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Characterize HiRISE image jitter with co-registration

Overview Parameters


This program co-registers two HiRISE image overlaping sections. The section of overlap of each image is determined by their relative positions in the HiRISE focal plane assembly. Its intended use is to characterize spacecraft jitter, but may also have other uses, such as determining relative gains and zero-level offsets of adjacent CCDs, this from the linear regression data computed for each registration chip.

hijitreg requires the two images provided in FROM and MATCH have some portion of overlap. This is typically adjacent CCDs, such as RED4 and RED5 but individual CCD channels can be processed as well. The appropriate channel will need to be provided, however. For example, RED4_0 and RED5_1 are overlapping channel files, but RED4_1 and RED3_1 are not. Furthermore, this application can be used to characterize offsets of the color sets as well. I will describe these scenarios in more detail below.

The offsets are determined using HiRISE focal plane locations for each CCD. Adjacent CCDs are designed to have at least 48 pixels of overlap between them. However, it has been determined the amount of overlap can vary under most viewing conditions. Thus, hijitreg can utilize the same sample and line offset information used by hiccdstitch to adjust each CCD's relative position within the HiRISE focal plane. hijitreg then makes the appropriate localized adjustments to determine the final overlap used to characterize the two image sections. See the documentation for the SHIFTDEF parameter for hiccdstitch for further details.

For this program to work properly, the image starting time is required. The starting time can be determined using the camera model if the image has been run through spiceinit or it can be determined using the starting clock count and the SPICE clock kernel. Both ways produce identical results. Using the camera model has the advantage of not requiring local mission specific kernels be available. See spiceinit web=true.

The type of registration algorithm and appropriate parameters for its use is determined by the REGDEF parameter. This follows the Isis standard. Below is an example of the PVL-format that is expected in the file provided.

         Object = AutoRegistration
           Group = Algorithm
             Name         = MaximumCorrelation
             Tolerance    = 0.7

           Group = PatternChip
             Samples = 17
             Lines   = 45

           Group = SearchChip
             Samples = 30
             Lines   = 70

A chip registration grid is defined across the MATCH image using the parameters ROWS and COLUMNS. If the user does not provide values for the grid size, it will be automatically computed as follows: ROWS = (line overlap - 1) / search chip lines + 1. The default for COLUMNS is set to 1. This default condition assumes processing of overlapping regions that are approximately 48 pixels. However, if you specify 0, then the computation for COLUMNS is the same as it is for ROWS only using sample overlap. Conceptually, the chip grid defined by ROWS and COLUMNS will be laid on top of both images with even spacing between the rows (or columns) and but no row will touch the top or bottom of the image. That is, the grid is internal to the image.

At each grid intersection, a translation will be computed. This is done by centering the search chip at the grid intersection for the image to be translated (FROM) and centering the pattern chip at the grid intersection for the held image (MATCH). The pattern chip is walked through the search chip to find the best registration (if any). The details of how this is done is described in the document "Automatic Registation in Isis 3.0". The local translation is recorded at all grid intersections that had a successful registration. It will be written to the FLATFILE if requested. The average and standard deviation of the local translations is computed and reported as well..

Some tips to improve odds of a successful registration. In general don't go too small with the pattern chip size, 17x45 is the nomimal starting point. Also, the larger the translation, the larger the search chip size will need to be. So if your translation is only a couple of pixels keep the search chip slightly bigger than the pattern (e.g., 25x55 vs 17x45). However if the translation is large you will need to expand the search area. For example, if the translation is roughly 45 pixels and your pattern is 20x20 the search area should be 20+2*45 or 110x110.

A word of caution. In testing, we found that some of the correlations reported were wildly huge. This indicates that the best fitting offset is at the very edge of the search chip. When using the MaximumCorrelation algorithm, they should be between -1 and 1. There is a keyword added to the log file called NSuspects that indicates the number of occurances of this condition. If this is not 0, then chances are this issue occured. This may only apply to the MaximumCorrelation algorithm. To rectify this problem, examine the RegLine and RegSamp values and compare with the FromLine and FromSamp, respectively. If the registering sample or line is near the search chip threshold (i.e., FromSamp+(SearchChip/Samples/2) or FromLine+(SearchChip/Lines/2)) then increase the size of the search chip dimensions appropriately.

