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Outputs the command line of any ISIS application

Overview Parameters Example 1 Example 2 Example 3


This program allows its user to output a validated command line for any ISIS application. The parameters will be validated using the application's xml file. Command line arguments will be used to initialize the application's parameters.

If the GUI flag is not present on the command line, the parameters will be validated and the command line will be output if no errors were detected.

If the GUI flag is present on the command line, the GUI parameters fields will be initilized using the command line arguments. The user will then be able to change parameter values and supply values for ones not on the command line. When the GUI is told to process the parameters, a validation check is done. If there were errors, a message will be displayed and the user will be allowed to correct the problem. If the validation succeeds the command line will be output, and the GUI will be taken down.



Stuart Sides2003-03-13 Original version
Stuart Sides2003-05-16 Modified schema location from astogeology... to isis.astrogeology..."
Stuart Sides2003-05-30 Added modifications to apptest by Kim
Brendan George2006-09-28 Documentation fixes
Kris Becker2009-11-27 Changed the call to Application to provide compatability withg Qt startup requirements.

Parameter Groups

Command Line

Name Description
arg1 An ISIS application
arg2 Flag for starting the Isis GUI
arg3-n Arguments to the application named in arg1

Command Line: arg1


The ISIS application you need the command line for. Note: This must be the first command line option!

Type string
Close Window

Command Line: arg2


If this flag is present anywhere on the command line, the Isis GUI will be started. All application parameters from the other arguments will be inserted into the correct fields.

Type boolean
Close Window

Command Line: arg3-n


These arguments are specific to the application named in arg1. Their formats and values are dependant on the application.

Type string
Close Window

Example 1

Display GUI for the program crop.


Display the GUI for the application "crop". Since there are no parameter arguments for crop the fields will be initially empty.

Command Line

isisui crop GUI
This example deminstrates how to get the GUI for the ISIS application "crop" to be displayed. The parameters for crop will initially be empty.

Example 2

Display GUI for program ratio.


Display the GUI for the application "ratio". The arguments "num", "den" and "to" will be used to fill in the corresponding parameter values when the GUI is displayed.

Command Line

isisui ratio GUI num=$WORK/numerator.cub:3 den=denominated.cub:1 to=result.cub
This example deminstrates how to get the GUI for the ISIS application "ratio" to be displayed. The parameters for ratio will initially be set to the values from the command line.

Example 3

Check the command line argument to ratio for validity without the GUI.


The argument "num" will be filled in when the GUI is displayed.

Command Line

isisui ratio num=$WORK/numerator.cub:3
This example deminstrates how to validate the parameters given on the command line. No GUI will be displayed. This example will fail with an error message since values were not specified for all the required parameters. It will also set the exicution status to a non zero (failes) value.