ISIS Application Documentation
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Create a PVL template for photometric correction
Overview | Parameters | Example 1 |
DescriptionThis program creates a PVL template file to be used in photometry-based applications, such as photomet. Each planet has different surface and atmospheric properties requiring different model specifications. It is important to set up the models with unique parameter values that apply to a specific planetary body. There are two types of correction models that can be specified in this program:
The normalization models are not specified in this program, but only three models (albedoatm, shadeatm, and topoatm) apply atmosperheric correction. Choose an atmospheric model only if one of the three normalization models listed above will be applied with the photomet program. This program allows the use of a PVL file that contains preset parameter names for different photometric and atmospheric models. NOTE: if the user leaves the ZEROB0STANDARD parameter set to READFROMPVL and does not provide an input PVL file, then the ZEROB0STANDARD parameter will default to TRUE. Within the GUI, the user may select a PVL file and then use the drop-down menu to view the contents of the PVL file or to load the parameter values from the PVL file into the appropriate parameter names in the GUI. Note: If more than one model for "PhtName" or "AtmName" are in the PVL file, then the parameter values for the first model type encountered by the program will be loaded into the GUI. Review the parameter names and values to make sure the correct options and values are displayed before executing the program. Below are examples of parameter settings within a PVL file: PVL file examples: Example 1: Example 2: Object = PhotometricModel Object = PhotometricModel Group = Algorithm Group = Algorithm PhtName = Lambert PhtName = Minnaert EndGroup K = 0.5 EndObject EndGroup EndObject Example 3: Example 4: Object = PhotometricModel Object = PhotometricModel Group = Algorithm Group = Algorithm PhtName = Hapkehen PhtName = Lunarlambertmcewen Wh = 0.52 EndGroup Hh = 0.0 EndObject B0 = 0.0 Theta = 30.0 Hg1 = 0.213 Hg2 = 1.0 EndGroup EndObject Object = AtmosphericModel Group = Algorithm AtmName = Hapkeatm2 Hnorm = 0.003 Tau = 0.28 Tauref = 0.0 Wha = 0.95 Hga = 0.68 EndGroup EndObject Example 5: Object = PhotometricModel # For Mars red filter images # The phase angles at which the coefficient values for the Lunar Lambert # Empirical L and the Minnaert Empirical K approximation are # calculated, along with the brightness (phase curve) values at those # points (ALL ON ONE LINE!) Group = Algorithm PhtName = LunarLambertEmpirical PhaseList = "0.,10.,20.,30.,40.,50.,60.,70.,80.,90.,100.,110.,120.,130., 140.,150.,160.,170.,180." LList = "0.946,0.748,0.616,0.522,0.435,0.350,0.266,0.187,0.118,0.062,0.018, -0.012,-0.027,-0.035,-0.036,-0.037,-0.031,-0.012,-0.010" PhaseCurveList = "0.1578,0.1593,0.1558,0.1484,0.1391,0.1292,0.1194,0.1099, 0.1008,0.09176,0.08242,0.07234,0.06165,0.05106,0.04091, 0.03137,0.02171,0.01038,0." EndGroup Group = Algorithm PhtName = MinnaertEmpirical # The numbers below are entered on a single line in the text file for each # parameter name (see $ISISROOT/appdata/templates/photometry/marsred.pvl). PhaseList = "0.,10.,20.,30.,40.,50.,60.,70.,80.,90.,100.,110.,120.,130., 140.,150.,160.,170.,180." KList = "0.518,0.595,0.660,0.709,0.753,0.796,0.837,0.875,0.904,0.922, 0.926,0.935,0.954,0.986,1.019,1.063,1.099,1.095,1.090" PhaseCurveList = "0.1574,0.1582,0.1546,0.1470,0.1375,0.1273,0.1174,0.1077, 0.09797,0.08750,0.07594,0.06466,0.05471,0.04665,0.03935, 0.03339,0.02642,0.01482,0." EndGroup EndObject Below are equations for some of the photometric model functions, where phase is the phase angle, and u0 and u are the cosines of the incidence angle and emission angle, respectively:
Photometric Model Name | Function Equation |
Lambert | u0 |
LommelSeeliger | u0/(u0+u) |
Minnaert | u0**K * u**(K-1) |
LunarLambert ("lunar" part is Lommel-Seeliger) | (1-L)*u0 + 2*L*u0/(u0+u) |
MinnaertEmpirical | B(phase) * u0**K(phase) * u**(K(phase)-1) |
LunarLambertEmpirical | B(phase) * ((1-L)*u0 + 2*L*u0/(u0+u)) |
Hapkehen (Hapke-Henyey-Greenstein) | No equation available |
Hapkeleg (Hapke-Legendre) | No equation available |
LunarLambertMcEwen | No equation available |
References: Chandrasekhar, S., 1960. Radiative Transfer. Dover, 393 pp. Hapke, B. W., 1981. Bidirectional reflectance spectroscopy 1: Theory. J. Geophys. Res., pp. 86,3039-3054. Hapke, B., 1984. Bidirectional reflectance spectroscopy3: Corrections for macroscopic roughness. Icarus, 59, pp. 41-59. Hapke, B., 1986. Bidirectional reflectance spectroscopy 4: The extinction coefficient and the opposition effect. Icarus, 67, pp. 264-280. Kirk, R. L., Thompson, K. T., Becker, T. L., and Lee, E. M., 2000. Photometric modelling for planetary cartography. Lunar Planet. Sci., XXXI, Abstract #2025, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).
