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Adds Level 1 or Level 2 images to an existing Isis Control Net file.

Overview Parameters


This application adds Level 1 and Level 2 images to an existing ISIS Control Net file. It takes in an input Control Net CNET and a list file ADDLIST which contains filenames of all the images to be added to the Control Net. The application adds the images to the network depending on the Retrieval options. The resulting output Control Net is placed in the user specified output file ONET. All other Control Net configurations remain unchanged.

FROMLIST contains the list of all the images that are part of the input Control Net. This input parameter is optional with Control Nets generated by applications such as "seedgrid" which will contain only lat/lon but no other Control Measures. However, FROMLIST is required if the RETRIEVAL option is REFERENCE (described herein) where the lat/lon's are obtained from the FROMLIST cubes.

The application checks each image in the ADDLIST for all the Control Points in the input Control Network as to whether it can be added to any given Control Point. If the image already exists for the Control Point, it is skipped. Otherwise, it is checked to see if the Control Point's location is within the latitude/longitude (lat/lon) boundaries of the image, and adds the image measures if it is.

TOLIST is an optional output list which contains the list of all images in the output Control Net. If TOLIST is defined then FROMLIST is required to make the output list complete. Otherwise the TOLIST will contain only the new images from ADDLIST added to the Control Net.

The images in the FROMLIST and ADDLIST must be available for the program to open. All the PVL log information such as duplicate serial numbers common to FROMLIST and ADDLIST, images added, images omitted and Points modified are placed in LOG file if specified.

MODIFIEDPOINTS is an optional output parameter that allows the user to create a list of the modified points in the final Control Net.

The program has four additional Options or parameters: POLYGON, RETRIEVAL, EXTRACT, and DEFILE. If the POLYGON option is enabled, this optimization will prune points that fall outside the latitude/longitude bounding box of the polygon for the image being added. By performing this check up front, no expensive camera calculations to find a Point's location on an image will be performed for points that fail this test. In most cases, the vast majority of points fall outside of any given image during the adding process, so performance gains can be orders of magnitude. IMPORTANT NOTE: this optimization requires that all images have had "footprintinit" run beforehand in order to find the image polygons.

The Control Point's location (lat/lon) is retrieved from either the REFERENCE (default) or POINT preference of the RETRIEVAL parameter. If REFERENCE is chosen, the lat/lon is calculated from the reference camera information of the corresponding images in FROMLIST. If POINT is chosen, the lat/lon is taken directly from the information attached to the Control Point. The lat/lon is then used to get the Line and Sample of the point on the image. IMPORTANT NOTE: the POINT option is meant for Control Networks built using "seedgrid" because this program attaches the lat/lon information to the points. If you use this option on networks with Control Points that do not have this information, those points will be ignored.

The EXTRACT parameter allows the user to define what goes into the ONET. If ALL (default)is specified, then the entire input Control Net with the modified points will be written out to the output Control Net. If MODIFIED is specified, then only the modified Points(points which has the images from the ADDLIST added to it) will be extracted to the output.

DEFFILE could be specified to validate measures (images). If the image being added to a particular point fails the validation test then the Measure is set to be Ignored. Following are the different options which could be specified in the DEFFILE.The application will validate the measure for specified properties. These properties are optional and the DEFFILE can have different combinations of these properties. The DEFFILE should be in the format shown below:

MinDN = Default is Min DN value (depends on the pixel size of the image)
MaxDN = Default is Max DN value (depends on the pixel size of the image)
MinEmission = 0 (Default)
MaxEmission = 135 (Default)
MinIncidence = 0 (Default)
MaxIncidence = 135 (Default)
MinResolution = 0 (Default)
MaxResolution = Maximum integer value
PixelsFromEdge = 0 (Default) OR
MetersFromEdge = 0 (Default)

Measures are added if a Point is locked. But if the Point is locked and Apriori source is "AverageOfMeasures" then the measures are not added to the Control Point. This is because the Point being locked, it cannot be be updated for lat/lon values, so newly added measures did not contribute to the average that had been previously computed for at the point level.



Steven Koechle2008-11-24 Original version
Christopher Austin2008-01-29 Fixed major memory leak and added memory control. Changed param NETWORK to CNET, increased developer documentation, added a Progress Object during lat/lon calculation.
Christopher Austin2008-02-23 Fixed an error with not catching the failed ground range setting.
Travis Addair2009-08-27 Added radio button allowing user to fill a skeleton Control Network (no Control measures) generated by the seedgrid application so long as it contains a latitude/longitude for each Control point. This list of files to add has also had its parameter name changed from FROMLIST2 to ADDLIST for clarity.
Travis Addair2009-09-02 When adding measures to a Network generated by the seedgrid application, the Ignore keyword for a Control Point is now set to false if the Point has at least two measures.
Travis Addair2009-09-04 A sorted list of Control points that were modified will now be put into the log file.
Christopher Austin2010-04-07 Modified to handle duplicate Serial Numbers between the FROMLIST and ADDLIST instead of throwing an exception.
Christopher Austin2010-06-11 Added modified Point only cNet output, added list of modified points output.
Christopher Austin2010-06-25 Added an error message when RETREIVAL=POINT is used but lat/lon values are absent from the points.
Sharmila Prasad2010-10-13 Modified for binary Control Net
Sharmila Prasad2010-10-22 Reset Apriori values if Apriori source is AvgOfMeasures
Sharmila Prasad2010-10-28 Do not add measures if the Control Point is locked and Apriori source is "AverageOfMeasures".
Christopher Austin2010-11-19 Added the DEFFILE option and test, similar to cnetref. Logging still needs to be done.
Christopher Austin2010-12-22 Modified documentation to better clarify the DEFFILE parameter.
Christopher Austin2011-01-18 Altered to compile with the new Control redesign.
Christopher Austin2011-02-18 Added the TOLIST parameter.
Christopher Austin2011-03-14 Changed to use SurfacePoints instead of lat/lon calculations.
Jai Rideout2011-04-12 Changed INNET to CNET and OUTNET to ONET for consistency.
Travis Addair2011-05-25 Moved writing of TOLIST to occur after filtering for modified.
Travis Addair2011-07-07 FROMLIST now optional even when RETRIEVAL=POINT to allow for complete TOLIST.
Sharmila Prasad2011-09-29 Updated Documentation, moved output file MODIFIEDPOINTS to output file group, changed group name Retrieval options to options and added new test Polygon to test the parameter POLYGON.
Jac Shinaman, Janet Richie2011-09-29Reviewed, Edited the Documentation and the GUI display
Debbie A. Cook2012-02-17 The extract=modified option was changed to not output edit locked points and measures, since they were not modified.
Jeannie Backer2012-10-25 Changed call to Camera::resolution() to lower camel case. Isis3 standards improvements. References #1181.

