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Runs a Themis cube through the processing for levels 0 and/or 2



Runs Mars Odyssey Themis images through the applications necessary to create a map projected product. There are two stages of processing, ingestion and mapping (radiometric calibration is assumed as Themis RDRs are available). Each stage can be disabled and runs all the programs necessary to complete that stage if not disabled.

All intermediate files will be generated in the users Isis temporary directory and deleted after they are no longer needed. In case of a catastrophic failure the intermediate files should be deleted. Their names will be the name of the application appended to the original file name followed by a 6 digit unique number.


Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Input Themis PDS RDR or an ISIS Themis level 1 cube
TO Final output filename.
BANDS Process a subset of bands
REMOVERemove Intermediate Files

Level Processing

Name Description
Ingestion Import and initialize a Themis EDR/RDR file.
Mapping Process the input file through the map projection phase.

Ingestion Parameters

Name Description
PCK User defined target attitude and shape kernel file.
CK User defined spacecraft pointing kernel file.
SPK User defined spacecraaft position kernel file.
CKNADIR Compute nadir pointing if no other kernels exist
SHAPE Select the definition of the shape model
MODEL User defined ISIS cube shape model.

Mapping parameters

Name Description
MAP File containing mapping parameters
PIXRESPixel resolution in meters

Themis VIS Parameters

Name Description
VISCLEANUPRun thmvistrim and thmvisflat

Files: FROM


Input filename. This file can be in one of two stages. A raw PDS Themis RDR or an ISIS Level 0/1 cube. The level 0/1 cube is assumed to have been run through thm2isis and spiceinit.

Type filename
File Mode input
Filter *.QUB *.imq *.img *.cub

Files: TO


Output filename from the last enabled processing sequence. By default the filename will be generated from the input filename with ".lev#" appended to the name, where "#" is the last level of processing (i.e., INGESTION = "lev1" or MAPPING = "lev2"). For ThemisVIS images, if processing is stopped at the ingestion phase, there will be an output cube for each frame in the image, with a ".frame#" appended to the end of the filename.

Type cube
File Mode output
Internal Default Automatic

Files: BANDS


This parameter allows the user to specify a sub-set of bands to process. Enter bands separated by commas (no spaces allowed). For example, 1,3,8 or 1-3,9 or 5

Type string
Internal Default All



This option allows the user to decide whether the intermediate files created in the thmproc application are to be deleted. The default value is TRUE.

Type boolean
Default TRUE

Level Processing: Ingestion


Process the input file through all steps. This includes "thm2isis" and "spiceinit"

Type boolean
Default YES
  • PCK
  • CK
  • SPK

Level Processing: Mapping


Process the input file through level2. This includes cam2map.

Type boolean
Default YES
  • MAP

Ingestion Parameters: PCK


Naif kernel file to be used for the target attitude and shape.

Type filename
File Mode input
Default Path $BASE/kernels/pck/
Internal Default none

Ingestion Parameters: CK


Naif kernel file to be used for the spacecraft pointing.

Type filename
File Mode input
Default Path $odyssey/kernels/ck/
Internal Default none

Ingestion Parameters: SPK


Naif kernel file to be used for the spacecraft position.

Type filename
File Mode input
Default Path $odyessy/kernels/spk/
Internal Default none

Ingestion Parameters: CKNADIR


Compute nadir pointing if no other kernels exist

Type boolean
Default false

Ingestion Parameters: SHAPE


ISIS camera models can use a shape model (a projected ISIS cube that defines the radii for a global or regional area). You can choose to select a shape model or to use the definition of the ellipsoid found in the planetary constants (PCK) file.

Type string
Default SYSTEM
Option List:
Option Brief Description
ELLIPSOIDUse triiaxial ellipsoid from PCK The camera will use the radii defined in the planetary constants file (PCK) when determining intersections of the body surface


SYSTEMSearch system for a default shape model This option will search the default system data area ($ISISDATA/base/dems) for a shape model that matches the target of the input cube. If none are found then no shape model will be used and the default ellipsoid parameters found in the planetary constants (PCK) file define the shape.


