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Import Chandrayaan-1 Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) images into ISIS cubes

Overview Parameters


This program imports Chandrayaan-1 Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) Level 1B (L1B) or Level 0 (L0) PDS products into ISIS cubes.

The level 1B PDS data files have been processed to have north up and east to the right. This processing is removed during the import of the data into ISIS. If the level 1B file is missing lines, the program will add lines of data containing the special pixel value NULL to pad the image to the correct number of lines. The location of missing lines is determined by looking for time differences between adjacent records of the UTC_TIME table greater than the exposture duration.

Chandrayaan-1 M3 L1B PDS data products consist of:

  • A detached PDS label file
  • A multiple-band image file containing the calibrated spectral radiance image data in units of (W/m^2/µm/sr)
  • A 3-band image file containing pixel location data
  • A 10 band image file containing observation geometry

The level 0 PDS data files were not flipped or mirrored from the orientation they were in when collected. The level 0 files are missing the same lines as the level 1B files, but they do not contain the necessary information to add NULL lines as do the level 1B products.

Chandrayaan-1 M3 L0 PDS data products consist of:

  • An detached PDS label file
  • A multi-band file containing the raw data



Steven Lambright and Tracie Sucharski2013-03-12 Original version
Stuart Sides2014-04-03 Updated documentation after reviews
Stuart Sides2014-04-18 Added missing line detection and correction based on the TIM table for level 1B products.
Stuart Sides2015-03-25 Recalculted the STARTTIME and STOPTIMeE keywords from the clock counts.

Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Input detached PDS formatted Chandrayaan-1 M3 label file
TO Output calibrated spectral radiance image cube
LOC Optional output file containing lunar surface location of all radiance image pixels.
OBS Optional output file containing observation geometry information for all radiance image pixels.

Files: FROM


This file is a detached PDS formatted label which contains pointers to the following files:

Type filename
File Mode input
Filter *.LBL
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Files: TO


Output ISIS cube containing calibrated spectral radiance pixels (units of W/m^2/µm/sr) or level 0 raw data.

Type cube
File Mode output
Filter *.cub
Close Window

Files: LOC


This is an optional output file containing location information for the center of all pixels contained in the radiance image file (L1B) created from the "TO" parameter. The output ISIS cube will 3 band containing the following:

  1. Planetocentric latitude in decimal degrees
  2. Longitude in decimal degrees
  3. Radius in meters from the Moon center
If the "TO" parameter is not an L1B product then this keyword will be ignored.

Type cube
File Mode output
Internal Default None
Filter *.cub
Close Window

Files: OBS


This is an optional output file containing observation geometry information for each pixel in the radiance image. The output ISIS cube with have ten bands containing the following:

  1. To-sun azimuth angle (decimal degrees, clockwise from local north)
  2. To-sun zenith angle (incidence angle in decimal degrees, zero at zenith)
  3. To-sensor azimuth angle (decimal degrees, clockwise from local north)
  4. To-sensor zenith angle (emission angle in decimal degrees, zero at zenith)
  5. Observation phase angle (decimal degrees, in plane of to-sun and to-sensor rays)
  6. To-sun path length (decimal au with scene mean subtracted and noted in PDS label)
  7. To-sensor path length (decimal meters)
  8. Surface slope from DEM (decimal degrees, zero at horizontal)
  9. Surface aspect from DEM (decimal degrees, clockwise from local north)
  10. Local cosine i (unitless, cosine of angle between to-sun and local DEM facet normal vectors)
If the "TO" parameter is not an L1B product then this keyword will be ignored.

Type cube
File Mode output
Internal Default None
Filter *.cub
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