Jeff Anderson, Elizabeth Miller, Stuart Sides, Tracie Sucharski | 2006-11-01 |
Original version
Steven Lambright | 2007-07-23 |
Added to Control Networks category
Tracie Sucharski | 2008-10-06 |
Refactor of underlying classes
Jeannie Walldren | 2008-11-24 |
Changed the name of the "Tie Point Tool" window to "Qnet Tool".
Added "Close" command to the drop down File menu on the "Qnet Tool"
window's menu bar.
Added Qt's wait cursor (i.e. clock or hourglass) to indicate that there is
background activity when the "Filter" or "View Cube(s)" buttons have been
clicked on the "Control Network Navigator" window.
Added message box when the user creates a new point and tries to give it a
Point ID that already exists in the Control network. Previously this
resulted in a PROGRAMMER ERROR from ControlPoint. Now, the user will be
alerted in a message box and prompted to enter a new value for the Point
Replaced references to PointEdit class with ControlPointEdit.
Added "Goodness of Fit" to "Qnet Tool" right and left measure info.
Jeannie Walldren | 2008-11-26 |
Added "Goodness of Fit" filter to the tabs for the "Points" section of the
"Control Network Navigator" window. This filter returns all points that
have at least one measure that falls inside the user specified range.
Added "Number of Measures" to "Qnet Tool" window below "Point ID".
Modified code to pre-set the Point ID value in the "New Point Dialog"
window to the last Point ID entered in the dialog box. This value is
highlighted so the user may begin typing over the name without needing to
Changed the "Qnet Tool" title bar to display the name of the ControlNet
file open.
Added message box when saving an "Ignore" point in the "Qnet Tool" to ask
if user wants to set Ignore=false.
Modified the "Distance" filter in the "Points" section of the "Control
Network Navigator" window to improve efficiency and accuracy.
Tracie Sucharski | 2008-11-26 |
Removed plot tool and all polygon references-this funtionality will be in
Jeannie Walldren | 2008-12-03 |
Modified the "Distance" filter in the "Cubes" section of the "Control
Network Navigator" window to improve efficiency and accuracy, and to allow
the user to select a distance in meters or pixels.
Jeannie Walldren | 2008-12-08 |
Added connection from "x" in upper right corner to "Exit" command under
the "File" menu of the main window.
Jeannie Walldren | 2008-12-10 |
Added functionality to "Qnet Tool" can set, view, edit and save changes
for a template file. This is located in the "Options" menu under
"Registration" as the "Set registration template" and "View/edit
registration template" actions. Added "What's this?" descriptions to
"Qnet Tool" window actions.
Tracie Sucharski | 2008-12-19 |
Added "Ignore Points" and "Delete Points" to the Control Navigator tool.
Jeannie Walldren | 2008-12-29 |
Added question boxes when the "Delete Points" or "Ignore Points" buttons
are clicked in the Control Navigator to verify that the user wants to
delete or ignore the selected points. Disabled "Ground Point" checkbox
in Qnet Tool window and added dialog window for determining
lat/lon/radius if user chooses to toggle the "Hold Point" checkbox to
Jeannie Walldren | 2008-12-30 |
Modified Qnet Tool "Save Point" button to set the left and right measures
to Ignore=False if the user chooses to set the point's Ignore=False.
Also, "Save Point" button will now update ChooserName and DateTime
keywords for altered measures. Modified Control Network Navigator points
list to set most recently edited point to the current item so that it may
be easily deleted.
Jeannie Walldren | 2008-12-31 |
Added keyboard shortcuts to buttons in Control Network Navigator window.
Added question box to Qnet Tool "Save Point" button to ask user whether
the reference measure should be replaced with the measure in the left
Jeannie Walldren | 2009-01-08 |
Updated user documentation. Modified Control Network Navigator window to
filter on existing filtered list until user selects the "Show All" button,
which will bring up all points in the control net or images in the serial
number list.
Jeannie Walldren | 2009-01-26 |
Added "Cube Name" filter to "Points" tab of Control Network Navigator
Eric Hyer | 2010-03-22 |
Discontinued forcing of gui style to windows
Eric Hyer | 2010-05-20 |
Connected FindTool's recordPoint signal to AdvancedTrackTool's record slot
Jeannie Walldren | 2010-06-14 |
Modified to uncheck "Held" in the QnetTool window if the "Cancel" button
is clicked in the Hold Point Dialog. Added a filter of Measure Properties
by Ignore Status to the Navigation Tool's Point Filters. Modified
Navigation Tool's Point Type filter to treat points as ignored if all
measures are ignored. Fixed bug that did not show proper colors of points
unless the QnetTool was open. Updated documentation.
Jeannie Walldren | 2010-07-01 |
Modified to reopen the Navigation Tool whenever the Tie Tool on the tool
pad is activated. Modified to draw points selected in the QnetTool last
so they are always visible on top of the other points. Added some
Tracie Sucharski | 2010-11-09 |
Fixed a bug in the Navigator when using the double-click option on the
Cube list.
Eric Hyer | 2010-11-19 |
Implement drawing control measures in the edit window displays.
Eric Hyer | 2010-11-22 |
Added functionality to stretch the control point editor displays.
Eric Hyer | 2010-12-03 |
In the new point and measure dialogs, put selected items at top of the list.