See photomet documetation for additional information.
Noah Hilt | 2008-11-18 | Original version. |
Janet Barrett | 2011-09-23 | 1) The entire user interface has been redesigned. The previous version of this program made use of radio button lists to allow the user to choose a photometric model or an atmospheric model. In order to make the program more compact, the radio button lists were replaced with drop down menus. When an option is chosen from the drop down menu, the parameters that apply to that option are made visible. Parameters that don't apply to that option remain hidden. This helps to make the interface look less cluttered than it did when every parameter and every option were visible all the time. 2) The "NORMALIZATION" option is no longer available in this program. This program's main use is to create files with preset photometric and atmospheric values for use with various planets. The normalization models are not specific to individual planets like the atmospheric and photometric models are. The normalization mode is only used in the photomet program, so this information now needs to be provided through photomet. 3) The PVL parameter was replaced with the TOPVL parameter. The PHOTOMETRIC parameter was replaced with PHTNAME. The ATMOSPHERIC parameter was replaced with ATMNAME. 4) The BHAREF, HGAREF, and WHAREF parameters were removed because they have become obsolete. 5) The Hapke Legendre (HAPKELEG), empirical Minnaert (MINNAERTEMPIRICAL), and empirical Lunar Lambert (LUNARLAMBERTEMPIRICAL) photometric functions have been added. 6) Documentation describing the parameters is still central to the photomet program. The documentation will be moved into this program in the next ISIS release. 7) Helper buttons were added to the FROMPVL to allow you to View a PVL or to Load a PVL. PLEASE NOTE: When loading a Minnaert Empirical or Lunar Lambert Empirical model from a PVL, only the first value will be loaded into the GUI. This is a known problem and will be fixed in the next patch or release to ISIS. 8) ***NOTE*** The Minnaert Empirical and Lunar Lambert Empirical models do not load properly from a PVL file when using the Load Pvl helper button. This is a known problem and will be fixed in the next patch or release of ISIS. |
Sharmila Prasad | 2011-10-27 | Added API's to display and output PVL information, specifically for arrays and alphabetically organized the Photometric Model names. |
Ella Mae Lee | 2012-11-16 | Improved the documentation, fixes #452. |
Lynn Weller | 2013-02-25 | Removed links to applications imbedded in text and replaced with italicized application name. Added application links to the "Related Objects and Documents" section of the documentation. Fixes mantis ticket #1525. |
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 02/21/2025 19:28:13 |
Parameter GroupsFiles
Photometric Parameters
Atmospheric Parameters
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 02/21/2025 19:28:13 |
Use this parameter to select an existing PVL filename that contains a description of the photometric properties of a planetary body. The information in this file will be merged with the information that is input through the user interface or command line to create the output PVL file.
Type | filename |
File Mode | input |
Default Path | $ISISROOT/appdata/templates/photometry |
Internal Default | None Specified |
Filter | *.pvl |
Use this parameter to select or enter the output filename. If the file already exists it will be overwritten. The ".pvl" extension is automatically appended to the filename if no extension is entered.
