ISIS Application Documentation
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Update camera pointing (SPICE) on a single cube
Overview | Parameters |
DescriptionThis program will update the camera pointing (CK) in the labels of a Level1 cube using a map projected, Level2 "Base" cube to determine the latitude/longitude of control points. Angles 1 and 2 of the camera pointing stored in the cube labels will be adjusted to align the coordinate of each sample/line from the "Match" level 1 cube with the latitude/longitude from the "Base" map projected cube. To solve for all three camera angles select the TWIST radio button in the Qtie Tool window. At least two control points will need to be selected for the TWIST option. The application will adjust the camera angles to align all control points with the latitude/longitude values from the "Base" cube with minimal errors using an iterative least-squares bundle adjustment. The number of iterations and tolerance (sigma0) for convergence can be selected from the Qtie Tool window. Solving for two angles only is similar to a translation of the image. Solving for twist will result in both a translation and a rotation of the image. This is the interactive version of the program "deltack". Like "jigsaw" and "deltack", it works on both framing cameras and line scanners. Note that only the camera pointing is solved for with qtie and deltack (solving for radius and spacecraft position are not options with these applications, refer to jigsaw for more options). To run qtie, you will enter a base map cube (map projected) and a match cube (unprojected) which will be the cube which will have the camera pointing updated. The unprojected match cube must have been initialized with the "spiceinit" program using ATTACH="YES". Optionally, an existing control network containing control points between the "Match" cube and a basemap, may be entered. There are 2 core windows used in this application. Qtie windowThe main qtie window is similar to the qview application. You will see many of the same tools, such as "Band Selection", "Zoom", "Pan", "Stretch" and "Find" along the right border. The "Tie" tool is the last button along the right toolbar. It will be the default tool selected when qtie is launched. In this window, select the "Open images" button or the Open action (from File menu). You will be prompted to enter the base map cube first followed by the level 1 (unprojected) cube to be tied to the base map. You then have the option of opening an existing control network which has control points between the "Match" cube and a basemap. Click the "Cancel" button to create a new control points. When the "Tie" tool is activated, the mouse buttons have the following function in the cube viewports of the main qtie window:(Note: Mouse events will only work on the "Match" cube)
Qtie Tool windowThis is the point editor window of qtie for modifying or creating a point. The window will display the cube that is the base map on the left and the level 1 cube on the right. Both measures ("Base" and "Match") may be moved.Changing Measure LocationsThe measure location can be adjusted by:
Other point editor functionsIn the File menu:
In the Options menu:
Along the top of the window:
Along the right border of the window:
Below the left view:
Below the right view:
Along the bottom:
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