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Convert ISIS cube to GML format

Overview Parameters


This program creates a footprint polygon from a cube using latitude and longitude space, and then outputs the polygon to a Geography Markup Language (GML) file. A standard output file with an "xsd" extension is also created as a companion to the GML formatted file.


  • The input cube must be in either camera space (Level1) or map projected space (Level2).
  • This program does not add a projection file, or merge footprints from separate files.

If you specify a string or a filename in the LABEL parameter, it is stored in the GML header within the ID tag, which will then contain the values that you specified.

The output file size is influenced by the increment value assigned to the LINC and SINC parameters. The higher the increment value (greater than 1)

  • the sparser the number of points used to draw the polygon,
  • the smaller the file size, and
  • the faster the job completes.

The parameter LONGITUDEDOMAIN is used to change the longitude domain (from 180° to 360° or vice-versa) as needed during the conversion to GML format. If you do not assign a longitude domain, isis2gml will default to the value in the ISIS cube label.

Example: If your ISIS cube is in the 180° domain, and other non-ISIS files (ones you plan to load in GIS) are in the 360° domain, the ISIS cube must be converted to 360° when you create your GML file. This will make all your files compatible in the 360° domain if you want to load them in a GIS application.



Robert Sucharski2007-01-22 Original version
Stuart Sides2013-06-29 Added ability to output either a 0 to 360 longitude domain or -180 to 180 longitude domain polygon. If the cube is map projected (level2) the default will be to match the projection. Also modified the gml output to be more standards compliant including a matching XSD file.
Janet Barrett2013-10-30 Added the ability to specify line/sample increment so that the number of points in the output footprint can be decreased. This is needed for large images. Also updated documentation with input from Ella and Janet Richie. Fixes #1675.

Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Input cube
TO GML formatted file containing the footprint polygon

GML options

Name Description
LABEL Adds an ID tag to the GML header
LONGITUDEDOMAIN Domain of the polygon longitudes
LINC The increment used to limit the number of points in the line direction
SINC The increment used to limit the number of points in the sample direction

Files: FROM


Input cube to use for polygon generation.

Type cube
File Mode input
Filter *.cub *.CUB
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Files: TO


Use this parameter to specify the name of the output GML file. The output file will be a geographic markup language (GML) file containing a (longitude, latitude) polygon. If no file name is entered, the input cube file name will be used with an extension of "gml". A second output file will be created with the same base name as the "gml" file, but with the extension of "xsd." The "xsd" file is a standard part of the GML output.

Type filename
File Mode output
Internal Default Same as input Cube
Filter *.gml *.GML
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GML options: LABEL


This value is placed in the GML header within the ID tag. The information within the ID tag can be used by GIS packages to display a label on the footprint. If no value is entered no ID tag will be generated for the GML file.

Type string
Internal Default none
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This value controls the longitude domain of the output GML polygons.

Type string
Option List:
Option Brief Description
DEFAULTUse the cube projection domain or 360 domain if not projected Longitudes in the GML polygon will be in the same domain as the input cube for a projected cube. If the input cube is unprojected, longitudes will be in the 0° to 360° domain.
180Create -180° to 180° longitudes Longitudes within the polygon will be in the -180° to 180° domain
360Create 0° to 360° longitudes Longitudes within the polygon will be in the 0° to 360° domain
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GML options: LINC


This increment is used to limit the number of lines used to create the polygon. A LINC of 1 means that every line will be used to create the polygon. Higher LINC values result in fewer lines being used.

Type integer
Default 1
Minimum 1 (inclusive)
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GML options: SINC


This increment is used to limit the number of samples used to create the polygon. A SINC of 1 means that every sample will be used to create the polygon. Higher SINC values result in fewer samples being used.

Type integer
Default 1
Minimum 1 (inclusive)
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