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Generate a grey scale cube

Overview Parameters Example 1 Example 2


This program can be used to generate an output cube of user specified dimensions. The pixel values of each line or sample evenly increment or decrement from value1 input to value2 input. Note: Vertical scaling can take twice as long to process, however this is insignificant for output images less than 10,000 lines/samples.



Jeannie Walldren2010-05-13 Original version with examples.

Parameter Groups


Name Description
TOOutput cube

Pixel Specifications

Name Description
DIRECTION Direction of the grey scaling of given DN values.
BEGINDNDN Value of each beginning pixel
ENDDNDN Value of each end pixel

Cube size

Name Description
SAMPLESNumber of samples in the cube
LINESNumber of line in the cube

Files: TO


The file name of the output cube to be created.

Type cube
File Mode output
Pixel Type real
Filter *.cub
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Pixel Specifications: DIRECTION


The direction options allow the user to choose whether to scale the pixel values horizontally or vertically.

Type string
Option List:
Option Brief Description
HORIZONTAL Scale DN values horizontally over each line. This option will scale the DN values from left to right across each line. The value given for BEGINDN will be the pixel value of the first sample of each line and ENDDN will be the pixel value of the last sample of each line.
VERTICAL Scale DN values vertically over each sample. This option will scale the DN values from top to bottom. The value given for BEGINDN will be the pixle value of the first line and ENDDN will be the pixel value of the last line.
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Pixel Specifications: BEGINDN


This is the user specified DN value to output to the first pixel of each line (or row) if scaling horizontally or the first pixel of each sample (or column) if scaling vertically.

Type double
Default 0.0
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Pixel Specifications: ENDDN


This is the user specified DN value to output to the last pixel of each line (or row) if scaling horizontally or the last pixel of each sample (or column) if scaling vertically.

Type double
Default 0.0
Close Window

Cube size: SAMPLES


The number of samples to be allocated in the output cube. This integer value must be at least 1.

Type integer
Default 1
Minimum 1 (inclusive)
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Cube size: LINES


The number of lines to be allocated in the ouput cube. This integer value must be at least 1.

Type integer
Default 1
Minimum 1 (inclusive)
Close Window

Example 1

Create horizontally grey scaled cube.


This example demonstrates how to use greyscale to create a cube with pixel values from BEGINDN to ENDDN horizontally.

Command Line

greyscale to=../OUT/output.cub direction=horizontal begindn=1 enddn=25 samples=49 lines=20
Run greyscale to create a cube with the given parameters.

GUI Screenshot

Example GUI

Screenshot of GUI with parameters filled in to perform greyscale application. DIRECTION parameter HORIZONTAL is chosen as default.

Output Image

Output cube

Parameter Name: TO

This is an example of the the output image with the given parameters. It is a 20 line by 49 sample cube with the first samples of each line equal to 1. Subsequent samples increment by 0.5 until the last sample, which is equal to 25.

Example 2

Create vertically grey scaled cube.


This example demonstrates how to use greyscale to create a cube with pixel values from BEGINDN to ENDDN vertically.

Command Line

greyscale to=../OUT/output.cub direction=vertical begindn=50 enddn=25 samples=20 lines=49
Run greyscale to create a cube with the given parameters.

GUI Screenshot

Example GUI

Screenshot of GUI with parameters filled in to perform greyscale application.

Output Image

Output cube

Parameter Name: TO

This is an example of the the output image with the given parameters. It is a 49 line by 20 sample cube with the a DN of 50 for the pixels in the first line. Subsequent lines decrement by a pixel value 0.5208 until the last line, which has a DN of 25.