Type | filename |
File Mode | output |
Filter | *.pvl |
This is the name of the surface photometric function model to use to apply the photometric correction. Both the abbreviated names and the full model names are valid entries.
Type | combo | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Default | FROMPVL | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Internal Default | FROMPVL | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Option List: |
The "macroscopic roughness" of the surface as it affects the photometric behavior, used for Hapkehen or Hapkeleg. This is the RMS slope at scales larger than the distance photons penetrate the surface but smaller than a pixel. The roughness correction, which will be evaluated if theta is given any value other than 0.0, but is extremely slow. See Hapke (1986).
Type | string |
Default | None Specified |
Internal Default | None Specified |
Minimum | 0.0 (inclusive) |
Maximum | 90.0 (inclusive) |
The Hapke single scattering albedo of surface particles, see Hapke (1981).
Type | string |
Default | None Specified |
Internal Default | None Specified |
Minimum | 0.0 (exclusive) |
Maximum | 1.0 (inclusive) |
Asymmetry parameter used in Hapke Henyey Greenstein model
for the scattering phase function of single particles in the
surface. See Hapke (1981). The two-parameter Henyey Greenstein
function is:
P(phase)=(1-hg2) * (1-hg1**2)/(1+hg1**2+2*hg1*cos(phase))**1.5 + hg2 * (1-hg1**2)/(1+hg1**2-2*hg1*cos(phase))**1.5
Type | string |
Default | None Specified |
Internal Default | None Specified |
Minimum | -1.0 (exclusive) |
Maximum | 1.0 (exclusive) |
The Hapke Henyey Greenstein coefficient for single particle phase function. Second parameter of the two-parameter Henyey-Greenstein model for the scattering phase function of single particles in the surface. This parameter controls the proportions in a linear mixture of ordinary Heneyey Greenstein phase functions with asymmetry parameters equal to +hg1 and -hg1. See HG1 for the full formula.
Type | string |
Default | None Specified |
Internal Default | None Specified |
Minimum | 0.0 (inclusive) |
Maximum | 1.0 (inclusive) |
The Hapke Legendre coefficient for single particle phase
function. A two-term Legendre polynomial is used for the scattering
phase function of single particles in the surface:
P(phase) = 1 + bh * p1(cos(phase)) + ch * p2(cos(phase))Bh is not to be confused with the legendre coefficient bha of the phase function for atmospheric particles, used when atmname=anisotropic1 or anisotropic2.
Type | string |
Default | None Specified |
Internal Default | None Specified |
Minimum | -1.0 (exclusive) |
Maximum | 1.0 (exclusive) |
The Hapke Legendre coefficient for single particle phase
function. A two-term Legendre polynomial is used for the scattering
phase function of single particles in the surface:
P(phase) = 1 + bh * p1(cos(phase)) + ch * p2(cos(phase))
Type | string |
Default | None Specified |
Internal Default | None Specified |
Minimum | -1.0 (exclusive) |
Maximum | 1.0 (exclusive) |
The Hapke opposition surge component. The width parameter for the opposition effect for the surface if Hapkehen or Hapkeleg is used. See Hapke (1984).
Type | string |
Default | None Specified |
Internal Default | None Specified |
Minimum | 0.0 (inclusive) |
The Hapke opposition surge component. The magnitude of the opposition effect for the surface if Hapkehen or Hapkeleg is used. See Hapke (1984).
Type | string |
Default | None Specified |
Internal Default | None Specified |
Minimum | 0.0 (inclusive) |
This specifies if the opposition surge component B0 is set to zero during the standard conditions phase. NOTE: The program will automatically default to "TRUE" if "ZEROBSTANDARD" is not defined by the user.
Type | string | ||||||||||||
Default | TRUE | ||||||||||||
Option List: |
The Lunar Lambert function weight that governs limb-darkening in the lunar lambert photometric function:
Func=(1-L)*u0 + 2*L*u0/(u0+u)The values generally fall in the range from 0 (Lambert function) to 1 (Lommel-Seeliger or "lunar" function).
Type | string |
Default | None Specified |
Internal Default | None Specified |
The Minnaert function exponent that governs limb-darkening in the Minnaert photometric function:
Func = u0**K * u**(K-1)The values generally fall in the range from 0.5 ("lunar-like", almost no limb darkening) to 1.0 (Lambert function).
