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Imports a PDS4-formatted CaSSIS image into an ISIS-formatted cube.

Overview Parameters


The application, tgocassis2isis, takes a PDS4 formatted Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) image and outputs an ISIS cube from the image data.

Note that the corresponding .dat file containing the image data must be placed in the same directory as the XML file in order for this program to work as intended. Furthermore, this program is specific to CaSSIS formatted image data.

Below is an example of part of a CaSSIS XML label for one of the images that this program is capable of importing. It is vital that the XML label that is being imported has its labels formatted the same way in order for tgocassis2isis to work properly.

            <comment>CaSSIS specific XML header</comment>
              <scaling_factor> 1.00</scaling_factor>
              <value_offset> 0.00</value_offset>


The following table provides the nominal specifications for each of the 4 CaSSIS filters. Updated measured values may be available from the mission team.

CaSSIS Filter Nominal Specifications
Name Wavelength (nm) Equivalent Bandwidth (nm)
PAN 675 250
BLU 485 165
RED 840 100
NIR 985 220



Kelvin Rodriguez2016-08-15 Original version
Marjorie Hahn2016-08-17 Added user documentation. Fixes #4251.
Kristin Berry, Jeannie Backer, Jesse Mapel2017-01-13 Updated to be a standalone ingestion program which does not use ImageImporter. Changed app name to tgocassis2isis. Added filter table to documentation. References #4586
Makayla Shepherd2017-05-30 Updated to work with XmlToPvlTranslationManager rename. Fixes #4889.
Jeannie Backer2017-09-05 Added check to verify input input xml file corresponds to valid filter image.
Summer Stapleton2018-02-16 Added handling for image file extesnions of either .dat or .img. Fixes #5334.
Kristin Berry and Makayla Shepherd2018-05-15 Updated to ingest images which have been exported using tgocassisrdrgen. Fixes #5418.
Kristin Berry and Makayla Shepherd2018-05-15 Updated to ingest Mapping groups from images have been exported using tgocassisrdrgen. Fixes #5418.
Kristin Berry and Makayla Shepherd2018-05-22 Updated to ingest mosaics exported from tgocassisrdrgen #5418.
Summer Stapleton2018-05-22 Stripped the "Z" from the StartTime value in the "Instrument" group to handle re-ingestion of PDS4 compliant .xml files.
Jeannie Backer2018-08-12 Added ObservationId to Archive group.

U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
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To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board
To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github
File Modified: 02/21/2025 19:28:14

Files: FROM


The PDS4 CaSSIS formatted XML file containing the metadata on the image. The corresponding .dat file for the XML must be inside of the same directory that the XML is in before running the program.

Type filename
File Mode input
Filter *.xml
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Files: TO


Use this parameter to select the filename for the output ISIS cube. This cube will be the ISIS equivalent of the imported CaSSIS image.

Type cube
File Mode output
Filter *.cub
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