ISIS Application Documentation
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Outputs a PVL file that contains camera information.
Overview | Parameters |
DescriptionThis program compiles and outputs various spacecraft and instrument-related information such as geometric, polygon, and mapping information. The user must supply a Level1 cube. If the supplied cube does not have SPICE information associated with it, then caminfo can be used to generate the SPICE information by running the spiceinit program on the cube. Caminfo will not run spiceinit by default. If the input cube already has SPICE information associated with it, then any user updates to the SPICE information will be lost when the option to run spiceinit is chosen. This results from using system defaults when running the spiceinit program from within caminfo. Some information in the output PVL file will consist of a compilation of information for all the bands in the cube and will be listed in the "Common" object of the PVL. Other information for a given band will be placed in the "BandSet" object of the PVL. The user can select the check boxes to control the information that will be output to the PVL file. If the POLYGON or USELABEL option is chosen, the image polygon is output in Well-Known Text format (WKT). The output file can be in PVL or CSV (Comma Separated Value) format. The "APPEND" option allows the new generated information to be appended to the output file. This is especially useful for CSV file format. If the CSV format is chosen, only Camstats, Statistics and Geometry options are allowed. Isis Label, Original Label and Polygon options are disabled for CSV format. The following is an example of caminfo output generated when in PVL format: Object = Caminfo Object = Parameters Program = caminfo IsisVersion = "6.0.0 | 2021-11-08" RunDate = 2021-11-08T16:03:25 IsisId = Viking1/VISB/33322515 From = default.cub Lines = 1056 Samples = 1204 Bands = 1 End_Object Object = Camstats MinimumLatitude = 9.9286479874788 MaximumLatitude = 10.434709753119 MinimumLongitude = 255.64554871862 MaximumLongitude = 256.14606952525 MinimumResolution = 18.840683425668 MaximumResolution = 18.985953877822 MinimumPhase = 79.756143590222 MaximumPhase = 81.304900313013 MinimumEmission = 10.798462835458 MaximumEmission = 13.502630463571 MinimumIncidence = 69.941096124192 MaximumIncidence = 70.311944975377 LocalTimeMinimum = 7.7698055422189 LocalTimeMaximum = 7.8031735959943 ObliqueResolutionMinimum = 19.180671135452 ObliqueResolutionMaximum = 19.525658668048 LatitudeMinimum = 9.9286479874788 LatitudeMaximum = 10.434709753119 LatitudeAverage = 10.181983206084 LatitudeStandardDeviation = 0.11084102743244 LongitudeMinimum = 255.64554871862 LongitudeMaximum = 256.14606952525 LongitudeAverage = 255.89390491018 LongitudeStandardDeviation = 0.10658330458136 SampleResolutionMinimum = 18.840683425668 SampleResolutionMaximum = 18.985953877822 SampleResolutionAverage = 18.90816559308 SampleResolutionStandardDeviation = 0.03806000717263 LineResolutionMinimum = 18.840683425668 LineResolutionMaximum = 18.985953877822 LineResolutionAverage = 18.90816559308 LineResolutionStandardDeviation = 0.03806000717263 ResolutionMinimum = 18.840683425668 ResolutionMaximum = 18.985953877822 ResolutionAverage = 18.90816559308 ResolutionStandardDeviation = 0.03806000717263 ObliqueSampleResolutionMinimum = 19.180671135452 ObliqueSampleResolutionMaximum = 19.525658668048 ObliqueSampleResolutionAverage = 19.342626220123 ObliqueSampleResolutionStandardDeviation = 0.078013435023247 ObliqueLineResolutionMinimum = 19.180671135452 ObliqueLineResolutionMaximum = 19.525658668048 ObliqueLineResolutionAverage = 19.342626220123 ObliqueLineResolutionStandardDeviation = 0.078013435023247 ObliqueResolutionMinimum = 19.180671135452 ObliqueResolutionMaximum = 19.525658668048 ObliqueResolutionAverage = 