USERUser specified shape model file The camera will use shape model defined by the parameter MODEL

Ingestion Parameters: MODEL


A map projected ISIS cube which contains the radii of the target. The file can cover more than the input cube (FROM) but must minimally cover the data in the input cube.

Type cube
File Mode input
Default Path $base//dems/
Filter *.cub

Mapping parameters: MAP


A file containing the desired output mapping parameters in PVL form. This file can be a simple hand produced label file. It can also be an existing cube label which contains a Mapping group.

Type filename
Internal Default Sinusoidal
Filter *.map

Mapping parameters: PIXRES


Specifies the resolution in meters per pixel. If not in the MAP file the resolution will be computed from the themis level 1 cube.

Type double
Internal Default Automatic
Minimum 0.0 (exclusive)

Themis VIS Parameters: VISCLEANUP


thmvistrim removes the overlap between framelets, which often contains both valid and invalid data. Set this to false to preserve this data. thmvisflat applies a flat-field correction to the data.

Type boolean
Default true


Example 1

Running this program on a Themis VIS EDR


This program will process this themis edr from ingestion to mapping. Since the file is a VIS file, the intermediate processes will split the image into even and odd framelets which are recombined once mapped. Since this file is an EDR, thmvistrim and thmvisflat will be run by default to clean up the image.

Command Line

thmproc from=V20018003EDR.QUB
This runs this program with the defaults; the output is automatically determined.

GUI Screenshot


This is the default GUI

This is what the GUI looks like when running this program with default parameters

Input Image

Raw Data

Raw Input Data

This is the raw input data

Output Image

Final Output

The projected image (final output)

This is the output from this program. It was cleaned up and projected.


Stuart Sides2004-01-16 Original version
Jeff Anderson2004-02-26 Changed mocproc into thmproc
Jeff Anderson2004-03-01 Added Bands parameter and utilized IsisProcessExecutable class
Elizabeth Miller2005-12-08 Fixed bug in output file naming
Elizabeth Miller2005-12-15 Modified to output number of bands specified even when just doing ingestion
Elizabeth Miller2006-05-18 Modified UI and parameters to be consistent with changes made to spiceinit
Elizabeth Miller2006-07-25 Removed the AUTOLON parameter (no longer a parameter in cam2map)
Elizabeth Miller2006-09-08 Added support for the themisVis camera model
Brendan george2006-09-26 Documentation fixes
Elizabeth Miller2006-09-26 Fixed bug in PIXRES use caused by changes in cam2map
Steven Lambright2007-11-06 Added CKNADIR parameter for spiceinit.
Steven Lambright2008-06-13 Updated to use new themis vis functionality. Instead of the themis images being split into a framelet per cube, they are now split into even and odd cubes.
Steven Lambright2008-07-16 Updated to guarantee vis images have matching mapping groups, changed tempory file naming conventions, enabled thmvistrim on rdr files.
Steven Lambright2008-07-24 Updated to fix problem with BANDS parameter. Before, the bands option would sometimes cause an error incorrectly. Also fixed a case where the input file would be deleted.
Steven Lambright2008-07-28 Updated to fix problem with BANDS parameter with IR images. This parameter had a chance to not take effect.
Steven Lambright2008-08-04 Updated to use new pipeline class.
Jeannie Backer2014-08-22 Updated vis test truth data for the RDR cube due to a modified in the THEMIS VIS distortion map. Added vis test for EDR data with MAPPING=true. Added error test. Improved test coverage to 95/98/100%. References #1659.
Jeffrey Covington2015-01-27 Removed unreachable code.
Makayla Shepherd and Andrew Stebenne2015-07-14 Updated to fix a crash that occurs when invalid files are passed in as parameters. Fixes #1025.