1#ifndef BundleObservationVector_h
2#define BundleObservationVector_h
15#include <QSharedPointer>
19#include "BundleImage.h"
20#include "BundleObservation.h"
21#include "IsisBundleObservation.h"
22#include "CsmBundleObservation.h"
23#include "BundleSettings.h"
66 QString observationNumber,
This class is a container class for BundleObservations.
double vtpvContribution()
Compute vtpv, the weighted sum of squares of constrained image parameter residuals.
BundleObservationQsp addNew(BundleImageQsp image, QString observationNumber, QString instrumentId, BundleSettingsQsp bundleSettings)
Adds a new BundleObservation to this vector or fetches an existing BundleObservation if this vector a...
QMultiMap< QString, BundleObservationQsp > m_instIdToObservationMap
Map between instrument ID and pointer to observation.
QMultiMap< QString, BundleObservationQsp > m_imageSerialToObservationMap
Map between image serial number and pointer to observation.
QList< QString > instrumentIds() const
Get a list of all instrument IDs that there are observations for.
BundleObservationVector & operator=(const BundleObservationVector &src)
Assignment operator.
int numberParameters()
Returns the sum of the position parameters and pointing parameters for the contained BundleObservatio...
BundleObservationQsp observationByCubeSerialNumber(QString cubeSerialNumber)
Accesses a BundleObservation associated with the passed serial number.
QMultiMap< QString, BundleObservationQsp > m_observationNumberToObservationMap
Map between observation number and pointer to observation.
Constructs an empty BundleObservationVector.
QList< BundleObservationQsp > observationsByInstId(QString instrumentId) const
Get all of the observations with a specific instrument ID.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.