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Import PDS formatted Kaguya MI MAP file to ISIS cube format



This program converts PDS formatted Kaguya MI MAP files to ISIS cube format.

The PDS formatted MI MAP file is a 9-band mosaic of derived data products. The Kaguya (SELENE) mission's Lunar Imager/Spectrometer (LISM) Multi-band Imager (MI) instrument acquired 5 bands of visible and 4 bands of near-infrared images. The MI images in the mosaic have been radiometrically calibrated, tone matched, projected to a simple cylindrical projection, and mosaicked.


The FROM parameter is used to specify a standard PDS file or a detached label file. Both the detached label and the associated image file must exist in the same working directory. The IMAGE parameter does not need to be defined, unless the program cannot find the image file specified in the label file upon the program's execution.


An ISIS formatted multi-band cube with corrected labels is output to the filename specified.

Default Settings: The default settings normally result in successful ingestion of Kaguya MI MAP products. Occasionally, the user must modify default values to obtain an image that meets specific requirements. The program will apply a correction by changing the sign of the SAMPLE_PROJECTION_OFFSET keyword value. The modified label is written to a temporary detached label file and then used to import the Kaguya MI MAP file into ISIS.

Special Pixel Assignment: The incoming special pixel values are assigned equivalent values for special pixels in ISIS. If any incoming pixel value falls within two different special pixel types, the special pixel with the higher priority is assigned. The precedence for special pixels in ISIS from highest to lowest is 1)NULL, 2)HRS, 3)LRS, 4)HIS, and 5)LIS.

The user may also specify a range of input pixel values to be assigned to specific ISIS special pixels. If the range of pixel values defined by the user for the different special pixels overlap, the special pixel with the highest priority is assigned. For example, if NULLMIN=0.0, NULLMAX=3.0, LISMIN=3.0, and LISMAX=5.0, the actual raw value 3.0 could be designated as NULL or LIS; however, the actual assignment is NULL (highest priority).

Processing Notes: If the output MI MAP cubes are to be mosaicked using programs such as automos, then please be aware that you must set the matchbandbin option to false when mosaicking. This is required because the BaseBand keyword in each file will not always match and this will cause your mosaic to fail if you don't set the matchbandbin option to false.


Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Input PDS file or PDS detached label
IMAGE Detached image file
TO Output cube file

Special Pixels

Name Description
SETNULLRANGEOption to convert pixel values to NULL
NULLMIN Minimum value for NULL
NULLMAX Maximum value for NULL
SETHRSRANGEOption to convert pixel values to HRS
HRSMIN Minimum value for HRS
HRSMAX Maximum value for HRS
SETHISRANGEOption to convert pixel values to HIS
HISMIN Minimum value for HIS
HISMAX Maximum value for HIS
SETLRSRANGEOption to convert pixel values to LRS
LRSMIN Minimum value for LRS
LRSMAX Maximum value for LRS
SETLISRANGEOption to convert pixel values to LIS
LISMIN Minimum value for LIS
LISMAX Maximum value for LIS

Files: FROM


Specify a PDS file or PDS detached label file. If the input file is a PDS detached label file and the companion image file is not in the same directory, use the IMAGE parameter to define the location and filename of the image, otherwise just enter the label file name.

Type filename
File Mode input
Filter *.lbl *.img

Files: IMAGE


Use this parameter if the pointer to the image data in the detached label file (FROM) is not correct.

Type filename
File Mode input
Internal Default Cube data embedded with label or file pointer in label file
Filter *.img

Files: TO


Use this parameter to specify the output cube filename.

Type cube
File Mode output
Filter *.cub

Special Pixels: SETNULLRANGE


Specify if valid input pixel will be set to NULL. If this option is set to "yes" or "true", a range of input raw pixels defined by the NULLMIN and NULLMAX parameters are converted to NULL pixels. All other valid pixels that do not fall within the ranges specified for LIS, LRS, HIS, and HRS pixels are transferred to the output file unchanged. If the bit type of the input file is changed, the NULL and HRS special pixels may be incorrectly set to valid pixel values. For example, if a raw 8-bit file is output to 16 or 32-bit, the pixel values "0" and "255" may be converted to actual values instead of retaining the special pixel property. If the output file remains as 8-bit, then "0" stays as NULL and "255" stays as HRS.