A typical command line run of hijitreg will look like:

          hijitreg FROM=AEB_000002_0050_RED5.cub MATCH=AEB_000002_0050_RED4.cub \
                      REGDEF='$mro/calibration/hijitreg.p1745.s3070.def' \
                      SHIFTDEF='$mro/calibration/hiccdstitch.000002_0050_RED.def' \
To register RED to IR or BG images, you will typically need to insure that, at a minumum, the summing modes are equivalent. If they are not, you must run enlarge or reduce, whichever makes sense, and then use editlab to change the /IsisCube/Instrument/Summing keyword to the appropriate mode. The keyword values in both images must be the same number. Note that both samples and lines must be increased or decreased in order to yield appropriate results. Once equivalent summing modes are achieved, you will likely have to get the images lined up using sample and line offsets. This is done via the SHIFTDEF parameter. Further adjustments should be considered. For example, now a much large portion of the images are overlapping. You may wish to specify 3 columns, evenly spaced, to register. Set the COLUMNS and ROWS parameters appropriately.


Related Objects and Documents



  • Automatic Registration in Isis 3.0


Kris Becker2006-05-04 Original Version
Kris Becker2006-05-31 Added CNETFILE parameter to provide easier input into transform applications such as the 1-D transform anticipated to operate on the results of this application.
Kris Becker2006-06-16 Added specification of reference image in the control net file to support subsequent use (e.g., 1-D transform).
Brendan George2006-09-28 Documentation fixes
Brendan George2006-10-03 Modified calls to get current time to use Time class, instead of Application class
Brendan George2006-12-08 Modified to conform to changes made to SerialNumber
Janet Barrett2007-02-23 Added support for noproj'ed files. The files are required to have a summing mode of 1. Support for noproj'ed files with other summing modes will be added later. Noproj'ed files are also required to have 20000 samples. This will be fixed later.
Janet Barrett2007-08-08 Modified program so that noproj'ed files are no longer required to have a summing mode of 1. Support was also added for noproj'ed IR and BG files.
Janet Barrett2007-11-21 Modified program to look at the PixelPitch keyword in the Instrument group of noproj'ed images to determine what the summing mode is. The PixelPitch value is divided by .012 to calculate the summing mode.
Steven Lambright2008-06-23 Updated to properly check AutoReg::Register()'s return status
Steven Koechle2008-08-18 Updated to work with Geos 3.0.0
Travis Addair2009-08-10 Auto registration parameters are now placed into the print file.
Debbie A. Cook2011-06-07 Changed point type "Tie" to "Free".
Steven Lambright2012-09-25 The pixel pitch can now come from the naif keywords object or the instrument group. References #1094.
Jeannie Backer2016-04-22 Modified to use the FROM cube labels to set output control net's' target instead of the TargetName. References #3892

Parameter Groups

Input Files

Name Description
FROM HiRISE image that will have line/sample offsets computed for
MATCH HiRISE image that will contain the pattern to match the FROM image
REGDEF The Auto Registration template
SHIFTDEF Pvl file containing absolute shifts for CCD lines and samples.

Input Parameters

Name Description
ROWS Number of Rows of grid points to use.
COLUMNS Number of Columns grids points to register.


Name Description
FLATFILE Text file of registration data
CNETFILE Crontrol net file for input into transform applications

Input Files: FROM


This cube will be registered to the MATCH cube and corresponds to the search chip (the larger sized chip). This file can be either a stitched CCD or an individual CCD channel. If a channel is provided, be sure it one that shares common overlap with the MATCH cube.

Type cube
File Mode input
Filter *.cub
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Input Files: MATCH


This HiRISE cube will be held fixed in the registration process. The FROM cube will be translated to match this cube. It corresponds to the pattern chip (the smaller sized chip). This file can be either a stitched CCD or an individual CCD channel. If a channel is provided, be sure it one that shares common overlap with the FROM cube.

Type cube
File Mode input
Filter *.cub
Close Window

Input Files: REGDEF


The registration template for correlations. Default will be MaximumCorrelation function with a tolerance of 0.7, a search chip of 30X70 pixels, and a pattern chip of 17X45 pixels. There may also be other templates available in the default MRO directory as well as the base templates directory, $ISISROOT/templates/autoreg.

Type filename
File Mode input
Default Path $mro/calibration
Default $mro/calibration/hijitreg.p1745.s3070.def
Filter *.def
Close Window

Input Files: SHIFTDEF


For convenience and consistancy, the same offset file used in the hiccdstitch application can be used here to specify line and sample offsets for each HiRISE CCD. The documentation below is the same as it is for hiccdstitch.

This file contains groups for each CCD that requires a modification to its placement into the HiRISE focal plane. The name of each group is the CCD name for which the shift in line or sample is needed. For example, the leftmost CCD, CCD 0 is named "RED0", the next "RED1" and so on. hiccdstitch searches for names of groups that match the stitched input cube files and will apply offsets to the default sample and line location of where the CCD is mapped to in the focal plane.

