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Computes geometric and photometric information at a given pixel location

Overview Parameters


Campt computes geometric and photometric information at a given pixel location or list of pixel locations in the input image cube. The program computes spacecraft and instrument related information, and other types of coordinates as described later in this document. The user will have a choice of coordinates in which to output the information as well as a choice in the output format of the information acquired.

Note the input image cube has preliminary requirements:

  • The input image requires SPICE information (see spiceinit).
  • The input image cube must be a Level0 or a Level1 ISIS cube.
  • To use a Level2 file as the input image (see mappt).

The point of interest in the image can be entered as Latitude/Longitude coordinates or Sample/Line coordinates. Keep in mind that the input Latitude and Longitude values entered will be interpreted as Universal Coordinates (ISIS default) regardless of the target body. In the output, all positions are in Body-Fixed Coordinates. Multiple points of interest may be specified by providing a comma-delimited flatfile of coordinates.

The following is a partial list of coordinates computed in the campt application:

Geometric Information: Latitude, Longitude, Oblique Detector Resolution, Line Resolution, Oblique Line Resolution

Photometric Information: Phase, Emission, and Incidence Angles

In addition, this application will return a list of other spacecraft, sun and instrument-related information including but not limited to Spacecraft Position, Spacecraft Azimuth, Sub-Spacecraft Longitude, SubSolar Latitude, SubSolar Longitude, and Time information (Ephemeris Time, UTC).

You may choose the format of the output file. The option list includes a choice of a PVL file or a flat file. A PVL file is a text file in label format, while the flat file is a comma-delimited text file that is easily imported into most databases and digital spreadsheets such as Microsoft Excel. Below is an example of campt output in PVL format. You can skim the left column of this PVL-formatted output file for a thorough listing of the types of coordinates, sun and instrument-related information computed when using campt.

Group = GroundPoint
  Filename                   = $ISISDATA/base/examples/ab102401.cub
  Sample                     = 1.0
  Line                       = 1.0
  PixelValue                 = 0.0607816
  RightAscension             = 65.749350916052 <DEGREE>
  Declination                = -18.390093214966 <DEGREE>
  PlanetocentricLatitude     = 34.444196777763 <DEGREE>
  PlanetographicLatitude     = 34.760399604837 <DEGREE>
  PositiveEastLongitude      = 223.84999971299 <DEGREE>
  PositiveWestLongitude      = 136.15000028701 <DEGREE>
  BodyFixedCoordinate        = (-2015.9595225544, -1936.6155808127, 1917.2574858384) <km>
  LocalRadius                = 3389756.4767145 <m>
  SampleResolution           = 536.05556350077 <m/pixel>
  LineResolution             = 536.05556350077 <m/pixel>
  ObliqueDetectorResolution  = 151.26661909292 <m/pixel>
  ObliquePixelResolution     = 605.06647637166 <m/pixel>
  ObliqueLineResolution      = 605.06647637166 <m/pixel>
  ObliqueSampleResolution    = 605.06647637166 <m/pixel>
  # Spacecraft Information
  SpacecraftPosition         = (-2025.6211429076, -2130.1417975758, 2009.318879871) <km>
  SpacecraftAzimuth          = 0.006855593033889 <DEGREE>
  SlantDistance              = 214.52515878961 <km>
  TargetCenterDistance       = 3560.6189705415 <km>
  SubSpacecraftLatitude      = 34.354896748841 <DEGREE>
  SubSpacecraftLongitude     = 226.44072947174 <DEGREE>
  SpacecraftAltitude         = 170.83335389965 <km>
  OffNadirAngle              = 36.149255932304 <DEGREE>
  SubSpacecraftGroundAzimuth = 91.64525294858 <DEGREE>

  # Sun Information
  SunPosition                = (-177337948.13839, 112957442.69098, -33704752.205292) <km>
  SubSolarAzimuth            = 172.30460990873 <DEGREE>
  SolarDistance             = 1.4234246174889 <AU>
  SubSolarLatitude           = -9.1071705738361 <DEGREE>
  SubSolarLongitude          = 147.50443340123 <DEGREE>
  SubSolarGroundAzimuth      = 254.69139701227 <DEGREE>

  # Illumination and Other
  Phase                      = 120.59515694473 <DEGREE>
  Incidence                  = 84.106289446623 <DEGREE>
  Emission                   = 38.288719431206 <DEGREE>
  NorthAzimuth               = 261.46910874636 <DEGREE>

