ISIS Application Documentation
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Generate radiometrically (cosmetic) corrected HiRISE Channel products.
Overview | Parameters |
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 02/21/2025 19:28:10 |
Parameter GroupsFiles
Level Processing
SpiceInit Parameters
Mapping parameters
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 02/21/2025 19:28:10 |
Input HiRISE image in isis or raw format that needs to be radiometrically corrected.
Type | cube |
File Mode | input |
Filter | *.cub | *.img |
Radiometrically caliberated and corrected isis image
Type | cube |
File Mode | output |
Filter | *.cub |
User specific configuration for caliberation else Isis default will be used
Type | filename |
File Mode | input |
Internal Default | $mro/calibration/hical.????.conf |
Remove Intermediate Files created by the pipeline
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
Import and initialize a raw HiRISE image into Isis format running the apps hi2isis and spiceinit
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
Run hifurrows to remove the furrows which runs trimfilter and lowpass filter there after
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
Run hinoise2 to filter out noise
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
Run hidestripe which uses combination of low and high pass filters to destripe the image
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
Process the input file through level2. This includes cam2map.
Type | boolean |
Default | NO |
Inclusions |
Naif kernel file to be used for the target attitude and shape.
Type | filename |
File Mode | input |
Default Path | $BASE/kernels/pck/ |
Internal Default | none |
Naif kernel file to be used for the spacecraft pointing.
Type | filename |
File Mode | input |
Default Path | $mro/kernels/ck/ |
Internal Default | none |
Naif kernel file to be used for the spacecraft position.
Type | filename |
File Mode | input |
Default Path | $mro/kernels/spk/ |
Internal Default | none |
Compute nadir pointing if no other kernels exist
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
ISIS camera models can use a shape model (a projected ISIS cube that defines the radii for a global or regional area). You can choose to select a shape model or to use the definition of the ellipsoid found in the planetary constants (PCK) file.
Type | string | ||||||||||||
Default | SYSTEM | ||||||||||||
Option List: |
A map projected ISIS cube which contains the radii of the target. The file can cover more than the input cube (FROM) but must minimally cover the data in the input cube.
Type | cube |
File Mode | input |
Default Path | $base//dems/ |
Filter | *.cub |
A file containing the desired output mapping parameters in PVL form. This file can be a simple hand produced label file. It can also be an existing cube label which contains a Mapping group.
Type | filename |
Internal Default | Sinusoidal |
Inclusions |
Filter | *.map |
Specifies the resolution in meters per pixel. If not in the MAP file the resolution will be computed from the themis level 1 cube.
Type | double |
Internal Default | Automatic |
Minimum | 0.0 (exclusive) |
Inclusions |