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Extracts portions of an existing Control Network

Overview Parameters Example 1


Extracts Control Points into a new Control Network from a specified Control Network in accordance to specified filters.

Currently, the filters are divided into four categories: Exclusive Filters, Inclusive Filters, Cube Filters, and Lat/Lon Filters.

Exclusive Filters prevent extraction. They are taken into consideration last and have the highest priority. This means that if any other filter creates a selected Exclusive Filter condition during processing, that Exclusive Filter will prevent the extraction. For example, if the Cube Filters CUBES, CUBELIST, and CUBEMEASURES are used along with the Exclusive Filter NOSINGLEMEASURES, then an input Control Point which contains only one cube in the CUBELIST will not be extracted, regardless of the number of Control Measures it had on input. This is because NOSINGLEMEASURES will see it as a Control Point with exactly one Control Measure and prevent its extraction. If only Exclusive Filters are used, all Control Points/Measures that do not have an exclusive property will be extracted.

Inclusive Filters allow extraction. They only extract Control Points and/or Measures that are included in the Inclusive Filter. In addition, each Inclusive Filter is associated with an explicit property of the Control Point/Measure. If more than one Inclusive Filter is selected, only Control Points/Measures that contain all inclusive properties will be extracted.

Cube Filters also allow extraction, however, they pertain to the cubes contained within the Control Points/Measures. Option RETAIN_REFERENCE will extract the Reference even if not in the Cube List.

Lat/Lon Filters allow extraction as well, however, they only extract Control Points/Measures that lie in the lat/lon bounding box.

A summary of the Control Points not extracted, listed by the filter which prevented them from being extracted, can be included in optional report files. See the PREFIX and filter keywords for more details. The following table lists the output file names, the corresponding filter for the output file, and a description of the contents of the output file. These output files will only be generated if PREFIX has been defined.

OutputReport Filter Reason for not extracting the points/measures in this report
[PREFIX]IgnoredPoints.txt NOIGNORE These points are set to ignored.
[PREFIX]IgnoredMeasures.txt NOIGNORE These measures are set to ignored. Ignored reference measures are always extracted, however they are still listed in this report with the note: Ignored measure but extracted since it is Reference.
[PREFIX]SingleMeasurePoints.txt NOSINGLEMEASURES These points have only one measure.
[PREFIX]MeasurelessPoints.txt NOMEASURELESS and REFERENCE These points have no measures.
[PREFIX]NonReferenceMeasures.txt REFERENCE These measures are not reference measures.
[PREFIX]NonFixedPoints.txt FIXED These points are not fixed.
[PREFIX]NonConstrainedPoints.txt CONSTRAINED These points are not constrained.
[PREFIX]NonEditLockedPoints.txt EDITLOCKED These points are not editlocked.
[PREFIX]TolerancePoints.txt TOLERANCE These points have line and/or sample less than the given PIXELTOLERANCE.
[PREFIX]NonListedPoints.txt POINTSLIST These points are not in the given POINTLIST.
[PREFIX]NonCubePoints.txt CUBES These points have no measures corresponding to the given CUBELIST.
[PREFIX]NonCubeMeasures.txt CUBES, CUBEMEASURES, and RETAIN_REFERENCE These are measures for extracted points that do not correspond to cubes in the given CUBELIST. If RETAIN_REFERENCE is true, all reference measures for extracted points will be extracted, however any reference measure that does not correspond to cubes in the cubelist will still be listed in this report with the note: Reference not in the cubelist but extracted since RETAIN_REFERENCE=true.
[PREFIX]LatLonOutOfRange.txt LATLON These points have a latitude and/or longitude that is not in the given MINLAT/MAXLAT or MINLON/MAXLON range.
[PREFIX]NoLatLonPoints.txt LATLON These points do not have a determineable latitude and/or longitude value.