  # Time
  EphemerisTime              = -69382819.160519 <seconds>
  UTC                        = 1997-10-20T10:58:37.6570806
  LocalSolarTime             = 17.089704420784 <hour>
  SolarLongitude             = 201.83159041209 <DEGREE>
  Error                      = NULL


Related Applications to Previous Versions of ISIS

This program replaces the following applications existing in previous versions of ISIS:
  • levpt
  • lev1pt
  • photostat

Related Objects and Documents



Jeff Anderson2005-02-04 Original version
Elizabeth Ribelin2005-06-20 Fixed bug in Latitude range
Jacob Danton2005-12-02 Added appTest
Jacob Danton2006-01-23 Fixed appTest to comply to changes in String
Elizabeth Miller2006-03-23 Fixed appTest files to comply with changes to all camera models
Elizabeth Miller2006-03-27 Modified to output a flatfile as well as a pvl, make GUI consistent with skypt
Elizabeth Miller2006-04-19 Added additional output
Elizabeth Miller2006-07-31 Modified to use OffNadirAngle instead of SpacecraftRoll angle due to changes made to the camera class
Sean Crosby2007-04-12 Added RightAscension and Declination to PVL output. Program now requires user to specify a filename when using FLAT option. Increased precision in flatfile output and updated appTest truthdata.
Steven Lambright2008-04-21 Added default values for the lines and samples
Steven Lambright2008-05-12 Removed references to CubeInfo
Steven Koechle2008-08-19 Removed unnecessary duplicate cube creation
Janet Barrett2008-11-15 Added SubSolarGroundAzimuth and SubSpacecraftGroundAzimuth to PVL output. The SubSolarGroundAzimuth is the clockwise angle on the ground between a line drawn from the ground point to the North pole of the body and a line drawn from the ground point to the subsolar point. The SubSpacecraftGroundAzimuth is defined similarly except it uses the subspacecraft point.
Steven Lambright2009-01-05 Added the ALLOWOUTSIDE option
Mackenzie Boyd2009-08-24 Modified to use new class CameraPointInfo
Mackenzie Boyd2009-09-14 Added missed functionality for defaulting to center sample/line
Tammy Becker2012-01-13 Modified documentation and added Glossary links
Janet Richie, Ella Mae Lee2012-11-20 Modified the documentation, fixes #1173
Lynn Weller2013-02-25 Removed links to applications imbedded in text and replaced with italicized application name. Added application links to the "Related Objects and Documents" section of the documentation. Fixes mantis ticket #1525.
Ian Humphrey2014-11-05 Added new parameters, USECOORDLIST, COORDLIST, and COORDTYPE for processing a list of points as input. Reorganized campt. Fixes #1449.
Ian Humphrey2015-03-03 Updated documentation. References #1449.
Tyler Wilson2016-08-17 Checked in new test data, and added support for changes made to the CameraPointInfo and Camera classes that incorporate new estimates for Pixel/Line/Sample/Detetctor resolution and now allow a developer to control the order in which fields are output in both PVL and CSV format. References #476, #4100.
Kaj Williams2017-06-13 Resolved issue where the default value for the "allowoutside" parameter was supposed to be set to "true", but the default _behavior_ of campt was instead consistent with a setting of "false". In addition, corrected behavior where manually setting "allowoutside" to "false" was ignored. Ref # 2258.
Kaitlyn Lee2018-02-16 Removed units on look direction vectors to make them unitless. Fixes #5125.
Kristin Berry, Jesse Mapel, and Stuart Sides2021-02-10 Modified to output Nulls when using a CSM Camera model and some values are not available.

Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Input cube filename
USECOORDLIST Enable coordinate list parameters in the GUI
COORDLIST Input comma-delimited file of image or ground coordinates
COORDTYPECoordinate type selection (Image or Ground) for 'COORDLIST'
TOOutput text filename
FORMAT Output format (PVL or FLAT)
APPEND Option to append results to output file
ALLOWOUTSIDE Allow sample/line values outside the image to be reported
ALLOWERROR Allow campt to output results regardless of errors.


Name Description
TYPECoordinate type selection (Image or Ground)
SAMPLE Sample position to report
LINE Line position to report
LATITUDE Latitude (planetocentric) position
LONGITUDE Longitude (Positive East 360) position

Files: FROM


Input image, which requires SPICE (see spiceinit) and must be a Level0 or a Level1 ISIS cube.

