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Generates a histogram table of cube in text format

Overview Parameters


This program reads a single band from a cube and creates a tabular representation of the histogram. If a band specification is not given for the input file then the program will default to using the first band. The output results can then be viewed in a graphical form by using your favorite spreadsheet (e.g., Excel) or other graphing package (e.g., IDL, GNU plotutils).


Related Applications to Previous Versions of ISIS

This program replaces the following application existing in previous versions of ISIS:
  • histplane


Tracie Sucharski2002-09-11 Original version
K Teal Thompson2002-11-21 Add example
K Teal Thompson2002-12-09 Make images smaller
Tracie Sucharski2002-12-09 TO parameter is now always output. Add FORMAT parameter.
K Teal Thompson2003-03-19 Added thumb and image directories.
Stuart Sides2003-04-04 Fixed problem with isiscvs not checking in the thumb and image directories.
Stuart Sides2003-05-16 Modified schema location from astogeology... to isis.astrogeology..."
Stuart Sides2003-07-29 Modified filename parameters to be cube parameters where necessary
Jeff Anderson2003-08-27 Changed default extension handling mechansim
Stuart Sides2004-12-17 Fixed a bug for the text output option, where a c string was going out of bounds.
Jeff Anderson2005-05-23 Removed postscript capabilities due to camgraph difficulties with 64-bit compiling.
Elizabeth Miller2005-10-25 Added truth file to fix appTest
Jeff Anderson2006-10-18 Added NBINS, MINIMUM, and MAXIMUM parameters
Elizabeth Miller2007-01-08 Added plot of histogram in ui mode, and added parameters to set values on the plot
Steven Lambright2008-05-06 Histogram object no longer has SetRange, updated to use SetValidRange
Steven Lambright2008-05-12 Removed references to CubeInfo
Noah Hilt2008-08-01 Changed the plot window to the new HistogramToolWindow
Tyler Wilson2015-09-01 Changed SetValidRange call to SetBinRange so correct number of user-specified bins displayed in grapical/text output. See Ref #2188.
Curtis Rose2016-06-10 Changed the application to fail immediately if the TO argument is not entered from the commandline. Fixes #3914.
Austin Sanders2020-06-08 Updated logic such that min/max values are no longer calculated from .cub if values are provided by the user. Fixes #3881.
Kaitlyn Lee2020-06-11 Added "Pixels Below Min" and "Pixels Above Max" to the CSV output and changed how the data is outputted. Originally, the CSV output and the GUI histogram would use the DN value in the middle of a bin to represent that bin. That is, the CSV output used to have a "DN" value that was the bin's middle pixel DN. This was not intuitive to users. Removed the "DN" value and added "MinInclusive" and "MaxExclusive" to the CSV so that bins are represented by their min/max values. These changes were also reflected in the histrogram creation. The x-axis is now based off of the min value of a bin instead of the middle value. These changes were made alongside changes made to Histogram and cnethist.
Kristin Berry2020-06-25 Re-added the ability to set number of bins without setting min/max values after the last update. Follow-on to #3881.
Stuart Sides2020-09-02 Added GUI helper for filling in computed min/max. Fixed #3880.

Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Single plane of a cube to get statistics from
TO Output text file


Name Description
MINIMUM Minimum DN value in histogram
MAXIMUM Maximum DN value in histogram
NBINS Bins in the histogram

Plot Options

Name Description
TITLE Plot Title
XAXIS X-Axis Title
FREQAXIS Frequency Y-Axis Title
PERCENTAXIS Percent Y-Axis Title

Files: FROM


The file specification for the input cube. The histogram will be calculated for one plane only. The default plane is one (1).

Type cube
File Mode input
Filter *.cub
Close Window

Files: TO


Output text file containing the tabular representation of the histogram.

Type filename
File Mode output
Internal Default None
Filter *.txt
Close Window

Options: MINIMUM


Minimum DN value in histogram. If not entered it will automatically be computed.

Type double
Internal Default Computed
Close Window

Options: MAXIMUM


Maximum DN value in histogram. If not entered it will automatically be computed.

Type double
Internal Default Computed
Close Window

Options: NBINS


Number of bins in the histogram. If not entered it will automatically be computed.

Type integer
Internal Default Computed
Close Window

Plot Options: TITLE


This will be the title for the plot of the histogram. The plot will only be shown in ui mode.

Type string
Internal Default Default
Close Window

Plot Options: XAXIS


This will be the title for the x axis, which represents the pixel value (or DN), in the plot of the histogram. The plot will only be shown in ui mode.

Type string
Internal Default Default
Close Window

Plot Options: FREQAXIS


This will be the title for the y axis to the right of the histogram plot, which represents the frequency of the pixel value. The plot will only be shown in GUI mode.

Type string
Internal Default Default
Close Window



This will be the title for the y axis to the left of the histogram plot, which represents the percentage of pixel seen so far. The plot will only be shown in GUI mode.

Type string
Internal Default Default
Close Window