ISIS Application Documentation
cathist | Printer Friendly View | TOC | Home |
Outputs the history of a cube
Overview | Parameters | Example 1 | Example 2 |
This program will output the full or brief history of a .cub file. The brief mode
is especially useful for creating a script for a batch job, because the output is in the
command line format.
CategoriesRelated Applications to Previous Versions of ISISThis program replaces the following application existing in previous versions of ISIS:
Related Objects and DocumentsApplicationsHistory
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 02/21/2025 19:28:09 |
Parameter GroupsFiles
Output Options
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 02/21/2025 19:28:09 |
The cube file the history is to be extracted from.
Type | cube |
File Mode | input |
Filter | *.cub |
This is the file which the PVL history for the input cube will go to.
Type | filename |
File Mode | output |
Internal Default | None |
Filter | *.pvl *.txt *.prt |
This option allows output to be appened to an already existing file. If this option is not checked and the file exists, it will be overwritten.
Type | boolean |
Default | TRUE |
Different modes that cathist can run in.
Type | string | |||||||||
Default | FULL | |||||||||
Option List: |
Example 1Full printout of a .cub history Description
This example shows the cathist application in the full mode.
This is the default mode.
Object = mirror IsisVersion = "3.0.2 beta | 2004-11-17" ProgramVersion = 2003-07-29 ExecutionDateTime = 2005-01-10T13:33:12 HostName = orkin UserName = eribelin Description = "Flip a cube from left-to-right" Group = UserParameters FROM = peaks.cub TO = temp.cub End_Group End_Object Object = circle IsisVersion = "3.0.2 beta | 2004-11-17" ProgramVersion = 2003-07-29 ExecutionDateTime = 2005-01-10T13:50:46 HostName = orkin UserName = eribelin Description = "Trims data outside of a circle" Group = UserParameters FROM = temp.cub TO = temp2.cub End_Group End_Object End Command Line
cathist from=temp2.cub
Run the cathist application on a .cub file.
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 02/21/2025 19:28:09 |
Example 2Brief printout of a .cub history Description
This example shows the cathist application in the brief mode.
mirror from=peaks.cub to=temp.cub circle from=temp.cub to=temp2.cub Command Line
cathist from=temp2.cub mode=brief
Run the cahist application on a .cub file in brief mode.
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 02/21/2025 19:28:09 |