19.342626220123 ObliqueResolutionStandardDeviation = 0.078013435023247 AspectRatioMinimum = 1.0 AspectRatioMaximun = 1.0 AspectRatioAverage = 1.0 AspectRatioStandardDeviation = 0.0 PhaseMinimum = 79.756143590222 PhaseMaximum = 81.304900313013 PhaseAverage = 80.529097153288 PhaseStandardDeviation = 0.44420861263609 EmissionMinimum = 10.798462835458 EmissionMaximum = 13.502630463571 EmissionAverage = 12.15148695101 EmissionStandardDeviation = 0.56543791358687 IncidenceMinimum = 69.941096124192 IncidenceMaximum = 70.311944975377 IncidenceAverage = 70.127459134075 IncidenceStandardDeviation = 0.10249039126455 LocalSolarTimeMinimum = 7.7698055422189 LocalSolarTimeMaximum = 7.8031735959943 LocalSolarTimeAverage = 7.7863626216564 LocalSolarTimeStandardDeviation = 0.0071055546192044 LocalRadiusMinimum = 3410663.3374636 LocalRadiusMaximum = 3413492.0662692 LocalRadiusAverage = 3412205.8144925 LocalRadiusStandardDeviation = 648.57630709534 NorthAzimuthMinimum = 312.29940658864 NorthAzimuthMaximum = 350.59781250672 NorthAzimuthAverage = 332.96766151063 NorthAzimuthStandardDeviation = 0.67383189481403 End_Object Object = Statistics MeanValue = 127.49950846428 StandardDeviation = 73.322672255332 MinimumValue = 1.0 MaximumValue = 254.0 PercentHIS = 0.0 PercentHRS = 0.0 PercentLIS = 0.0 PercentLRS = 0.0 PercentNull = 0.39208006141146 TotalPixels = 1271424.0 End_Object Object = Geometry BandsUsed = 1 ReferenceBand = 1 OriginalBand = 1 Target = MARS StartTime = 1977-07-09T20:05:51.5549999 EndTime = 1977-07-09T20:05:51.5549999 CenterLine = 528.0 CenterSample = 602.0 CenterLatitude = 10.181441241544 CenterLongitude = 255.89292858176 CenterRadius = 3412288.6569795 RightAscension = 310.2070335306 Declination = -46.327246785573 UpperLeftLongitude = 255.64554871862 UpperLeftLatitude = 10.086794246642 LowerLeftLongitude = 255.9665140608 LowerLeftLatitude = 9.9286479874788 LowerRightLongitude = 256.14606952525 LowerRightLatitude = 10.279980559326 UpperRightLongitude = 255.82316035995 UpperRightLatitude = 10.434709753119 PhaseAngle = 80.528381932125 EmissionAngle = 12.133564327344 IncidenceAngle = 70.127983116628 NorthAzimuth = 332.65918495755 OffNadir = 9.9273765143684 SolarLongitude = 294.73518830595 LocalTime = 7.7862975330952 TargetCenterDistance = 4160.7294345949 SlantDistance = 762.37204454685 SampleResolution = 18.904248467739 LineResolution = 18.904248467739 PixelResolution = 18.904248467739 MeanGroundResolution = 18.913336783207 SubSolarAzimuth = 92.033828158995 SubSolarGroundAzimuth = 118.87356333938 SubSolarLatitude = -22.740326163641 SubSolarLongitude = 319.09846558533 SubSpacecraftAzimuth = 240.08514246484 SubSpacecraftGroundAzimuth = 267.5318718687 SubSpacecraftLatitude = 10.078847382918 SubSpacecraftLongitude = 253.65422317887 ParallaxX = 0.0092584344626292 ParallaxY = -0.21479478922806 ShadowX = 1.3359751287274 ShadowY = 2.4227562280136 HasLongitudeBoundary = FALSE HasNorthPole = FALSE HasSouthPole = FALSE ObliqueSampleResolution = 19.336214219327 ObliqueLineResolution = 19.336214219327 ObliquePixelResolution = 19.336214219327 ObliqueDetectorResolution = 19.336214219327 End_Object Object = Polygon CentroidLine = 532.66229285952 CentroidSample = 607.53672501071 CentroidLatitude = 10.182356969859 CentroidLongitude = 255.89519621876 CentroidRadius = 3412287.9074048 SurfaceArea = 488.62348528983 GlobalCoverage = 3.34e-04 SampleIncrement = 100 LineIncrement = 100 GisFootprint = "MULTIPOLYGON (((255.6453583908695464 10.0867904619605451, 255.6595956593271808 10.1154635791014531, 255.6737985789073946 10.1442167552830451, 255.6881259667616746 10.1730800310205129, 255.7027887280425205 10.2020508692057152, 255.7175464122890958 10.2309373753062509, 255.7323280160563286 10.2598036242839878, 255.7471695983951463 10.2887800727178256, 255.7620066213459609 10.3177301971434758, 255.7771588010552364 10.3467436152087995, 255.7924323644433002 