Offsets for both line and sample can be supplied. None, one or both can be provided for any CCD. Negative values shift the image left if a sample offset is given or up if a line offset is given. Positive values in sample and line shift the image right and down, respectively.

These shifts are absolute shifts and only apply to the specified CCD and are not propagated to subsequent CCDs left to right in the focal plane layout. (HiRISE CCD arrangement is always left to right as far as hijitreg is concerned.)

Below is an example of the format of the input file for the SHIFTDEF file:

            Object = Hiccdstitch
              Group = RED0
                SampleOffset     = -10
                LineOffset       = 5

              Group = RED3
                SampleOffset     = 13
                LineOffset       = -5

              Group = RED5
                LineOffset       = 22

               Group = IR11
                SampleOffset     = -4
                LineOffset       = 2

              Group = BG12
                SampleOffset     = 12

The only keywords that hiccdstitch reads from this file are SampleOffset and LineOffset. All other keywords are ignored. Note that groups named by CCD name must exist as well as all specified groups must be contained within the Hiccdstitch object.

Note that this file is an optional parameter. If it is not provided, then all CCD files provided are mapped to focal plane positions as specified in the HiRISE Instrument Operations Handbook. The size of a HiRISE pixel is 0.012 millimeters and the measurements in the handbook are also in millimeters.

Type filename
File Mode input
Default Path $mro/calibration
Internal Default None
Filter *.def
Close Window

Input Parameters: ROWS


The number of rows of grid points to use in the registration process. If not entered, it will default to ROWS = (lines of overlap - 1) / search chip lines + 1.

Type integer
Internal Default Automatic
Minimum 1 (inclusive)
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Input Parameters: COLUMNS


The number of columns of grid points to use in the registration process. If not entered, the default is set to 1. This assumes we are registering adjacent CCD overlap. The user can have the application compute the number of grid columns similar to how ROWS is done. To use this option, set COLUMNS = 0. The application will then compute the number of grid columns as COLUMNS = (samples of overlap - 1) / search chip samples + 1.

Type integer
Default 1
Minimum 0 (inclusive)
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This file will contain the data collected from the application. Data pertaining to the input images that may have relevance to the analysis is provided in free form. This includes lines, samples, offsets, CPMM number, summing, TDI mode, overlap and timing information. In addition, there is registration data included such as sample and line spacing (which is typically a single column), registration algorithm and tolerances and the results of the correlation processing.

In addition to the above general information, a table of information follows where each row contains registration information for each chip. There are 12 columns of data for each chip (row). Below is a description of each column:

Column description for FLATFILE data
Heading Column Description
FromTime The time the line in the FROM image was observed (scanned) expressed in ephemeris time
FromSamp Image sample in the FROM file of the center of the correlation chip
FromLine Image line in the FROM file of the center of the correlation chip
MatchTime The time the line in the MATCH image was observed (scanned) expressed in ephemeris time
MatchSamp Image sample in the MATCH file of the center of the correlation chip
MatchLine Image line in the MATCH file of the center of the correlation chip
RegSamp Best registering sample in the FROM file resulting from the correlation.
RegLine Best registering line in the FROM file resulting from the correlation
RegCorr Correlation coefficient of the best registering sample and line in the FROM file. This will typically be between 1.0 and -1.0. NOTE: At times these values can be wildly huge, as indicated by the NSuspects log file keyword. This typically indicates the specified search chip is not large enough. Inspect the registering sample and line to determine which size to increase and rerun the correlation.
B0_Offset This is the offset in the linear regression analysis of the best registering chip
B1_Slope This is the slope in the linear regression analysis of the best registering chip
B_RCorr This is the correlation coefficient resulting from the linear regression analysis of the best registering chip in the FROM image compared to the corresponding area from the MATCH chip. The Linear Regression equation is:
                                  y = B0_Offset + B1_Slope * x
Here, y is the output FROM Dn and x is the FROM input Dn. In theory, one could use poly to apply this to the FROM image and it will adjust FROM to look closer to MATCH in brightness levels.

Linear regression analysis is performed on each chip. The best registering sample and line is computed at the sub-pixel level (this can be modified in the REGDEF file). The best registered chip is read from the FROM file at the subpixel level and compared with the correlated search chip in the MATCH file.

Type filename
File Mode output
Internal Default None
Filter *.txt *.lis *.lst
Close Window



This file will contain the ControlNet created in the hijitreg application. The data will be in binary control net format (use cnetbin2pvl later to convert to PVL, if needed). This option is required if the subsequent transformations of the FROM files is desired. hijitreg is specifically designed to apply a 1-D transform that shifts each line in the line and sample direction as indicated in the control net.

Type filename
File Mode output
Internal Default None
Filter *.txt *.lis *.lst
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