ISIS Application Documentation
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Outputs ring radius/longitude at line/sample or reverse for Cassini images of Saturn rings
line/sample ring radius/ring longitudeThe program will then compute the other coordinates and various other spacecraft and instrument related information including but not limited to the north azimuth, solar azimuth, spacecraft azimuth, incidence angle, phase angle, emission angle, and resolution. The following is an example of the output given when campt is ran:
Group = GroundPoint Filename = $ISISDATA/base/examples/ab102401.cub Sample = 1.0 Line = 1.0 PixelValue l = 0.0607816 RightAscension = 65.749350916052 Declination = -18.390093214966 PlanetocentricLatitude = 34.444196777763 PlanetographicLatitude = 34.760399604837 PositiveEastLongitude = 223.84999971299 PositiveWestLongitude = 136.15000028701 BodyFixedCoordinate = (-2015.9595225544, -1936.6155808127, 1917.2574858384) <km> LocalRadius = 3389756.4767145 <m> SampleResolution = 536.05556350077 <m> LineResolution = 536.05556350077 <m> # Spacecraft Information SpacecraftPosition = (-2025.6211429076, -2130.1417975758, 2009.318879871) <km> SpacecraftAzimuth = 0.006855593033889 SlantDistance = 214.52515878961 <km> TargetCenterDistance = 3560.6189705415 <km> SubSpacecraftLatitude = 34.354896748841 SubSpacecraftLongitude = 226.44072947174 SpacecraftAltitude = 170.83335389965 <km> OffNadirAngle = 36.149255932304 SubSpacecraftGroundAzimuth = 91.64525294858 # Sun Information SunPosition = (-177337948.13839, 112957442.69098, -33704752.205292) <km> SubSolarAzimuth = 172.30460990873 SolarDistance = 1.4234246174889 <AU> SubSolarLatitude = -9.1071705738361 SubSolarLongitude = 147.50443340123 SubSolarGroundAzimuth = 254.69139701227 # Illumination and Other Phase = 120.59515694473 Incidence = 84.106289446623 Emission = 38.288719431206 NorthAzimuth = 261.46910874636 # Time EphemerisTime = -69382819.160519 <seconds> UTC = 1997-10-20T10:58:37.6570806 LocalSolarTime = 17.089704420784 <hour> SolarLongitude = 201.83159041209 End_Group
In the output, all positions are in body fixed coordinates. The SubSpacecraftLatitude and SubSpacecraftLongitude make up the subspacecraft point, which is the point on a body which lies directly beneath the spacecraft. The SubSolarLatitude and SubSolarLongitude make up the subsolar point, which is the point on a body's refernce surface where a line from the body center to the sun center intersects that surface. The NorthAzimuth, SpacecraftAzimuth, and SubSolarAzimuth are the values of the angle between a line from the image center to the relative point (North pole, SubSpacecraft Latitude/Longitude, SubSolar Latitude/Longitude respectively) and a reference line in the image plane. The reference line is a horizontal line from the image center to the middle right edge of the image. The angles increase in a clockwise direction. The LocalSolarTime is the time at the current longitude relative to the subsolar longitude, which has a time of 12 o'clock. The SolarLongitude is LSubS, or the seasonal angle.
Name | Description |
FROM | Filename of a cube |
TO | Text file |
FORMAT | Output Format |
APPEND | Append Output to File |
Name | Description |
TYPE | Coordinate selection |
SAMPLE | Sample position to report |
LINE | Line position to report |
RINGRADIUS | Ring radius position |
RINGLONGITUDE | Ring Longitude position |
ALLOWOUTSIDE | Allow sample/line values outside the image |
Input cube with appropriate camera labels (Instrument and kernel groups)
Type | cube |
File Mode | input |
Filter | *.cub |
A text file in label format which will contain the results of this program. This file can be used in conjunction with the "getkey" program in order to pass the results to another program when developing scripts.
Type | filename |
File Mode | output |
Internal Default | None |
Format type for output file. Pvl format is default.
Type | string | |||||||||
Default | PVL | |||||||||
Option List: |
If this option is selected, the output from the application will be appended to the file. If it is not selected, any information in the TO file will be overwritten.
Type | boolean |
Default | TRUE |
This parameter is used to select the type of coordinate which will be used to compute the other two remaining coordinates.
Type | string | |||||||||
Default | IMAGE | |||||||||
Option List: |
This is the sample position used to compute infomration about the camera state at the pixel.
Type | double |
Internal Default | Center sample |
This is the line position used to compute infomration about the camera state at the pixel.
Type | double |
Internal Default | Center line |
This is the ring radius position in kilometers from the center of the target body to try to locate in the image.
Type | double |
Minimum | 0.0 (inclusive) |
This is the counterclockwise ring longitude position to try to locate in the camera image
Type | double |
Minimum | 0.0 (inclusive) |
Maximum | 360.0 (inclusive) |
When this is checked, sample/line values that are outside of the image (but close) will be extrapolated. For example, a sample of -0.5 would be valid. If this is not checked, a sample of -0.5 is not allowed.
Type | boolean |
Default | true |
Ken Edmundson | 2012-07-31 | Original version copied from campt application |
Jeannie Backer | 2013-03-12 | Added appTests. Test coverage 79% scope, 91% line, 100% function covers all but CameraRingsPointInfo::GetPointInfo() with allowErrors=true. |
Jeannie Backer | 2014-08-22 | Updated truth data. References #1659. |
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 02/24/2025 16:09:22 |