10.3757139048525477, 255.8075274901822809 10.4046456113999994, 255.8225576458768842 10.4339028570360366, 255.8232309017442674 10.4348585119487165, 255.8535629696708327 10.4205061458771606, 255.8842203998140121 10.4058889295564381, 255.9146926592250963 10.3911941292862764, 255.9448791821614861 10.3769097524926277, 255.9753755414272689 10.3618204978158026, 256.0059617087890729 10.3471682641369771, 256.0365409379967332 10.3326326218834055, 256.0673265067632087 10.3179152985589759, 256.0981249116282470 10.3034581806665066, 256.1290667758755148 10.2883581640098658, 256.1462671420772494 10.2799873531353612, 256.1313444916623325 10.2505255615226378, 256.1164688049674965 10.2211844686142967, 256.1015973558028804 10.1918949732268587, 256.0864534778274333 10.1626571600747884, 256.0716550668443006 10.1332939690604054, 256.0565706797236203 10.1038668950864672, 256.0413878221121422 10.0746328450545697, 256.0264747810802533 10.0452711724688157, 256.0113369395158998 10.0160982210436202, 255.9964691286714640 9.9870846040898869, 255.9818453002924059 9.9582018695888550, 255.9671085090266160 9.9294365117128915, 255.9664455687814666 9.9285018702230925, 255.9357798586855210 9.9434114437963252, 255.9050300094461079 9.9582188907694906, 255.8742299406974041 9.9731382004096076, 255.8438364438290193 9.9885593036033100, 255.8131996628023330 10.0033543110909680, 255.7829726827725949 10.0181299803242059, 255.7526929277649685 10.0329436706484874, 255.7222678124940103 10.0480687769201324, 255.6922853314939630 10.0632502943012838, 255.6620952745569184 10.0783572884044883, 255.6453583908695464 10.0867904619605451)))" Group = Mapping TargetName = MARS EquatorialRadius = 3396190.0 PolarRadius = 3376200.0 LatitudeType = Planetocentric LongitudeDirection = PositiveEast LongitudeDomain = 360 MinimumLatitude = 9.9284293968724 MaximumLatitude = 10.434928853234 MinimumLongitude = 255.64532672113 MaximumLongitude = 256.14630113081 PixelResolution = 18.840630601657 ProjectionName = Sinusoidal CenterLongitude = 255.89292858176 End_Group End_Object End_Object End Output values that do not have a minimum/maximum range associated with them are calculated at the center of the image. Definitions for most of the values output in the PVL file can be found in the ISIS documentation glossary including: SubSpacecraftLatitude, SubSpacecraftLongitude, SubSolarLatitude, SubSolarLongitude, NorthAzimuth, SpacecraftAzimuth, SubSolarAzimuth, ObliqueLineResolution, ObliqueSampleResolution, ObliquePixelResolution, and ObliqueDetectorResolution CategoriesHistory
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 02/21/2025 19:28:09 |
Parameter GroupsFiles
General Output Options
Polygon Output Options
SPICE Option
Camera Test
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 02/21/2025 19:28:09 |
Input cube with appropriate camera labels (Instrument and kernel groups). This file must be in raw camera space, which is a "level 1" cube.
Type | cube |
File Mode | input |
Filter | *.cub *.CUB |
A text file in label format (PVL) which will contain the results of this program. This file can be used in conjunction with the "getkey" program in order to pass the results to another program when developing scripts.
Type | filename |
File Mode | output |
Filter | *.txt *.pvl |
Specify the Output format type, FLAT or PVL style.
Type | string | |||||||||
Default | PVL | |||||||||
Option List: |
Append caminfo information to existing file. This will append the caminfo data to the filename specified for the TO parameter beginning at a new line.
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
Get geometry information from the camera at the center of the image. These data are listed under the Geometry Object heading. The keyword/values contained therein are listed here:
Type | boolean |
Default | TRUE |
This option will extract the ISIS label and write it to the output PVL file.