Christopher Austin2009-07-22 Original version
Christopher Austin2009-07-31 Refactored for readability, added parameter defaults, and added detail to the application log.
Christopher Austin2009-08-11 Added an additional output progress bar.
Christopher Austin2009-08-21 Added the points kept to the print file.
Christopher Austin2009-08-28 Fixed TOLIST blank lines, added the POINTLIST option, and changed the CUBEPOINTS parameter to take a filename instead of a boolean.
Christopher Austin2009-09-29 Added the TOLERANCE parameter.
Christopher Austin2009-10-02 Changed the TOLERANCE keyword to extract points with an error greater than or equal to the TOLERANCE, instead of less than or eqaul to.
Christopher Austin2009-10-15 Fixed the TOLERANCE code.
Christopher Austin2009-11-02 Fixed the interface to be more clear.
Christopher Austin2009-11-09 Added the GROUND parameter.
Christopher Austin2010-01-20 Added the USENETWORK parameter to avoid the need for spiceinit prior to knowing which cubes are necessary for the extracted control network.
Christopher Austin2010-02-01 FROMLIST is now an option parameter, however, to be able to generate a TOLIST, the FROMLIST must be provided. Also did some code cleanup.
Christopher Austin2010-03-01 Changed NOSINGLEMEASURES to NOMEASURELESS and fixed a simple progress bug.
Christopher Austin2010-03-03 Fixed min/max lat/lon bounding issues.
Christopher Austin2010-03-08 Brought back NOSINGLEMEASURES while leaving NOMEASURELESS as is.
Christopher Austin2010-06-18 Added PREFIX and moved all detailed output from the print.prt to the PREFIX files for each filter parameter.
Christopher Austin2010-06-30 Rewrote documentation and reorganized keywords into groups.
Christopher Austin2010-11-08 Fixed for binary cnet conversion.
Christopher Austin2011-01-18 Altered to compile with the new Control redesign.
Jai Rideout2011-04-12 Changed OUTNET to ONET for consistency.
Sharmila Prasad2011-05-27 Added an option RETAIN_REFERENCE to extract the Reference measure even if it is not in the CUBELIST
Debbie A. Cook and Tracie Sucharski2011-06-07 Change point types "Ground" to "Fixed" and "Tie" to "Free".
Stuart Sides2011-10-07 Added documentation with Annie Howington-Kraus and Ella Lee.
Jeannie Backer2012-06-22 Added and modified documentation for filters and PREFIX report files to better reflect how the program filters work. References #927.
Jeannie Backer2012-07-11 Modified application to not create empty output files. If a file is not created, a comment will be printed in the results log. Fixes #253. Fixed bug in NOMEASURELESS and POINTLIST filters. These were not being properly handled by the program. Replaced summary keyword NoCubeMeasure with NonCubeMeasures for consitency with NonCubePoints. Modified and added new appTests to reflect changes. Fixes #955. Added webpage example. Added documentation to Makefiles. Updated xml documentation and clarified output reports for [PREFIX]IgnoredMeasures.txt and [PREFIX]NonCubeMeasures.txt Fixes #927.
Debbie A. Cook2012-11-30 Changed to use TProjection instead of Projection. References #775.
Moses P. Milazzo2014-11-13 Added EditLocked and Constrained filters. References #255.
Kelvin Rodriguez2016-08-16 removed redundant boolean statement (len == 0) which caused warnings in clang. Part of porting to OS X 10.11.
Ian Humphrey2016-09-29 When using LATLON=true, control points that are out of the specified latitude and longitude ranges will now be properly recorded into the approriate output text files. See the internal history for cnetextract.cpp's ExtractLatLonRange() for more detailed change information.

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To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board
To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github
File Modified: 02/21/2025 19:28:09

Input Files: FROMLIST


A text file containing one column of ISIS cube file names. Every cube used in the input control network should be contained in this list.

Type filename
File Mode input
Internal Default No input cube list
Filter *.txt *.lis *.list
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Input Files: CNET


A filename containing control network points and measures to extract the ONET from.

Type filename
File Mode input
Filter *.net
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Output: PREFIX


A short single word string used as a prefix on output report file(s) generated based on extraction criteria entered by the user. If a PREFIX is provided, the Control Points and Control Measures not extracted will be placed into output report files with the given PREFIX. If a PREFIX is not entered, no report files will be output. See each option in the "Filter" groups to see which report files are created for each given filter.