Eric Hyer | 2010-12-08 |
Organize the look of the control point editor and add icons. Display the
sub-pixel registration template filename.
Eric Hyer | 2010-12-14 |
Added an editor for the sub-pixel registration template file.
Tracie Sucharski | 2010-12-17 |
Converted from the Pvl control network keywords to the binary version.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-03-08 |
Implemented ground point selection.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-04-04 |
Implement the SetApriori dialog. Use the reference measure's lat/lon
when adding new measures. Print progress when reading control network
and initialize the cameras on the images.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-04-13 |
Allow the SetApriori dialog to stay open and fill values from the
current edit point.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-04-20 |
When saving measure, if the left measure equals the right measure,
copy right into left.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-04-28 |
In the Maximum residual filter, sort points by residual in descending order.
Fix bug in SetApriori dialog with edit locked points.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-05-05 |
Update values in point editor in response to input to the SetApriori dialog.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-05-20 |
Fixed bugs in the measure type filter and reference measures.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-06-08 |
Changed Control Point types Ground to Fixed and Tie to Free.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-06-15 |
When changes are made to a measure or point, change the text
color in the Save buttons to red.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-06-27 |
Forgot to turn Save buttons to red after auto-registration or using
the Find button.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-06-28 |
Create a table showing the control measures with their corresponding data for
the current edit control point.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-07-05 |
Added control point type to editor as a combo box. Added error checking for
edit locked points and refresh measure table.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-07-07 |
Grey out the Open Ground and Open Dem in the File menu until the cube list
and control network have been opened.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-07-12 |
Added point registration error filter to the Navigator.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-07-18 |
Allow ground file to be loaded on the left of the point editor.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-07-25 |
Fixed a bug when deleting points from the Navigator. Add option to the
SetApriori dialog for calculating the surface point.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-07-27 |
Fixed bug reading the radius from the Dem.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-08-03 |
Highlight thte reference measure in the file selection combo boxes.
Implement bilinear interpolation when reading radius from the Dem.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-08-08 |
Fixed bug when creating a new control network, forgot to set the
Target which caused program to crash when creating a new ground point.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-09-15 |
Speed up the blinking and drawing of control points on the cube
viewports for large control networks. Add an option for displaying
other points besides the current edit point in the editor displays.
If a control point has sigmas, do not erase when the point has been
re-located. Fixed the blinking problem with the measure table.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-09-16 |
Fixed bug when adding measures to a point when a ground source file
is opened. Draw fixed and constrained points on the ground source
display. If creating a ground point and no images intersect the
point, print an error. In the new point dialog display the
intersecting images at the stop of the file selection list.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-09-22 |
Fixed the problem with duplicate warnings when saving Ignored measures.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-09-29 |
Updated documentation. Implemented the "What's This" functionality
to the control point editor.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-10-21 |
Fixed bug that caused qnet to crash when creating a new control network.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-10-31 |
Changed the Save button on the qnet tool to save to current network,
rather than a "Save As".
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-11-09 |
Fixed problem caused by an image in the list which did not have any
measure associated with it.
Tracie Sucharski | 2011-12-05 |
Fixed bug with measure table not displaying all information when
table has been sorted.
Tracie Sucharski | 2012-01-11 |
Add error checking for creating point with invalid latitude, longitude.
Tracie Sucharski | 2012-05-07 |
Fixed following bugs: error when attempting to geom when using a ground
source as the reference measure, problem un-locking a measure even
if the point is un-locked and when changing between geom and rotate options,
chips were not resettting correctly.
Tracie Sucharski | 2012-05-08 |
Fixed bug that resulted in seg fault when deleting a point by middle clicking
on a cubeviewport after creating a ground point.
Tracie Sucharski | 2012-06-12 |
Fix made on 2012-05-07 caused a bug which would not allow a new measure
to be set as the reference measure.
Tracie Sucharski | 2012-07-30 |
Fixed bug which caused program to crash when left clicking on a cube when
there are no control points.
Tracie Sucharski | 2012-09-28 |
Fixed bug that resulted in a qt assert error when loading or creating a new
ground point if the ground source file had the Instrument group in the labels.
Tracie Sucharski | 2012-10-05 |
Improved error checking for opening a ground source file with the same serial
number as a cube in the cube list. This is not allowed, so an error with suggested
solution is printed.
Tracie Sucharski | 2013-05-16 |
Fixed bugs when attempting to delete a point in an empty network, deleting all
measures in a point. Fixed repetitive warnings when the current edit point does
not fall on the ground source. Fixes #1491, #1493, #1655.
Tracie Sucharski | 2013-12-06 |
Fixed following bugs: seg fault when selecting a new reference measure and moving
the point, seg fault when moving edit locked points without un-locking.
Also, improved error checking on ignored reference measures on constrained and
fixed points. Fixes #1603, #1624.
Ian Humphrey | 2015-10-07 |
Updated icons. Fixes #1041.
Ian Humphrey | 2015-11-19 |
Added shortcuts to Qnet Tool window for selecting right measures, registration, saving
measures, saving a point, adding a new measure, find, and saving the control network. Fixes
Makayla Shepherd | 2017-01-04 |
Fixed an issue that caused the Control Network Navigator to go behind the qnet main window
when using Gnome or Cinnamon. Fixes #4541.