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Import an MRO MARCI image to an Isis cube

Overview Parameters Example 1


This program takes an image from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Color Imager and produces an Isis cube containing the image data.



Steven Lambright 2007-10-02 Original Version
Christopher Austin2008-03-18 Checks if input file is rdr.
Steven Lambright 2008-11-19 The COLOROFFSET keyword in the output instrument group labels is now properly set when no color offset is used.
Tracie Sucharski2013-06-05 Added keywords to the Archive group in labels.
Kristin Berry2019-11-09 Added keywords to the labels for variable exposure duration and the frame sequence. References #2034

Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Input file
TO Even bands of the output cube


Name Description
COLOROFFSETAdd padding to align bands
COLOROFFSET_SIZEAmount of filter heights to pad with for COLOROFFSET
FLIPFlip the framelets for pictures taken on ascending orbits

Files: FROM


The EDR to be processed

Type filename
File Mode input
Filter *.img
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Files: TO


This should be the base filename of resultant cube. The output will actually be two cubes, with "even" and "odd" added to the filename.

Type cube
File Mode output
Pixel Type real
Filter *.cub
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The result of how MARCI takes pictures leaves a filter height offset in adjacent filters. This will correct that offset by adding padding to the top of the image file, aligning color images correctly.

Type boolean
Default true
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The filters are offset by a certain number of filters, which is a multiple of their height. It appears the filters are all offset by twice their height, or two filter heights. One filter height can be explained by the method of taking pictures: the first filter on the first framelet is one higher than the second filter on the first framelet.

Type integer
Default 2
Minimum 0 (exclusive)
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Settings: FLIP


This corrects pictures taken on an ascending orbit

Type string
Default AUTO
Option List:
Option Brief Description
AUTOAuto-detect whether or not this correction is needed This option will look at the correlation between the first framelet's data and the second framelet's data. If there is a better correlation between the end of the first framelet and the end of the second framelet compared to the beginning of the second framelet, the framelets will be flipped. This only correlates the first filter's data.
YESFlip the framelets On ascending orbits, the framelets are aligned incorrectly. This option will mirror the framelets to correct this problem.
NODon't modify original data This will prevent any modification of the original data and should be used on descending orbits.
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Example 1

Importing a MARCI EDR


This example covers importing a typical MARCI EDR using the various FLIP options.

Command Line

marci2isis FROM=T02_001000_1199_MC_00N230W.IMG TO=T02_001000_1199_MC_00N230W.cub FLIP=AUTO|YES|NO
This is the command line for running this program with a typical EDR. FLIP should be AUTO, YES, or NO.

GUI Screenshot

Running this program

Running with default options

This is what the interface should look like when running this example with FLIP set to AUTO.

Output Images

Output Image

The output images (combined), using AUTO flip, cropped and colorized for this example

Since this particular input image had a RED, GREEN, and ORANGE filter, it was possible to display the image in color. To give a better picture of the outputs, because MARCI takes long strips of data, this image was cropped at line 2800 to a height of 1000 pixels. This image was created with FLIP set to AUTO, which decided to flip the data.

Output Image Without FLIP

The output images (combined), using NO flip, cropped and colorized for this example

Since this particular input image had a RED, GREEN, and ORANGE filter, it was possible to display the image in color. To give a better picture of the outputs, because MARCI takes long strips of data, this image was cropped. In order to show the same feature as the flipped image, the crop was at line 5800 to a height of 1000 pixels. This image was created with FLIP set to NO, because AUTO flipped the data. When you look closely, especially compared to the flipped data, the features in this data are distorted.