ISIS Application Documentation
kuwahara | Printer Friendly View | TOC | Home |
Filter a cube, smoothing but preserving edges
Overview | Parameters | Example 1 |
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 02/21/2025 19:28:11 |
Parameter GroupsFiles
Boxcar size
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 02/21/2025 19:28:11 |
Use this parameter to select the input cube. All bands within the file will be filtered.
Type | cube |
File Mode | input |
Filter | *.cub |
This file will contain the results of the filter.
Type | cube |
File Mode | output |
Filter | *.cub |
This parameter sets the width, or number of samples, to have the filter process. This must be an odd number. The larger this is the larger the details that will be smoothed. A wide and short filter will do mostly horizantal smoothing, a tall and narrow filter mostly vertical.
Type | integer |
Default | 5 |
Minimum | 1 (inclusive) |
Odd | This value must be an odd number |
This parameter sets the number of lines to be processed by the filter. This must be an odd number. Larger sizes will smooth larger features. A wide and short filter will do mostly horizantal smoothing, a tall and narrow filter mostly vertical.
Type | integer |
Default | 5 |
Minimum | 1 (inclusive) |
Odd | This value must be an odd number |
Example 1Example of usage of the kuwahara filter to smooth and perserve edges. Description
Kuwahara filter is put to use here, smoothing while preserving edges. Here
is a image which shows the exact quadrants used in a 5x5. Each quadrant is
then a 3x3 with some overlap on the next.
Command Line
from=peaks.cub to=smooth.cub samples=5 lines=5
This example will filter the image using a 5x5 boxcar with subunit
size of 3x3. The size in this case is unnecessray since 5 is default,
but for other sizes a different, odd numbed, could be placed there.
GUI Screenshot
Input Image
Output Image |
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 02/21/2025 19:28:11 |