ISIS Application Documentation
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Imports a Kaguya SP (Spectral Profiler) file (deprecated)
This application is deprecated. kaguyasp2ascii is a newer implementation of kaguyasp2isis, please use kaguyasp2ascii instead.
This program will import a Kaguya SP (Spectral Profiler) file to a tab delimited text file. The text file will contain one record for each wavelength in the SP file. There are 296 wavelengths available in an SP file. Each record in the output file will contain all the observations for a specific wavelength. The user can limit the number of observations that are listed by using the MINOBS and MAXOBS parameters.
The documents in the kaguyasp2isis/assets directory provide information about the Kaguya Spectral Profiler data. The directory also contains a cheat sheet to determine what the different Quality Assessment values mean.
Please note that there is no attempt by this program to remove redundant or erroneous data at the instrument joins (e.g., VIS, NIR1, NIR2). Also, the data currently available do not extend to the NIR2 wavelengths in calibrated form.
Name | Description |
FROM | Input Kaguya SP file |
TO | Output Kaguya text file |
Name | Description |
MINOBS | Minimum observation |
MAXOBS | Maximum observation |
This is the input Kaguya SP file
Type | filename |
File Mode | input |
Filter | *.spc |
The output file will be formatted as a tab delimited file and will contain all requested observations for a single wavelength in each record of the file. Each observation will include the raw, radiance, reflectance, and QA information.
Type | filename |
File Mode | output |
This is the minimum observation of the observation range for which information will be obtained from the input file. If no value is specified, then the minimum will be set to 1.
Type | string |
Default | None |
This is the maximum observation of the observation range for which information will be obtained from the input file. If no value is specified, then the maximum will be set to the maximum observation in the input file.
Type | string |
Default | None |
Janet Barrett | 2014-02-19 | Original version. This program imports binary data from a Kaguya Spectral Profiler file and puts the data into a tab delimited table. |
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