ISIS Application Documentation
voy2isis | Printer Friendly View | TOC | Home |
Import PDS formatted Voyager EDR into Isis format cube
Overview | Parameters | Example 1 |
DescriptionThis program will take in raw image files from the Voyager spacecraft mission and import them into Isis formatted cubes. The input files are compressed Planetary Data System (PDS) formatted Voyager Experiment Data Record (EDR) files. The output cube will contain tranlated labels in pvl format with instrument, archive, bandbin, kernel, and nominal reseau information. Some input images from the PDS archive may be missing a value for INSTRUMENT_NAME in their header. For these images, the name of the instrument can be specified as NAC (NARROW_ANGLE_CAMERA) or WAC (WIDE_ANGLE_CAMERA) using the optional INSTRUMENT parameter. Users are encouraged to find this information in the pds data volume file. CategoriesRelated Objects and DocumentsApplicationsDocumentsHistory
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 02/21/2025 19:28:14 |
Parameter GroupsFiles
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 02/21/2025 19:28:14 |
Use this parameter to select the Voyager PDS EDR file to be imported. These files are in compressed format and have the form cnnnnnnn.imq where "nnnnnnn" is the FDS count. When selecting input files that are decompressed, set this parameter to the LBL file that points to the corresponding IMG.
Type | filename |
File Mode | input |
Filter | *.imq |
Use this parameter to select the output filename for the imported image.
Type | cube |
File Mode | output |
Filter | *.cub |
This parameter is used to specify the InstrumentId for the image. If left at its default value, ISIS will determine the InstrumentId automatically using the INSTRUMENT_NAME value from the input image. This option was added because some images are missing the INSTRUMENT_NAME from their labels.
Type | string | ||||||||||||
Default | AUTOMATIC | ||||||||||||
Option List: |
Example 1Using voy2isis Description
This example shows the use of voy2isis to ingest Voyager EDRs and output
Isis cubes.
Command Line
from=input/voyagerEdr.imq to=isisImage.cub
This example shows how to import with voy2isis. Both parameters must
be used.
GUI ScreenshotData FileLinks open in a new window.
Output Image |
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 02/21/2025 19:28:14 |