Cneteditor allows a user to visualize control point and measure attributes
and to edit them interactively. The user can toggle between control point
coordinate and sigma display in Latitude, Longitude, Radius or XYZ format.
Select keywords from a control network file are imported into a table of
editable rows and columns. Always make a backup copy of the input
file before using this program. There is no "undo" capability yet.
The basic utility of this program is to set control points or control
measures to "ignore" or "EditLock," and to modify A Priori SP coordinate
sigma values (in either lat/lon/radius or XYZ format). The control point
type can be changed to "Constrained," "Fixed," or "Free." There are columns
such as PointID or Reference which should not be changed. If control points
or measures are set to "yes" for EditLock, the user is prompted to verify
updated values.
The control network file is loaded either by entering the filename after
the program name on the command line or by using the file selection menu
after invoking the program.
Command line example:
On the menu bar are drop down menus "File," "Tables," "Coordinate Display,"
and "Help." The options under "File" are "Open," "Save," "Save As,"
"Close," and "Quit." The options under "Tables" are "Freeze Tables" and
"Enable Sorting." The options under "Coordinate Display" are "X,Y,Z" and
"Lat,Lon,Radius." The icons are activated only after a control network file
has been loaded. When the sorting icon is enabled, the "^"
(ascending) or "v" (descending) symbol appears in
the activated column heading. The sort is performed by clicking on the
symbol or by clicking on a different column of interest while sorting is
The "Freeze Tables" icon (ice cube) is used to temporarily turn off the
filtering function. It freezes the table so that edits to a cell can be
performed without screen refresh. When the edits are completed, turn off
the freeze pane by clicking on the icon again. Once the freeze icon is
off, the edited information is updated in memory but not saved to disk.
Use the "save" or "save as" options under "File" to save the file to disk.
When the tables are not frozen the cells are updated based on the filters
that have been applied as soon as a cell is edited. If more than one cell
in a row needs to be edited then freeze the pane before changing any of
the cells.
The "Coordinate Display" icons ("X,Y,Z" and "Lat, Lon, Radius") toggle
display of coordinates and sigmas between the two formats. Latitude/Longitude
coordinate units are decimal degrees. Radius and XYZ coordinate units are
meters. All coordinate sigma units are meters.
The filters tabs presently available are "Control Points and Measures" and
"Images and Points." Filters for points and sigmas correspond to the active
coordinate display format ("X,Y,Z" or "Lat, Lon, Radius"). The tab for
"Connections" is displayed but not implemented yet so there are no keyword
options available when the tab is selected.
The results of the filters are displayed in the "Control Point Table,
"Control Measure Table," and the "Point View" tree.
The green "+" icon can be used to add a new filter or a new filter group.
Click the "+" icon inside the bounding box to add a new filter. Select a
keyword to filter with such as "PointType." The "And" or "Or" logic type
radio button must also be selected.
Click the "+" icon outside the bounding box to add a new filter group.
Select a keyword to filter with such as "GoodnessOfFit." The "And" or
"Or" logic type radio button must also be selected.
The drop-down menu under the filter tabs lists keywords that can be
selected for the filters. Additional filtering options can be chosen to
include or exclude specific values by clicking on the radio icons. A text
box will be displayed for keywords that require text or numbers.
Be careful with extra spaces when entering text, verify entry by reading
the filter statement if the expected result is empty.
The ">=" or "<=" symbols are used to enter the cutoff numbers for
specific keywords that are stored as numbers, and when selected there may
be an option to select the "inclusive" or "exclusive" filter.
The "Effect" option is used to select "Point" and/or "Measure." The
default is both "Point" and "Measure" so there is an "X" within the radio
icons. To turn off one or the other option, click on the desired radio
icon; "X" means selected and no "X" means not selected.
For the "Control Points and Measures" tab, the "Min count for points" is
used to define how many measures a control point must have for a
particular filter. The default value is "1" so the filtering is applied to
control points that have at least one measure. If the "Control point"
option under "Effect" is turned off, then the min count is not used.
Warning: Not all filters have the same effect. For
example, some keywords require minimum and/or maximum values while others
require text entries. It is best to read the statement above the
filter options to see exactly what the options that has been selected is
Editing cells:
Click on the cell to type the value, or double-click on the cell to see
the valid values in the drop-down menu to select from. If no valid values
exist, then type the text in the cell.
Copying to all cells:
Select a cell that has the content that will be copied to all cells under
a column. Click on the selected cell to activate, and then hold down the
right icon to select "copy to all cells."
For more help click on "What"s This?" under Help, or use Shift+F1. Once
you see the "?" on the screen, click on the screen to see the information.