Parameter Groups

Input Files

Name Description
FROMLIST List of ISIS input cubes in the Control Net.
CNET ISIS existing Control Net file
ADDLIST List of ISIS input cubes to be added to the Control Net.

Output Files

Name Description
ONET Isis output Control Network file
TOLIST List of ISIS output images in the ONET
LOG Optional Log File
MODIFIEDPOINTSCreates a list of all modified Control Points


Name Description
POLYGONPrune points outside image polygon in adding process
RETRIEVAL Retrieve latitude and longitude from Control points in the Control Network or the reference cameras obtained from the FROMLIST
EXTRACTDefines what Control Points are to be placed in ONET
DEFFILE PVL file containing the description of the Validity Control Measure Keywords for new/added measures

Input Files: FROMLIST


FROMLIST is a text file that contains the list of all the images that are part of the input Control Net. Every file used in the Control Net file should be represented in this list. This input parameter is optional as Control Net from applications such as seedgrid will have only Control points but no Control Measures. FROMLIST is required if the Retrieval option is REFERENCE which is the default and also if TOLIST is specified. The cubes must be available for the program to open.

Type filename
File Mode input
Internal Default None
Filter *.lis
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Input Files: CNET


This parameter specifies the input Control Net file to which the images are to be added.

Type filename
File Mode input
Filter *.net
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Input Files: ADDLIST


A text file containing one column of ISIS cube file names. The cubes must be available for the program to open. If cubes in this list are also in the FROMLIST, process time will be increased.

Type filename
File Mode input
Filter *.lis
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Output Files: ONET


ISIS output Control Network file. The resulting output Control Net with the added images is placed in the specified output file in ONET.

Type filename
File Mode output
Filter *.net
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Output Files: TOLIST


Use this optional parameter to receive a list of all images in the ONET that are also in the FROMLIST or ADDLIST. To have a complete list, it is important to have the FROMLIST.

Type filename
File Mode input
Internal Default None
Filter *.lis
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Output Files: LOG


This optional log file contains information about which files were added to the Control Net, which ones were not, and which images were common in both the FROMLIST and ADDLIST.

Type filename
File Mode output
Internal Default None
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This optional output file will create a list of the Control points that were modified by the addition of measures.

Type filename
File Mode input
Internal Default Do not list
Filter *.lis *.txt
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Options: POLYGON


When enabled, this optimization will prune points that fall outside the latitude/longitude bounding box of the polygon for the image being added. By performing this check up front, no expensive camera calculations to find a Point's location on an image will be performed for points that fail this test. In most cases, the vast majority of points fall outside of any given image during the adding process, so performance gains can be orders of magnitude.

This optimization requires that all images have had "footprintinit" run beforehand in order to find the image polygons.

Type boolean
Default False
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This option allows the user to specify whether the latitude and longitude used for calculating Control measures' sample/line information should be retrieved from the reference cameras generated with the FROMLIST or the Control points contained within the input Control Network itself. If the POINT option is selected, then there is no need to specify a FROMLIST, otherwise one must be specified.

Type string
Option List:
Option Brief Description
REFERENCE Retrieve latitudes and longitudes from reference cameras This default option will retrieve the latitude and longitude used for computing sample/line position in each Control Measure from a reference camera obtained from the FROMLIST.


POINT Retrieve latitudes and longitudes from Control points This option will retrieve the latitude and longitude used for computing sample/line position in each Control Measure from its Control Point in the input Control Network.
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Options: EXTRACT


Use this parameter to determine whether to place all Control Points in the ONET, or just the Control Points with new Control Measures and reference image measures in the ONET. In this case, only reference measures and new measures are placed in the Control Points of the ONET.

Type string
Default ALL
Option List:
Option Brief Description
ALLPlace all Control Points in the ONET This default option will add the new cubes to the CNET and place the result in ONET.
MODIFIEDOnly place changed Control Points in ONET This option will add the new cubes to the CNET, but only place Control Points that have been added to in the ONET. In addition, only new and reference Control Measures will be placed in the resultant Control Points of the ONET.
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Options: DEFFILE


This optional PVL file containing the description of the Validity Control Measure Keywords. Newly added Control Measures which are not valid based on these keywords will be set to Ignored. Control Measures that are originally in the CNET will not be evaluated/Ignored by the DEFFILE.

Type filename
File Mode input
Internal Default None
Filter *.def *.pvl
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