Type | boolean |
Default | FALSE |
Include the original labels of the cube in the PVL.
Type | boolean |
Default | FALSE |
Include DN statistics for all bands within the cube. These data are contained in the Statistics object. The keyword/values contained therein are:
Type | boolean |
Default | FALSE |
Run camstats to get camera information that can be expressed as a range. Camstats will run on the entire cube (common object), and for each band (bandset object). The default linc and sinc for camstats is "1". The user can select a different linc and sinc. Output values are the same as camstats:
Type | boolean |
Default | FALSE |
Inclusions |
This first checks if the CameraStatistics Table exists in input cube label and extracts statistics from table instead of running CAMSTATS. If table does not exist, caminfo will continue to run CAMSTATS.
Type | boolean |
Default | FALSE |
This is the line increment used by camstats.
Type | integer |
Default | 1 |
Minimum | 1 (inclusive) |
This is the sample increment used by camstats.
Type | integer |
Default | 1 |
Minimum | 1 (inclusive) |
Read the footprint blob from the image label instead of creating the footprint.
Type | boolean |
Default | FALSE |
Exclusions |
Use the imagePolygon class to gather polygon information. The output polygon will be in well-known text format (WKT). These data are contained within the Polygon object. The keyword/values contained therein are:
Type | boolean |
Default | FALSE |
Exclusions |
Inclusions |
When true, use NUMVERTICES to set an approximate number of steps for the footprint. Otherwise use POLYLINC and POLYSINC to create the polygon based on the dimensions of the cube.
Type | string | |||||||||
Default | LINCSINC | |||||||||
Option List: |
Enabling this option will allow the automatic reduction of the SINC and LINC parameters whenever their current values result in an invalid polygon. In addition, a results group will be created with the keywords SINC/LINC which reveal what SINC/LINC values were actually used for the creation of the footprint. NOTE: This parameter can result in a drastic increase in running time as well as a change to user input values.
Type | boolean |
Default | FALSE |
Specifies the number of lines to skip around the perimeter of the image to compute the polygon footprint. Note that currently, an increment of 1 will not work for pushframe instruments such as THEMIS-VIS.
Type | integer |
Internal Default | 10% of the cube's total lines |
Minimum | 1 (inclusive) |
Specifies the number of samples to skip around the perimeter of the image to compute the polygon footprint. Note that currently, an increment of 1 will not work for pushframe instruments such as THEMIS-VIS.
Type | integer |
Internal Default | 10% of the cube's total samples |
Minimum | 1 (inclusive) |
Specifies the approximate number of vertices (+/- 3) to take around the image to compute the polygon footprint. (In limb images, the number of steps can be much more or less than 3 off.) Note that currently, an increment of 4 or less will not work for pushframe instruments such as THEMIS-VIS.
Type | integer |
Default | 40 |
Minimum | 4 (inclusive) |
Specifies the maximum emission angle that a polygon point is allowed to have. Note: If needing to eliminate limb data that cause numerous ragged spikes, set MAXEMISSION=89.5. Limb data will generally result in odd polygon footprints as the geometry becomes unstable at the limb due to obliqueness particularly when using a DEM for the shape model (see spiceinit). Setting this parameter to 89.5 restricts the emission angle to create better behaved polygons at the limb while sacrificing some (very oblique) data.
Note: For images that have been run through spiceinit with a DEM, the emission angle range may need to be decreased. This will avoid the instability that occurs at the limb and will avoid spiking of the data.
Type | double |
Default | 180.0 |
Specifies the maximum incidence angle that a polygon point is allowed to have. Note: if needing to eliminate terminator data that will typically be lost in photometric corrections, set MAXINCIDENCE=120.0. Setting this parameter to 120.0 restricts the incidence angle to create more data relevant polygons at the terminator while sacrificing some (non-photometric) data.
Type | double |
Default | 180.0 |
If the user sets this to true then the spiceinit program will be run on the input file. Spiceinit will use the system SPICE kernels, so any updates to SPICE information will be lost. Spiceinit is in this program to facilitate UPC processing.
Type | boolean |
Default | FALSE |
If the user sets this parameter to true, a test will determine if a valid camera can be created at the center of the image band. If a valid camera cannot be created the program will end. The default is to output any available information without testing the camera.
Type | boolean |
Default | FALSE |