIT and OMIN is left blank, the value of OMIN will depend on the STRETCH type chosen. If LINEAR is chosen, the value for OMIN will be the DN value at the value entered for MINPERCENT on the data. If MANUAL is chosen, the OMIN will equal to the value of MINIMUM. If NONE is chosen, the value will default to the smallest value possible for 32 bit data.

Type double
Internal Default Refer to Documentation

Output Settings: OMAX


If a value is provided, the value will be the maximum DN used (including special pixels). If left blank and the BITTYPE is not 32BIT, the maximum DN value will default to the largest value possible for the provided BITTYPE. If the BITTYPE is 32BIT and OMAX is left blank, the value of OMAX will depend on the STRETCH type chosen. If LINEAR is chosen, the value for OMAX will be the DN value at the value entered for MAXPERCENT on the data. If MANUAL is chosen, the OMIN will equal to the value of MAXIMUM. If NONE is chosen, the value will default to the largest value possible for 32 bit data.

Type double
Internal Default Refer to Documentation

Output Settings: NULL


If set to true, the minimum value of the raw output data will be reserved for null pixels. The actual value used for null pixels will be denoted in the print.prt file and displayed onscreen.

Type boolean
Default true

Output Settings: LRS


If set to true, an output DN value is set aside for the LRS input pixels. The actual DN value used for LRS pixels will be denoted in the print.prt file and displayed onscreen.

Type boolean
Default false

Output Settings: LIS


If set to true, an output DN value is set aside for the LIS input pixels. The actual DN value used for LIS pixels will be denoted in the print.prt file and displayed onscreen.

Type boolean
Default false

Output Settings: HIS


If set to true, an output DN value is set aside for the HIS input pixels. The actual DN value used for HIS pixels will be denoted in the print.prt file and displayed onscreen.

Type boolean
Default false

Output Settings: HRS


If set to true, an output DN value is set aside for the HRS input pixels. The actual DN value used for HRS pixels will be denoted in the print.prt file and displayed onscreen.

Type boolean
Default false

Stretch Options: STRETCH


This parameter is used to select one of three ways to stretch (or map) the input pixels. They are NONE, LINEAR, or MANUAL.

Type string
Default LINEAR
Option List:
Option Brief Description
NONE No stretch No stretch is performed.


LINEAR Linear stretch A minimum and maximum are automatically computed based on the statistics of the selected input band. A histogram of the band is used to pick the minimum at 0.5% of the data and the maximum at 99.5% of the data. Input pixels less than or equal to the minimum are stretched to black while pixels greater than the or equal to the maximum are stretched to white. A linear mapping occurs between the minimum and maximum.


MANUAL Manual stretch This option allows you to pick your own stretch. You must enter a value for MINIMUM and MAXIMUM input pixel.





Stretch Options: MINIMUM


The minimum input pixel value which will be mapped to black.

Type double
Less Than

Stretch Options: MAXIMUM


The maximum input pixel value which will be mapped to white.

Type double
Greater Than

Stretch Options: MINPERCENT


The percentage of data in the histogram used to compute the minimum pixel value in the stretch.

Type double
Default 0.5
Less Than

Stretch Options: MAXPERCENT


The percentage of data in the histogram used to compute the maximum pixel value in the stretch.

Type double
Default 99.5
Greater Than

Output Data Storage Order: ENDIAN


This parameter is used to select one whether the output will be streamed starting with the most significant byte (MSB) or starting with the least significant bytes (LSB). The choice should be made by the user depending upon the format read by the system architecture from which they plan to read the raw data.

Type string
Default LSB
Option List:
Option Brief Description
LSBLeast significant byte The least significant byte will be the first byte output.
MSBMost significant byte The most significant byte will be the first byte output.

Output Data Storage Order: STORAGEORDER


Sets the storage order of the raw ouput file to BSQ, BIL, or BIP.

Type string
Default BSQ
Option List:
Option Brief Description
BSQSets storage order to BSQ Sets the output storage order to Band Sequential.
BILSets storage order to BIL Sets the output storage order to Band Interleaved by Line.
BIPSets storage order to BIP Sets the output storage order to Band Interleaved by Pixel.


Tracie Sucharski1994-10-31 Original version
Tracie Sucharski2002-08-06 Ported to Isis 3.0
Tracie Sucharski2002-11-12 Correction made to number of bytes for writing data and changed max for unsigned 16-bit data from 65536 to 65535.
Kim Sides2003-05-13 Added application test
Stuart Sides2003-05-16 Modified schema location from astrogeology... to isis.astrogeology..."
Jeff Anderson2003-08-27 Changed default extension handling mechanism
Drew Davidson2005-06-14 Rewrote to support changes in underlying ProcessExport class
Drew Davidson2005-06-15 Added code to export multiple bands
Jeff Anderson2006-05-15 Modified to allow histogram percentage to be selected for linear stretch option
Steven Lambright2007-06-15 Updated documentation to follow current standards
Steven Koechle2007-09-18 Fixed problem where the valid data range overlapped the null value.
Christopher Austin2007-12-17 Created options to ouput BIL and BIP formats, making BSQ the default, as well as added preserve special pixel (NULL) option.
Christopher Austin2008-06-10 Created the options LRS, LIS, HIS, HRS, as well as OMIN and OMAX. Also remade the GUI, and redid much of the documentation.
Christopher Austin2008-07-07 Clarified some documentation and updated comments.
Makayla Shepherd2015-09-01 Modified to fix an error when inputing OMIN and OMAX values for a 32-bit output image. OMIN and OMAX are now calculated based on the stretch if 32-bit is chosen and the OMIN and OMAX fields are left blank. Fixes #2194.
Adam Paquette2020-09-04 Updated application logic to not generate a histogram if stretch is None and the output bit type is 32-bit. Also removes duplicate calls to checkRange and setRangeAndPixels. Closes #3878 (github).