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Calibrate Clementine Hires images

Overview Parameters Example 1


This program serves to calibrate most images from the Clementine Hires camera. It does so through the use of some constants based on offset and flat images based on filter type. There are six possible offsets, with the resultant change being anywhere between eight and fifty to the DN. There are four flat images, one for each of the four possible filters. Information for this program came from JGR Vol 108, A radiometric calibration for the Clementine Hires camera: Robinson, Malaret, White. The original paper can be found at https://doi.org/10.1029/2000JE001241 The equation for the A filter yields k values that are identical to those in Table 5 from Robinson et al. (2003), therefore the pixel values in the output image are the same as they would be if the k values from Table 5 were hard coded into the script. The equation for the D filter yields k values that differ from the hard-coded values by less than 1 standard deviation as reported in Table 6 of Robinson et al. (2003). The radiance values that result from the computed k values differ by no more than .0583% of the radiance values computed from the k values published in Table 6.



Mackenzie Boyd2009-08-03 Original version
Austin Sanders2019-11-06 Replaced lookup tables with calibration equations. See description for more detailed information. Issue #3495

Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Input cube to be calibrated
TO Output of calibrated cube

K value

Name Description
KFROM K value selection
KVALUE An averaged K value

Files: FROM


Use this parameter to select the filename

Type cube
File Mode input
Filter *.cub
Close Window

Files: TO


This file will contain the results of the calibration

Type cube
File Mode output
Pixel Type real
Filter *.cub
Close Window

K value: KFROM


This parameter is used to choose either a user entered K value or a previously set, calculated K value.

Type string
Option List:
Option Brief Description
COMPUTED Compute a K value from MCP gain mode This option has the program use a known K value depending on the MCP gain and filter type, very few MCP gain mode IDs are supported. The K value is the absolute coefficient per wavelength and MCP gain state.


USER User input K value User chooses a K value and enters it into the system. This is more likely as very few MCP gain modes are supported.


Close Window

K value: KVALUE


The K value is the absolute coefficient per wavelength and MCP gain state. This is an average of several possible K values, the default should not be used when possible as it is an average.

Type double
Default 0.00125
Minimum 0.0 (exclusive)
Maximum 0.05 (exclusive)
Close Window

Example 1

Usage of the Clementine Hires calibration


This shows the usage of the clementine high resolution image calibration program. In this case a K value can be computed for the image.

Command Line

clemhirescal from= clem2.cub to=clem2CAL.cub
This shows the terminal interface for using clemhirescal from the command line.

GUI Screenshot

clemhirescal gui

Example GUI

Screenshot of the GUI with parameters set to calibrate a hires image using a perviously set K value.

Input Image

The image before the calibration

Input image before calibration

Parameter Name: FROM

This is the image as it was taken originally, complete with hotspot and chickenwire pattern.

Data File

Links open in a new window.
Flat file denominator This is one of the four avaliable flat files. It is the one used on the image you see, it is specifically for the D filter type.

Output Image

The image after the calibration

Output image after calibration

Parameter Name: TO

The image should now appear more even, without hotspot or chickenwire pattern, and radiometrically calibrated.