Type string
File Mode output
Internal Default Prefix of NO results reports
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Output: TOLIST


This optional output text file contains one column of ISIS cube file names associated with the ONET. This list can only include cubes that were provided in the FROMLIST.

Type filename
File Mode output
Internal Default No output cube list
Filter *.txt *.lis *.list
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Output: ONET


The resultant Control Network file extracted from CNET.

Type filename
File Mode output
Filter *.net
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The Networkid keyword of the extracted Control Network will be set to this string value. The Networkid is a single word identifier or name assigned to a Control Network. This string should be unique.

Type string
Internal Default Parent Network Id
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The Description keyword of the extracted Control Network will be set to this string value. This should be a brief description of the purpose of the extracted control network.

Type string
Default cnetextracted
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Exclusive Filters: NOIGNORE


When selected, no ignored Control Points in the input Control Net will be included in the output Control Network. Furthermore, any ignored Control Measures that are not reference measures will also be excluded from the output Control Network.

When option PREFIX is used, two report files will be created, [PREFIX]IgnoredPoints.txt and [PREFIX]IgnoredMeasures.txt. These files list all Control Points and Control Measures from the input Control Network that were not extracted due to this filter. **Note** The [PREFIX]IgnoredMeasures.txt will include ignored control measures that are reference measures even though they will be extracted.

Type boolean
Default False
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Exclusive Filters: NOMEASURELESS


When selected, all Control Points that are reduced to zero Control Measures (from other selected filters or have zero measures on input) will not be included in the output Control Network.

When option PREFIX is used, report file [PREFIX]MeasurelessPoints.txt will also be created. Each Control Point it lists was not extracted due to this filter.

Type boolean
Default False
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When selected, all Control Points that are reduced to one Control Measure (from other selected filters or only have one measure on input) will not be included in the output Control Network.

When option PREFIX is used, report file [PREFIX]SingleMeasurePoints.txt will also be created. Each Control Point it lists was not extracted due to this filter.

Type boolean
Default False
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Inclusive Filters: REFERENCE


When selected, only reference Control Measures will be extracted into the output Control Network.

When this filter is used, NOMEASURELESS will be selected automatically, and NOSINGLEMEASURES will be disabled.

When option PREFIX is used, report files with the names [PREFIX]NonReferenceMeasures.txt and [PREFIX]MeasurelessPoints.txt will also be created. The first file will contain each Control Measure that was not extracted due to this filter and the latter will list all measurless points not extracted due to this filter.

Type boolean
Default False
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Inclusive Filters: FIXED


When selected, only fixed Control Points will be extracted into the output Control Network file.

When option PREFIX is used, report file [PREFIX]NonFixedPoints.txt will also be created. Each Control Point it lists was not extracted due to this filter.

Type boolean
Default False
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Inclusive Filters: CONSTRAINED


When selected, only constrained Control Points will be extracted into the output Control Network file.

When option PREFIX is used, report file [PREFIX]NonConstrainedPoints.txt will also be created. Each Control Point it lists was not extracted due to this filter.

Type boolean
Default False
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Inclusive Filters: EDITLOCKED


When selected, only editlocked Control Points will be extracted into the output Control Network file.

When option PREFIX is used, report file [PREFIX]NonEditLockedPoints.txt will also be created. Each Control Point it lists was not extracted due to this filter.

Type boolean
Default False
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Inclusive Filters: TOLERANCE


When selected, extract all Control Points which have a line or a sample residual greater than or equal to the PIXELTOLERANCE value.

The PIXELTOLERANCE is compared to the keywords LineResidual and SampleResidual in the input Control Network.

When option PREFIX is used, report file [PREFIX]TolerancePoints.txt will also be created. Each Control Point it lists was not extracted due to this filter.

Type boolean
Default False
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Inclusive Filters: PIXELTOLERANCE


Control Points which contain at least one Control Measure with a line or a sample residual error greater than or equal to this value will be extracted.

