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Creates a MESSENGER DDR PDS product from an MDIS image

Overview Parameters


mdisddr will process a Messenger MDIS NAC or WAC image cube and export it to PDS/DDR format. The resulting file will have a PDS compliant label and data object according to the description in SIS document, mdis_crd_rdrsis.pdf. This file can be found in the PDS data archive CDROM under the document directory. mdisddr assumes the input file has been run through at a minimum mdis2isis and spiceinit. This will ensure that proper values of the PRODUCT_ID and SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID are included in the output DDR label.

The Derived Data Record (DDR) data set consists of files that parallel CDRs in their directory structure. Each DDR has 5 layers of data containing geometric information (latitude, longitude, incidence angle, emission angle, phase angle) as 32-bit PC_REAL or IEEE_REAL. This information is derived from pixel spatial coordinates and associated SPICE files. A DDR label is attached and points to a single multiband image in the DDR. x, y dimensions = 1024/(MESS:FPU_BIN * MESS:PIXELBIN)

The sequence of processing that creates a DDR is as follows. Gimbal positions are extracted from the gimbal C kernel. Using that and other SPICE kernels, the equipotential surface intercept is calculated for each spatial pixel. The angles of this pixel relative to the equatorial plane and reference longitude constitute the latitude and longitude of the pixel. For that latitude and longitude, solar incidence, emission, and phase angles are determined. This is the order in which the bands are written to the output PDS image file.



Kris Becker2009-06-24 Original Version
Kris Becker2009-09-08 Added additional documentation.
Kris Becker2011-06-15 Removed local copy of Kernels class, now using system version. Updated label translations to propagate ORBIT_NUMBER to output PDS DDR file.
Jeannie Backer2015-09-01 Made code more compliant with ISIS coding standards. References #2333

Parameter Groups


Name Description
TOName of output file
OPATH Path to write output DDR file to when TO is not given


Name Description
TYPE Select the type of stretch
MIN Lower bound of the stretch
MAX Upper bound of the stretch

Output Controls

Name Description
BITS Number of bits for the output DN

Files: FROM


Input filename of a MESSENGER cube file to be exported into a PDS DDR image. The minimum requirement is that it must be initalized with SPICE (using the spiceinit application).

Type cube
File Mode input
Filter *.cub
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Files: TO


Output filename, by default the filename will be generated from the input file contents using the PRODUCT_ID. The user can specify the name if desired here, but to ensure consistancy with SIS specifications, the name of the file will be derived by the program. See the OPATH parameter for additional options of where the output file will be written.

The format of the derived filename will be of the form DN0131770878M_DE_0.IMG where 'D' indicates it is a derived data product, the second letter will be 'N' for MDIS/NAC or 'W' for MDIS/WAC instrument; the next ten characters will be numbers indicating the mission elasped time (MET) of the image; the following character is the filter - 'M' for monochrome or the NAC, letters 'A' -'L' for WAC filters; the two characters after the first underscore is always 'DE' indicating it is a derived data type; and the last number after the second underscore is the version number. The customary IMG extension is standard for most all PDS image data products.

Type filename
File Mode output
Internal Default Derived
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Files: OPATH


This parameter is provided to be used instead of the TO parameter if the filename convention is to be followed. If TO is not given, then output filename is derived internally according to the description in the SIS and the output file is placed in the OPATH directory. The default is to write it to the current directory.

Type string
Internal Default Current
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Stretch: TYPE


This parameter is used to select one of two ways to stretch output pixels. The are AUTOMATIC or MANUAL.

Type string
Option List:
Option Brief Description
AUTOMATICSets it to well defined angular ranges This program computes geometric and photometric angles that have well defined/behaved ranges. Selecting AUTOMATIC, in effect, will result in the range -360 to +360 no matter what the data ranges are in the file.


  • MIN
  • MAX
MANUALUser defined stretch Enables the user defined stretch for the output IMG.
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Stretch: MIN


Lower bound for the manually specified stretch.

Type double
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Stretch: MAX


Upper bound for the manually specified stretch.

Type double
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Output Controls: BITS


The number of bits to compress the input data to. The valid data as well as the five special pixel values (NULL, LIS, LRS, HIS, HRS) will be compressed into this number of bits. The output data type will be automaticity choosen using this value. A value of 8 will create unsigned byte output files. Values from 9 to 16 will create unsigned word output files. Unused bits in the unsigned word output file will be set to zero.

Type integer
Default 32
Minimum 8 (inclusive)
Maximum 32 (inclusive)
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