ISIS Application Documentation
tgocassisrdrgen | Standard View | TOC | Home |
Converts CaSSIS cubes into PDS 4 standard format
Name | Description |
FROM | Input RDR CaSSIS formated ISIS cube |
TO | Output IMG file. Also determines XML file name. |
Name | Description |
PRODUCTID | Product ID value |
TITLE | Product ID value |
VERSIONID | Product ID value |
Input cube that is a CaSSIS formated RDR cube, to be translated into a corresponding .img file and associated detached pds4 label. Currently, the cube must be a CaSSIS specific cube to be translated at all.
Type | cube |
File Mode | input |
Filter | *.cub |
Output IMG file where the image data will be. The value that is entered also determines the name of the detached XML label, where the .img extension is replaced with .xml. Example: test.img is entered, the detached label would be named test.xml
Type | filename |
File Mode | output |
Filter | *.img |
Update the default Product ID value. This value will be the last section of the PDS4 logical_identifier value.
Type | string |
Internal Default | None |
Update the default Title value.
Type | string |
Internal Default | None |
Update the default Version ID value.
Type | string |
Internal Default | None |
Adam Paquette | 2017-05-23 | Original Version |
Makayla Shepherd | 2017-06-01 | Added detached label. |
Adam Paquette | 2017-06-02 | Added the cassis specific translation file for label output. |
Adam Paquette | 2017-06-04 | Changed the order that the elements appear in the output label. |
Marjorie Hahn | 2017-06-05 | Added a default test to ensure that if the exported PDS4 data is reingested, then it is the same as the original cube. |
Marjorie Hahn | 2017-06-08 | Moved code to write out .img and .xml PDS4 data to WritePds4 in ProcessExportPds4. |
Kaitlyn Lee | 2018-05-16 | Added parameter PRODUCTID to set the ProductId keyword. If the product id is not specified by the user, set the ProductId keyword to the observation id. |
Kaitlyn Lee | 2018-05-21 | Added the check to see if the input cube is a mosaic. If it is, instead of the Instrument group, the cube will have a Mosaic group. So, the ProductId will now be written to the Mosaic group. |
Kristin Berry | 2018-06-12 | Updated to use the tgoCassisExportMosaic.trn translation file when the input cube is a mosaic. |
Kristin Berry | 2019-03-01 | Added TITLE and VERSIONID optional parameters to specify these values in the exported PDS4 label. Fixed bug that disabled reading of mosaics with Archive groups. |
Kristin Berry | 2019-06-15 | Updated logicalID and schema to new values. Add code needed to set the pixel description in the output file and to output the focal length without units as required by the cassis schema. |
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 02/24/2025 16:09:26 |