Type cube
File Mode input
Filter *.cub
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Selecting this parameter will enable the 'COORDLIST' and 'COORDTYPE' parameters in the GUI.

Note that this parameter is optional when running campt on the command line.

Type boolean
Default FALSE
  • TYPE
  • LINE
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An input comma-delimited flatfile of image coordinates or ground coordinates. This allows the program to process multiple coordinates in a single run of campt, and output the results to the specified output file.

Expected order for image coordinates: sample, line
Expected order for ground coordinates: latitude, longitude

The "Error" keyword will only appear when using a coordinate list. The value of "Error" will then be NULL unless an error occurs during the processing of a coordinate in the coordinate list. Then, the value of this keyword will be the error message. This allows for campt to continue processing the remaining coordinates in the coordinate list.

For the input of Latitude and Longitude, campt expects Planetocentric Latitude (within -90 to 90 boundary) and Positive East Longitude (with 0-360 boundary) to find the location in the input camera image.

Type filename
File Mode input
Internal Default None
  • TYPE
  • LINE
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This parameter is used to select the type of coordinates entered in the coordinate list file, which will be used to determine the method to compute the geometric and photometric information.

Type string
Option List:
Option Brief Description
IMAGEInterprets coordinates in 'COORDLIST' as sample/line This option interprets the coordinates provided in the input coordinate list file as sample/line and will compute latitude/longitude and Projection x/y.
GROUNDInterprets the coordinates in 'COORDLIST' as latitude/longitude This option interprets the coordinates provided in the input coordinate list file as latitude/longitude and will compute sample/line and Projection x/y.
  • TYPE
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Files: TO


A text file in label format (PVL) which will contain the results of campt. This file can be used in conjunction with the getkey application in order to pass the results to another program when developing scripts.

Type filename
File Mode output
Internal Default None
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Format type for output file. PVL format is default.

Type string
Default PVL
Option List:
Option Brief Description
PVL PVL format Output file will be in PVL format
FLAT Flat file format Output file will be a comma-delimited flatfile. This file format can easily be imported into Excel.
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If this option is selected, the output from the application will be appended to the output file. If it is not selected, any information in the 'TO' file will be overwritten.

Type boolean
Default TRUE
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The Allowoutside parameter influences how campt will report resulting latitude/longitude and sample/line coordinates that fall outside the input cube pixel boundaries.

The default is set to True, which allows campt to return the values that are outside the cube pixel boundaries. For example, a given latitude/longitude might return a sample location of -1.0 (a single whole pixel coordinate off the left side of the image). This is a feature of the ISIS camera models.

When set to False, if a returned coordinate is off the image, campt will fail. This failure can be indicated and ignored within a batch script when only coordinates that fall within the image cube pixel boundaries are desired.

Type boolean
Default TRUE
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The Allowerror parameter enables campt to return results despite any errors. Errors will be listed under "Error" in the result table, providing the user with information about points that may lack surface intersection.

By default, campt is set to False, causing it to throw an error if any occur.

If campt is set to True, errors will be displayed in the error section of the results table instead of being thrown.

Type boolean
Default FALSE
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Position: TYPE


This parameter is used to select the type of coordinate entered, which will be used to determine the method to compute the geometric and photometric information.

Type string
Default IMAGE
Option List:
Option Brief Description
IMAGEInterprets the coordinate as sample/line This option interprets the coordinate as sample/line and will compute latitude/longitude and Projection x/y.


GROUNDInterprets the coordinates as latitude/longitude This option interprets the coordinate as latitude/longitude and will compute sample/line and Projection x/y.


  • LINE
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Position: SAMPLE


This is the Sample position used to compute information at a given pixel location in the input image cube.

Type double
Internal Default Center sample
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Position: LINE


This is the Line position used to compute information at a given pixel location in the input image cube.

Type double
Internal Default Center line
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Position: LATITUDE


This is the Planetocentric Latitude (within -90 to 90 boundary) used to find the location in the input camera image.

Refer to Latitude Type.

Type double
Minimum -90.0 (inclusive)
Maximum 90.0 (inclusive)
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This is the Positive East Longitude (with 0-360 boundary) used to find the location in the input camera image.

Refer to Longitude Direction and Longitude Domain.

Type double
Minimum 0.0 (inclusive)
Maximum 360.0 (inclusive)
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