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Import PDS formatted JunoCam images into ISIS cube format



This program converts a PDS formatted JunoCam image to an ISIS cube format.

PDS-formatted JunoCam images contain several framelets and filters in the same image. For ease in processing with ISIS, by default one input JunoCam image is converted to several output ISIS cubes and associated lists of cubes. There is one output cube for each framelet of the PDS formatted JunoCam image, each of which is named with the prefix specified with the "TO" user parameter, the filter name, and the 0-indexed framelet number. In the following example, if the input image "JunoCamTest.IMG" had 2 framelets for each filter (Red, Blue, Green, and Methane), and the following command was run:

     junocam2isis fr=JunoCamTest.LBL to=JunoCamTest.cub
This application will output eight ISIS cubes, each containing one framelet for one filter,
and four cubelists, which contain a list of cubes created in that filter:
For example, the contents of JunoCamTest_RED.lis would be as follows:

If the FULLCCD parameter is set to yes, instead of outputting one ISIS Cube per filter and framelet, junocam2isis will output one ISIS Cube for each original observation and will contain all the filters that were part of that observation. If the above example was modified changed to set the FULLCCD parameter to true,

     junocam2isis fr=JunoCamTest.LBL to=JunoCamTest.cub fullccd=yes

there would be only two full-CCD cubes output by junocam2isis,



Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Input JunoCam PDS label
TO Output cube file


Name Description
FULLCCD Choose to create full framelet composite images

Files: FROM


Input JunoCam PDS label. The corresponding .img file for the label must be in the same directory that the label before running the program.

Type filename
File Mode input
Filter *.lbl

Files: TO


Use this parameter to specify the prefix for the output cube and list filenames. Any extension will be removed and then .cub will be appended to the output cube files and .lis will be appended to the output lists.

Type cube
File Mode output
Filter *.cub

Options: FULLCCD


When TRUE, this option creates ISIS cubes with the full 1648 samples and 1200 lines that contain the filters that were acquired during each individual observation. When set to true, the Instrument Kernel and Instrument Addendum Kernel for JunoCam (juno_junocam_v??.ti and junoAddendum???.ti respectively) must be available in the local Juno data area.

Type boolean
Default No


Example 1

Ingest a JunoCam image with each frame and each filter separated.


Ingest a JunoCam image splitting each filter in each frame into separate cube files.

Command Line

junocam2isis from=JNCE_2016240_01C06147_V01.LBL to=JNCE_2016240_01C06147_V01.cub fullccd=No

In this example, junocam2isis will ingest the 10 frame JunoCam image and separate it into 30 separate cubes. For each frame, a BLUE, GREEN, and RED cube will be output. These cubes will be named as JNCE_2016240_01C06147_V01_BLUE_####.cub, JNCE_2016240_01C06147_V01_GREEN_####.cub, and JNCE_2016240_01C06147_V01_RED_####.cub respectively.

Four lists will also be output in the same directory as the output cubes. For each filter, a list containing all 10 of the output cubes for that filter will be output as JNCE_2016240_01C06147_V01_????.lis where ???? is the filter name (BLUE, GREEN, or RED). Another list containing all 30 of the ingested cubes from the image will be output as JNCE_2016240_01C06147_V01.lis.

GUI Screenshot

Crop GUI

Example GUI

This is a screenshot of junocam2isis. The GUI shows the parameters used to ingest a JunoCam image into separate cubes for each filter.

Input Image

Input image

Input image

Parameter Name: FROM

The full JunoCam image with all of the image data for each filter and frame adjacent. The top of the image is the first frame. The filters in descending order are BLUE, GREEN, and RED. This image has been reduced by a factor of 4. The original image is 1648x3840.

Output Images

Output image, frame 5, blue filter.

Output image, frame 5, filter blue

Parameter Name: TO

Frame 5, blue filter of the output image. This image has been reduced by a factor of 2.

Output image, frame 5, green filter.

Output image, frame 5, filter green

Parameter Name: TO

Frame 5, green filter of the output image. This image has been reduced by a factor of 2.

Output image, frame 5, red filter.

Output image, frame 5, filter red

Parameter Name: TO

Frame 5, red filter of the output image. This image has been reduced by a factor of 2.

Example 2

Ingest a JunoCam image with the full CCD for each frame in a cube.


Ingest a JunoCam image mapping all of the filters for each frame back onto the layout of the full 1648x1200 CCD.

Command Line

junocam2isis from=JNCE_2016240_01C06147_V01.LBL to=JNCE_2016240_01C06147_V01.cub fullccd=Yes
In this example, junocam2isis will ingest the 10 frame JunoCam image and separate it into 10 separate cubes. For each frame, a single cube with the image data for each filter mapped to that filter's location on the CCD in a cube named JNCE_2016240_01C06147_V01_####.cub. A single list containing all of the ingested cubes will also be output in the same directory. The list will be named JNCE_2016240_01C06147_V01.lis.

GUI Screenshot

Crop GUI

Example GUI

This is a screenshot of junocam2isis. The GUI shows the parameters used to ingest a JunoCam image into separate cubes for each frame.

Input Image

Input image

Input image

Parameter Name: FROM

The full JunoCam image with all of the image data for each filter and frame adjacent. The top of the image is the first frame. The filters in descending order are BLUE, GREEN, and RED. This image has been reduced by a factor of 4. The original image is 1648x3840.

Output Image

Output image, frame 5

Output image, frame 5

Parameter Name: TO

Frame of the output image with the blue, green, and red filters mapped to their locations on the CCD. The space between filters and the methane filter location are filled with null pixels. This image has been reduced by a factor of 2.


Jesse Mapel and Jeannie Backer2017-06-26 Original version.
Kristin Berry2017-08-11 Updated to output at signed 16-bit.
Kris Becker and Kristin Berry2017-08-12 Added FULLCCD parameter which provides the ability to create images with the framelet set in a single composite output file. Updated labels and documentation.
Jesse Mapel2017-08-21 Added two examples, one for the filter mode and one for the full CCD mode.
Kaitlyn Lee2018-02-07 Added missionItem under category to classify the program under Juno.
Kristin Berry2018-03-27 Fixed problem with having too many open files. See #5232 for more information.