Type boolean
Default NO

Special Pixels: NULLMIN


Specify the minimum pixel value to set to NULL. All values greater than or equal to NULLMIN and less than or equal to NULLMAX are converted to NULL.

Type double

Special Pixels: NULLMAX


Specify the maximum pixel value to set to NULL. All values greater than or equal to NULLMIN and less than or equal to NULLMAX are converted to NULL.

Type double

Special Pixels: SETHRSRANGE


Specify if valid input pixel value will be set to HRS. If this option is set to "yes" or "true", a range of input raw pixels defined by the HRSMIN and HRSMAX parameters are converted to HRS pixels. All other valid pixels that do not fall within the ranges specified for LIS, LRS, HIS, and NULL pixels are transferred to the output file unchanged. If the bit type of the input file is changed, the NULL and HRS special pixels may be incorrectly set to valid pixel values. For example, if a raw 8-bit file is output to 16 or 32-bit, the pixel values "0" and "255" may be converted to actual values instead of retaining the special pixel property. If the output file remains as 8-bit, then "0" stays as NULL and "255" stays as HRS.

Type boolean
Default NO

Special Pixels: HRSMIN


Specify the minimum pixel value to set to HRS. All values greater than or equal to HRSMIN and less than or equal to HRSMAX are converted to HRS.

Type double

Special Pixels: HRSMAX


Specify the maximum pixel value to set to HRS. All values greater than or equal to HRSMIN and less than or equal to HRSMAX are converted to HRS.

Type double

Special Pixels: SETHISRANGE


Specify if valid input pixel will be set to HIS. If this option is set to "yes" or "true", a range of input raw pixels defined by the HISMIN and HISMAX parameters are converted to HIS pixels. All other valid pixels that do not fall within the ranges specified for LIS, LRS, HRS, and NULL pixels are transferred to the output file unchanged.

Type boolean
Default NO

Special Pixels: HISMIN


Specify the minimum pixel value to set to HIS. All values greater than or equal to HISMIN and less than or equal to HISMAX are converted to HIS.

Type double

Special Pixels: HISMAX


Specify the maximum pixel value to set to HIS. All values greater than or equal to HISMIN and less than or equal to HISMAX are converted to HIS.

Type double

Special Pixels: SETLRSRANGE


Specify if valid input pixel will be set to LRS. If this option is set to "yes" or "true", a range of input raw pixels defined by the LRSMIN and LRSMAX parameters are converted to LRS pixels. All other valid pixels that do not fall within the ranges specified for LIS, HIS, HRS, and NULL pixels are transferred to the output file unchanged.

Type boolean
Default NO

Special Pixels: LRSMIN


Specify the minimum pixel value to set to LRS. All values greater than or equal to LRSMIN and less than or equal to LRSMAX are converted to LRS.

Type double

Special Pixels: LRSMAX


Specify the maximum pixel value to set to LRS. All values greater than or equal to LRSMIN and less than or equal to LRSMAX are converted to LRS.

Type double

Special Pixels: SETLISRANGE


Specify if valid input pixel will be set to LIS. If this option is set to "yes" or "true", a range of input raw pixels defined by the LISMIN and LISMAX parameters are converted to LIS pixels. All other valid pixels that do not fall within the ranges specified for LRS, HIS, HRS, and NULL pixels are transferred to the output file unchanged.

Type boolean
Default NO

Special Pixels: LISMIN


Specify the minimum pixel value to set to LIS. All values greater than or equal to LISMIN and less than or equal to LISMAX are converted to LIS.

Type double

Special Pixels: LISMAX


Specify the maximum pixel value to set to LIS. All values greater than or equal to LISMIN and less than or equal to LISMAX are converted to LIS.

Type double


Janet Barrett2013-12-11 Original version. Created by modifying the pds2isis program. Fixes #1919.
Janet Richie2013-12-12 Reviewed documentation. References #1919.
Janet Barrett2014-01-16 Added additional translation for other keywords in the PDS label. Fixes #1959.
Adam Paquette2016-08-04 Added seperate translation table for L3C labels. Fixes #2358.
Summer Stapleton2017-06-27 Added conditional to check whether default offsets and multipliers where changed from their default values and log them if so.
Christopher Combs2018-01-19 Changed call to SetPdsFile to reflect changes to PvlToPvlTranslationManager. Fixes #4345, #4421.