Type double
Default 10.0
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Inclusive Filters: POINTLIST


Use this parameter to select a text file that contains a list of Control Point Ids. All the Control Points with matching Ids will be extracted as long as another selected filter does not exclude the Control Point.

When option PREFIX is used, report file [PREFIX]NonListedPoints.txt will also be created. Each Control Point it contains was not extracted due to this filter.

Type filename
File Mode input
Internal Default None
Filter *.lis
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Cube Filters: CUBES


When selected, only Control Points which contain the cubes listed in CUBELIST will be extracted.

Type boolean
Default False
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Cube Filters: CUBELIST


Use this parameter to select a text file that contains a list of ISIS cubes. All the Control Points which contain at least one of these cubes will be extracted.

When option PREFIX is used, report file [PREFIX]NonCubePoints.txt will also be created. Each Control Point it lists was not extracted due to this filter.

Type filename
File Mode input
Filter *.lis
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When selected, extract all Control Measures from extracted Control Points that contain a cube in the CUBELIST list. This option can only be used when a file has been provided for CUBELIST.

When this filter is used, NOMEASURELESS will be selected automatically.

When option PREFIX is used with this filter, the report file [PREFIX]NonCubeMeasures.txt will also be created. Each Control Measure it lists was not extracted due to this filter.

Type boolean
Default False
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When selected, retain the Reference in the extracted Control Points even if it is not in the the CUBELIST list.

When this filter is used, NOMEASURELESS will be selected automatically.

When option PREFIX is used with the CUBEMEASURES filter, the report file [PREFIX]NonCubeMeasures.txt will also be created. This file will list the measures that are not extracted. This will include non-reference measures that do not correspond to the cubelist. When RETAIN_REFERENCE is true, reference measures will be listed in this file, even though they will be extracted.

Type boolean
Default False
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Lat/Lon Filters: LATLON


When selected, all Control Points that are inside of the provided latitude and longitude ranges will be extracted. Control Points whose latitude and/or longitude cannot be computed will not be extracted.

Fixed Points will use the lat/lon values provided in the input control network, while Free Points will calculate the lat/lon from the images provided by the FROMLIST. These calculated lat/lon values will be added to Free Points in the output control network for reference purposes. However, no Isis application will use these lat/lons that are added to Free Points.

When option PREFIX is used, report files [PREFIX]LatLonOutOfRange.txt and [PREFIX]NoLatLonPoint.txt will also be created. Each Control Point they list was not extracted due to this filter.

Control Points in [PREFIX]LatLonOutOfRange.txt did not fall within the provided lat/lon bound. Each Control Points listed in [PREFIX]NoLatLonPoint.txt do not have a determinable Latitude or Longitude.

Note: This option is expensive.

Type boolean
Default False
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Lat/Lon Filters: MINLAT


Any Control Point with a latitude less than MINLAT will be removed.

Type double
Default -90.0
Minimum -90.0 (inclusive)
Maximum 90.0 (inclusive)
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Lat/Lon Filters: MAXLAT


Any Control Point with a latitude greater than MAXLAT will be removed.

Type double
Default 90.0
Minimum -90.0 (inclusive)
Maximum 90.0 (inclusive)
Greater Than or Equal MINLAT
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Lat/Lon Filters: MINLON


Any Control Point with a longitude less than MINLON will be removed.

If MINLON is greater than MAXLON than the longitude range is assumed to cross the 0/360 longitude boundry, where points with longitude greater than MINLON or less than MAXLON will be included.

Type double
Default 0.0
Minimum 0.0 (inclusive)
Maximum 360.0 (inclusive)
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Lat/Lon Filters: MAXLON


Any Control Point with a longitude greater than MAXLON will be removed.

If MAXLON is less than MINLON than the longitude range is assumed to cross the 0/360 longitude boundry, where points with longitude greater than MINLON or less than MAXLON will be included.

Type double
Default 360.0
Minimum 0.0 (inclusive)
Maximum 360.0 (inclusive)
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