ISIS Application Documentation
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Import PDS formatted Kaguya Multiband Imager (MI) image into Isis format
Overview | Parameters |
DescriptionThis program will import a PDS formatted Kaguya MI VIS and NIR level 1 (EDR) or level 2B2 image into an Isis cube. The user is given the option to specify incoming special pixel values in the PDS file so that they can be assigned equivalent values for special pixels in ISIS. The order of precedence for special pixels in ISIS from highest to lowest priority is the following: If any incoming pixel value falls within two different special pixel types, the special pixel with the higher priority is assigned. The user may also specify a range of pixel values to be assigned to the different special pixels. If the range of pixel values defined by the user for the different special pixels overlap, the special pixel with the highest priority is assigned. For example, if NULLMIN=0.0, NULLMAX=3.0, LISMIN=3.0, and LISMAX=5.0, the actual raw value 3.0 can be assigned as a NULL or LIS, but is translated to NULL because NULL has a higher priority than LIS. The conversion of images from ISIS2 to ISIS follows the same rules as PDS images, except that the label information is propagated to the output file. The user should note that the Kaguya MI data files will most likely contain a SCALING_FACTOR that is not equal to 1.0. The SCALING_FACTOR is used to scale the pixel values in the PDS file before they are imported to the ISIS file. Before the scaling is done on the pixel values, the special pixel conversions will be applied first. After the special pixel conversions are done, then the scaling factor is applied to those pixels that don't have special pixel values. As a result, you may get results that you weren't expecting. CategoriesHistory
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 02/21/2025 19:28:11 |
Parameter GroupsFiles
Special Pixels
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 02/21/2025 19:28:11 |
Use this parameter to select the Kaguya MI VIS or NIR level 1 or level 2B2 filename. This file must contain the PDS labels.
Type | filename |
File Mode | input |
Filter | *.img *.IMG *.lbl *.LBL |
Use this parameter to select the output filename
Type | cube |
File Mode | output |
Filter | *.cub |
If this option is set to "yes" or "true", a range of input raw pixels defined by the NULLMIN and NULLMAX parameters are converted to NULL pixels. All other valid pixels that do not fall within the ranges specified for LIS, LRS, HIS, and HRS pixels are transferred to the output file unchanged. If the bit type of the input file is changed, the NULL and HRS special pixels may be incorrectly set to valid pixel values. For example, if a raw 8-bit file is output to 16 or 32-bit, the pixel values "0" and "255" may be converted to actual values instead of retaining the special pixel property. If the output file remains as 8-bit, then "0" stays as NULL and "255" stays as HRS.
Type | boolean |
Default | NO |
Inclusions |
Minimum pixel value to set to NULL. All values greater than or equal to NULLMIN and less than or equal to NULLMAX are converted to NULL.
Type | double |
Inclusions |
Maximum pixel value to set to NULL. All values greater than or equal to NULLMIN and less than or equal to NULLMAX are converted to NULL.
Type | double |
Inclusions |
If this option is set to "yes" or "true", a range of input raw pixels defined by the HRSMIN and HRSMAX parameters are converted to HRS pixels. All other valid pixels that do not fall within the ranges specified for LIS, LRS, HIS, and NULL pixels are transferred to the output file unchanged. If the bit type of the input file is changed, the NULL and HRS special pixels may be incorrectly set to valid pixel values. For example, if a raw 8-bit file is output to 16 or 32-bit, the pixel values "0" and "255" may be converted to actual values instead of retaining the special pixel property. If the output file remains as 8-bit, then "0" stays as NULL and "255" stays as HRS.
Type | boolean |
Default | NO |
Inclusions |
Minimum pixel value to set to HRS. All values greater than or equal to HRSMIN and less than or equal to HRSMAX are converted to HRS.
Type | double |
Inclusions |
Maximum pixel value to set to HRS. All values greater than or equal to HRSMIN and less than or equal to HRSMAX are converted to HRS.
Type | double |
Inclusions |
If this option is set to "yes" or "true", a range of input raw pixels defined by the HISMIN and HISMAX parameters are converted to HIS pixels. All other valid pixels that do not fall within the ranges specified for LIS, LRS, HRS, and NULL pixels are transferred to the output file unchanged.
Type | boolean |
Default | NO |
Inclusions |
Minimum pixel value to set to HIS. All values greater than or equal to HISMIN and less than or equal to HISMAX are converted to HIS.
Type | double |
Inclusions |
Maximum pixel value to set to HIS. All values greater than or equal to HISMIN and less than or equal to HISMAX are converted to HIS.
Type | double |
Inclusions |
If this option is set to "yes" or "true", a range of input raw pixels defined by the LRSMIN and LRSMAX parameters are converted to LRS pixels. All other valid pixels that do not fall within the ranges specified for LIS, HIS, HRS, and NULL pixels are transferred to the output file unchanged.
Type | boolean |
Default | NO |
Inclusions |
Minimum pixel value to set to LRS. All values greater than or equal to LRSMIN and less than or equal to LRSMAX are converted to LRS.
Type | double |
Inclusions |
Maximum pixel value to set to LRS. All values greater than or equal to LRSMIN and less than or equal to LRSMAX are converted to LRS.
Type | double |
Inclusions |
If this option is set to "yes" or "true", a range of input raw pixels defined by the LISMIN and LISMAX parameters are converted to LIS pixels. All other valid pixels that do not fall within the ranges specified for LRS, HIS, HRS, and NULL pixels are transferred to the output file unchanged.
Type | boolean |
Default | NO |
Inclusions |
Minimum pixel value to set to LIS. All values greater than or equal to LISMIN and less than or equal to LISMAX are converted to LIS.
Type | double |
Inclusions |
Maximum pixel value to set to LIS. All values greater than or equal to LISMIN and less than or equal to LISMAX are converted to LIS.
Type | double |
Inclusions |