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Add Mapping group to the labels of a cube

Overview Parameters Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4


The maplab application is used to geo-reference a map-projected cube by adding or updating the Mapping Group with projection and geo-referencing information. Maplab takes as input a map-projected cube and a map file. The user has the option to geo-reference by (LATITUDE,LONGITUDE)-coordinates or by (X,Y)-map-projected-coordinates that correspond to a given (SAMPLE,LINE)-coordinate in the input cube.

The map file must contain information pertaining to the specifics of the cube's map-projection parameters, along with the target, body radius, longitude direction, latitude type and scale. We suggest running the maptemplate program to generate the map file provided as input.

NOTE that when selecting a SAMPLE and LINE for referencing known coordinates to a pixel, pixel coordinate (0.5, 0.5) is the top-left corner of the top-left pixel in the cube. By extension, (1.0, 1.0) is the center of the top-left pixel, and (1.5, 1.5) is the lower-right corner of the top-left pixel.



Jeannie Walldren2008-01-17 Original version
Christopher Austin2008-04-18 The input map will now use pixels/degree if no pixel resolution is found. If neither are present, throws an error. Both PixelResolution and Scale (pixels/degree) keywords will be in the output.
Travis Addair2009-11-06 Added error checking to ensure that the provided map file has all the necessary keywords for later processing, and enhanced documentation to discuss necessary keywords and pixel coordinates.
Mackenzie Boyd2011-04-11 Changed parameter LONG to LON, removed duplicate code.
Tracie Sucharski2012-12-06 Changed to use TProjection instead of Projection. References #775

Parameter Groups

Input Files

Name Description
FROM Input file to be geo-referenced
MAP Input map file

Input Values

Name Description
SAMPLESample position in the cube
LINELine position in the cube
COORDINATESOptions for coordinate systems
XX map-projected coordinate corresponding to (SAMPLE,LINE), meters
YY map-projected coordinate corresponding to (SAMPLE,LINE), meters
LATLatitude coordinate corresponding to (SAMPLE,LINE), degrees
LONLongitude coordinate corresponding to (SAMPLE,LINE), degrees

Input Files: FROM


The cube whose label will be updated with Mapping Group information.

Type cube
File Mode input
Filter *.cub
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Input Files: MAP


File containing map projection parameters.

Type filename
File Mode input
Filter *.map
Close Window

Input Values: SAMPLE


The SAMPLE coordinate in the cube that corresponds to a known (X,Y) or (LATITUDE,LONGITUDE) coordinate. In ISIS, the upper-left corner of the upper-left pixel has coordinate 0.5.

Type double
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Input Values: LINE


The LINE coordinate in the cube that corresponds to a known (X,Y) or (LATITUDE,LONGITUDE) coordinate. In ISIS, the upper-left corner of the upper-left pixel has coordinate 0.5.

Type double
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A list of the different types of coordinates allowed by the application.

Type string
Default XY
Option List:
Option Brief Description
XYAllows X, Y as Input Values This option allows the user to enter the (X,Y) map projected coordinate (in meters) that corresponds to the given (SAMPLE,LINE) coordinate. This option excludes LATITUDE and LONGITUDE input values.


  • LAT
  • LON


  • X
  • Y
LATLONAllows LAT, LON as Input Values This option allows the user to enter the (LATITUDE,LONGITUDE) coordinate that corresponds to the given (SAMPLE,LINE) coordinate. The (LATITUDE,LONGITUDE) coordinate is in decimal degrees, and must be in the same LatitudeType and LongitudeDomain listed in the map file. This option excludes X and Y input values.


  • X
  • Y


  • LAT
  • LON
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Input Values: X


The map-projection X-coordinate, in meters, corresponding to the the given (SAMPLE,LINE) coordinate of the cube.

Type double
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Input Values: Y


The map-projection Y-coordinate, in meters, corresponding to the given (SAMPLE,LINE) coordinate of the cube.

Type double
Close Window

Input Values: LAT


Latitude coordinate, in decimal degrees, for the given (SAMPLE,LINE) coordinate of the cube. It must be in the same LatitudeType listed in the map file.

Type double
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Input Values: LON


Longitude coordinate, in decimal degrees, for the given (SAMPLE,LINE) coordinate of the cube. It must be in the same LongitudeDomain listed in the map file.