Type | string |
Default | None Specified |
Internal Default | None Specified |
Minimum | 0.0 (inclusive) |
The Minnaert Empirical and Lunar Lambert Empirical function phase angle list entered as a comma delimited string describing how the parameters of the empirical function vary with phase angle. See "$ISISROOT/appdata/templates/photometry/marsred.pvl" for an example.
Type | string |
Default | No List |
Internal Default | No List |
The Minnaert Empirical function exponent list of limb darkening values entered as a comma delimited string that describes how the parameters of the empirical function vary with phase angle. See "$ISISROOT/appdata/templates/photometry/marsred.pvl" for an example.
Type | string |
Default | No List |
Internal Default | No List |
The Lunar Lambert Empirical function parameter list of limb darkening values entered as a comma delimited string that describes how the parameters of the empirical function vary with phase angle. See "$ISISROOT/appdata/templates/photometry/marsred.pvl" for an example.
Type | string |
Default | No List |
Internal Default | No List |
The Minnaert Empirical or Lunar Lambert Empirical function phase curve list of brightness values corresponding to a set of phase angles defined in the PHASELIST parameter. See "$ISISROOT/appdata/templates/photometry/marsred.pvl" for an example.
Type | string |
Default | No List |
Internal Default | No List |
This is the name of the atmospheric photometric function model to be applied. The models ending with "1" use a first order scattering approximation. Those ending with "2" use a second order scattering approximation, and are slower but more accurate than the first order scattering approximation. The atmospheric correction can be used with only three atmospheric normalization models: albedoatm, shadeatm, and topoatm. See Kirk et al. (2001).
Type | combo | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Default | NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Internal Default | NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Option List: |
This specifies if negative values after removal of atmospheric effects will be set to NULL. Negative values are only generated in modes that include atmospheric correction and occur when the optical depth "tau" is overestimated, so that the atmospheric radiance subtracted from the image is brighter than the darkest observed pixels. In this case "tau" should be decreased until no negative values are present in the output file.
Type | string | ||||||||||||
Default | READFROMPVL | ||||||||||||
Option List: |
The normal optical depth of the atmosphere.
Type | string |
Default | None Specified |
Internal Default | None Specified |
Minimum | 0.0 (inclusive) |
The reference value of tau to which the image will be normalized. This would normally be 0.0 unless one is interested in simulating a hazy atmosphere scene.
Type | string |
Default | None Specified |
Internal Default | None Specified |
Minimum | 0.0 (inclusive) |
The coefficient of single particle Henyey Greenstein phase function. Henyey-Greenestein asymmetry parameter for atmospheric particle phase function, used in hapkeatm1 and hapkeatm2 atmospheric models. Not to be confused with corresponding parameter hg1 for the surface particles.
Type | string |
Default | None Specified |
Internal Default | None Specified |
Minimum | -1.0 (exclusive) |
Maximum | 1.0 (exclusive) |
The single scattering albedo of atmospheric particles.
Type | string |
Default | None Specified |
Internal Default | None Specified |
Minimum | 0.0 (exclusive) |
Maximum | 1.0 (inclusive) |
The coefficient of the single particle Legendre phase function. Coefficient of P1 (cosine) term of atmospheric particle phase function, used in anisotropic1 and anisotropic2 atmospheric models. Not to be confused with corresponding coefficient bh for the surface particles.
Type | string |
Default | None Specified |
Internal Default | None Specified |
Minimum | -1.0 (inclusive) |
Maximum | 1.0 (inclusive) |
The atmospheric shell thickness normalized to the planet radius, used to modify angles to get more accurate path lengths near the terminator (Ratio of scale height to the planetary radius). The hnorm parameter is defined as "0.003" for Mars, which is the only planet for which the atmospheric modes are currently used.
Type | string |
Default | None Specified |
Internal Default | None Specified |
Minimum | 0.0 (inclusive) |
Example 1Create a PVL file of photometric parameters Description
This example shows the GUI and the parameter name settings. The helper option
is used to load the preset parameter values if an existing PVL file is used,
and then the required parameter names without any values are manually added.
Command Line
Run photemplate to generate a PVL file with the parameter values for the
selected photometric models.
GUI Screenshot
Data FileLinks open in a new window.
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 02/21/2025 19:28:13 |