Type double
Close Window

Example 1

GeoTiff Header


Most outside applications use the top left pixel (either upper-left edge or center) to define their location in X, Y. For example, a GeoTiff with an internal header, uses the upper left edge and for an example may report: Upper Left (2883258.0, 979924.0) -- meaning (X, Y). Thus for maplab, one would need to use the same top left corner of the pixel for ISIS, as illustrated in the command line below.

Command Line

maplab from=input.cub map=projection.map sample=0.5 line=0.5 x=2883258.0 y=979924.0
Mapping the upper-left of an ISIS cube (0.5, 0.5) to the upper left of the example image (2883258.0, 979924.0).

Data Files

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For this example, the original label already contained a Mapping Group.
Object = IsisCube 
  Group = Mapping
    ProjectionName     = Sinusoidal
    CenterLongitude    = 227.95679821639
    TargetName         = Mars
    EquatorialRadius   = 3396190.0 <meters>
    PolarRadius        = 3376200.0 <meters>
    LatitudeType       = Planetocentric
    LongitudeDirection = PositiveEast
    LongitudeDomain    = 360
    MinimumLatitude    = 10.76690271209
    MaximumLatitude    = 34.444196777763
    MinimumLongitude   = 219.72404560653
    MaximumLongitude   = 236.18955082624
    UpperLeftCornerX   = -480000.00000057 <meters>
    UpperLeftCornerY   = 2042000.0 <meters>
    PixelResolution    = 1000.0 <meters/pixel>
    Scale              = 59.274697523306 <pixels/degree>
    TrueScaleLatitude  = 0.0
After the command line is run, the original Mapping Group is revised.
Object = IsisCube
  Group = Mapping
    ProjectionName     = Sinusoidal
    CenterLongitude    = 227.95679821639
    TargetName         = Mars
    EquatorialRadius   = 3396190.0 <meters>
    PolarRadius        = 3376200.0 <meters>
    LatitudeType       = Planetocentric
    LongitudeDirection = PositiveEast
    LongitudeDomain    = 360
    MinimumLatitude    = 10.76690271209
    MaximumLatitude    = 34.444196777763
    MinimumLongitude   = 219.72404560653
    MaximumLongitude   = 236.18955082624 
    UpperLeftCornerX   = 2883258.0 <meters>
    UpperLeftCornerY   = 979924.0 <meters>
    PixelResolution    = 1000.0 <meters/pixel>
    Scale              = 59.274697523306 <pixels/degree>
    TrueScaleLatitude  = 0.0

Example 2

GIS Worldfile


A typical image that has a "GIS Worldfile", in contrast to an internal GeoTiff header, uses the center of the top left pixel to define its location in X, Y. Thus a Worldfile might look like myImage.wld or *.tfw, *.jgw, *.pgw (depending on image type):
          2.0           Cellsize in X (meters)
          0.0           rotation/skew (normally 0)
          0.0           rotation/skew (normally 0)
          -2.0          Cellsize in Y (meters)
          -24243.731055 Upper-left pixel center X (meters)
          815863.281183 Upper-left pixel center Y (meters)
Thus for this example the user would need to run the program with the command line that follows.

Command Line

maplab from=input.cub map=projection.map sample=1 line=1 x=-24243.731055 y=815863.281183
Mapping the center of the upper-left pixel of an ISIS cube (1.0, 1.0) to the center of the upper left of the example image (2883258.0, 979924.0).

Example 3

Simple Cylindrical Global Case


Say the global file is 1440x720 or 4ppd (and perfectly 0 to 360 lon and -90 to 90 lat). This global case would be run as follows.

Command Line

maplab from=input.cub map=projection.map sample=0.5 line=0.5 coordinates=latlong lon=0 lat=90
Or assuming clon is set to 180, > maplab ... sample=720.5 line=360.5 x=0 y=0

Example 4

Polar File


Generally one will try to bring in a polar file which is 0 to 360 lon, extends to a common lat range, and centered at the pole (clat = 90 or -90). Nothing about the extent in meters is needed if the center of the image is again 90 or -90 lat. Again GIS/RS application will still to the upper left pixel but manually this can be harder to use than just using the center which will be defined as X,Y = 0,0 when in a Polar or Lambert Azimuthal projection. Using an example where the polar image is 2000 lines by 2000 samples then the run would look like:

Command Line

maplab from=input.cub map=projection.map sample=1000.5 line=1000.5 x=0 y=0
Assuming clat is 90 or -90.